Bub, I did read your initial post and you didn't say Carter was "probably the most moral and honest man in the last 50 years to become POTUS," you said he was the
only one.
In fact, since you apparently forget just what you wrote, here it is:
Quote:We've had one honest POTUS in the last 50 years. A man who lived a Christian life with little fanfare, a man of intelligence who required logical persuasion, a man of piety and honor, a man who was willing to place himself at harms way and a man who recognized that all blame was his.
If you want to change your tune now, that's fine, but don't give me crap about not bothering to read what you wrote.
This is a discussion forum, not a bulletin board for posting paens to favorite presidents.
Your comment about Carter being willing to place himself in harm's way is totally unsupportable. As for someone who recognized "that all blame" was his, yes, he did the right thing after the debacle of our attempt to rescue the Iranian hostages, but did he really have a choice? Which president has found himself in the same mess and not taken responsibility? (well, there is that guy Obama)
What other blame did he accept? You remember his speech after the Iranian debacle. Do you remember his infamous "malaise" speech in which he blamed the American people for the mess the country was in?
You seem to think his problem was entirely a matter of not being willing or able to play the political game. That's bunk.
The American people didn't decide not to re-elect him because he was too honest and honorable, they soundly booted him out because he was incompetent. An incompetent leader, not an incompetent politician.
The notion that he was the only decent person to occupy the White House in the last 50 years is bunk as well.