Lash wrote:
Frank, I'm not taking bribes from Monsanto and stashing away millions while people are being poisoned in their grocery store. I like you, but I can't believe you are buying that load.
I don't think I am buying anything, Lash. I honestly feel that WE, the people...are the problem.
I know we regularly blame the politicians and the media and the nabobs of big business (I do it occasionally)...
...but the greater fault (in my opinion) falls at our feet.
The politicians are doing what we are all doing...which is to look out for self and family first...and then for our fellow beings. We choose our politicians from ourselves...so they are not only
like us...the ARE us.
The media in America, with minor exceptions, has become part of the entertainment business. Some of the print media still has a bit of integrity, but even that is compromised by publisher biases...toward the right or left. The television and radio media is gone...GONE. It is damn near all business...and viewership and sponsorship is all that matters. If something gets reported...it is a lucky occurrence. If something particularly dreadful happens...it is a cause for rejoicing, because the news then dominates entertainment.
We truly are the problem, Lash. But I like you also and I do not want to fight you on this.