India Restores 1861 Law Banning ~ (Gay) Sex. Many Steps Forward For The Well Being Of The Future Of

Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:02 am
*India Restores 1861 Law Banning ~ (Gay) Sex. Many Steps Forward For The Well Being Of The Future Of the life on this planet!* Bravo to Russia and now India and I do not blame them one bit, I applaud them for very good reasons.. Homosexual activists lies and deceptions are finally catching up with them as countries of the globe are beginning to see homosexual activist insanity diseasing the globe with homosexual activist lies, deceptions, discrimination, ignorance, selfishness, greed and irrationality. Bravo to Russia and India for this, I know that you are not haters and don't sweat the insane weak pathetic mentality of homosexual activists, they label anything or anyone who opposes their lies and deceptions as a hater because that is the extend of their pea brained mentality quite obviously. They are already trying to force their garbage on India in attempt to dictate to India, India's actions through some pathetic petition.Their days of crying wolf with with this load of crap draws near to an end. That petition isn't even worthy of wiping ones back side with. remember it's always the same hundred thousand homosexual activists that travel the globe to try and make it look like there are more imbeciles supporting their bias agenda than there actually are. It wouldn't surprise me if these same one hundred thousands each signed the petition 100 times to make it once again look like there are more supporters than there actually are because when it comes to homosexual activists they base everything on lies and deceptions and again I have already proven this and for this these imbeciles have discriminated me and my work to try and hide it from the globe. Well I am pleased to say, no longer!.

The following composition has just been released to many parliaments / Legislative assemblies of world governments now including India's House Of The People Members as well Supreme Court of India among other official contacts. I am getting it to them just in time to make a well informed decision before they get some bias garbage petition handed to them. I will soon be sending world governments the proof that homosexual activists base their every issue to do with their bias agenda on lies and deceptions while even encouraging homosexual to continue to discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation all the while whining false claims of discrimination against their sick pathetic filth. It is of course my pleasure to be here for the well being of the future of the life on this planet by putting an end to this homosexual activist social insanity once and for all. It will be so nice never to hear their bias garbage main streamed on media etc. ever again or see them getting away with crying wolf every time their lies and deceptions catch up with them.

Here is that most recent article:

(Greetings to all Members of India House Of The People. It is a pleasure and an honour to address all of you on this very important global issue that directly involves the future of all life on this planet. With great respect for the knowledge of diversity that the world has in many forms of different languages, I ask of you to please understand that I do not have the time to learn every language in retrospect to fairness for all in my life time. This is very important information I have for all of you. I encourage that if you do not speak English to be able to read and understand the following information, please do have this translated accurately and genuinely for your understanding of this composition. By all means you are all welcome to share this with everyone.)

Global Warning: U.K. Update From Canada. December 2013 Edition. (Part 1)

(Canada and UK Officials along with some US officials and UN officials / approximately 2500 have already been sent a copy of this very composition as well various governments of the globe are now getting this such as India right now)

Government Already Opened Doors For Homosexuals To Discriminate Heterosexuals Legally Long Ago And Even Funds This While Telling Citizens That Being Heterosexual Is Not Good Enough, You Either Have To Be Homosexual Or Bi Sexual To Be An Accepted Part Of Society! We All Deserve Far Better Than To Be Governed By This Soon To Be Short Lived Mockery Made Of Modern Society!

Fact: What makes a heterosexual a heterosexual is that a heterosexual exclusively has sex with one or those born of the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with.

Fact: A homosexual is one who exclusively has sex with one or those born with the same sex genital they themselves were born with..

Two simple primary facts which are not contestable by anyone any where with so much as a shred of validity.

The government openly supports and even funds homosexuals getting their genitals surgically mutilated along with a whole other list of deceptive procedures legally to support the deception they refer to as gender re assignment surgery.. Unfortunately this leads to heterosexuals being discriminated against for our very own sexual orientation by becoming victims to these homosexual deceptions. Of course while this has been going on we have homosexual activists forcing upon society through the media and the government itself that what it takes to be a heterosexual includes having sex with a homosexual with a mutilated genital. Homosexual activists base that claim on only because homosexual activists decided to come up with a name to describe a homosexual that got the genital mutilation surgery, and that name is trans gender. Because they came up with a name to describe this type of homosexual, they are now trying to dictate to society that once that homosexual got their genital mutilated they are no longer homosexual but trans gender (even though.Fact: A homosexual is one who exclusively has sex with one or those born with the same sex genital they themselves were born with.) Then they try telling you that because the homosexual that got their genital mutilated felt that they were the opposite sex before the operation, a heterosexual having sex with them still makes the heterosexual a heterosexual. Because a homosexual suffers psychosis, homosexual activists see fit to dictate to heterosexuals a blown wide open white faced lie that having sex with a homosexual makes you a heterosexual. They make up a name to try and mask what these homosexuals really are as well a free legal pass and the tools (deceptive procedures etc.) to deceive, discriminate, humiliate, traumatize as many heterosexuals as they possibly feel like in their life time.

Again homosexual activists avoid the facts that "a homosexual is one who exclusively has sex with one or those born with the same sex genital they themselves were born with" and "What makes a heterosexual a heterosexual is that the heterosexual exclusively has sex with one or those born of the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with." so they can continue to deceive and discriminate heterosexuals! I'm not about to just sit back and let this mockery made of modern society continue to occur.

Where is the justice when you have a government full of cowards caving in to a bunch of homosexual activist false threats of discrimination which has now after all of these years opened the flood gates for discrimination against heterosexuals to be treated as lab rats to homosexual deceptions?!!

Homosexual activists are trying to force upon society that it doesn't matter if a heterosexual is born a heterosexual because homosexuals are born with psychosis and want to get their genital mutilated, along with other procedures so that if they choose, they can make unsuspecting heterosexuals their victim through directly discriminating heterosexuals, disrespecting heterosexuals, degrade heterosexuals, traumatize and humiliate heterosexuals for the rest of that homosexuals life. Government supported and funded.

The government supports heterosexuals being homosexuals victims through this legalization of discrimination against heterosexuality.

With all of these procedures, of which some of them could be used for legitimate purposes as opposed to homosexual purposes of which homosexual purposes directly leads to discrimination against heterosexuals for our very sexual orientation. They are making a complete mockery of heterosexuality right now while pleading for support to continue to discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation by trying to make the issue to be only about having sympathy for a homosexual that has a hard time accepting themselves for what gender they are born.

A list of procedures homosexuals can legally get for now with obvious full legal support from our government to have the freedom to use these deceptive procedures to discriminate, degrade, humiliate, traumatize heterosexuals for our sexual orientation at will:

Voice masculinization or feminization Surgery (to make a man sound more like a woman or a woman sound more like a man)
bilateral mastectomy (breast removal)
chest reconstruction / chest contouring (chest shaping to make female appear more like male or male appear more like female)
hysterectomy (the removal of internal sex organs).
Sex organ surgery (Surgical mutilation of a penis or a vagina)
Scrotoplasty / Oscheoplasty (The surgical attempt to make labia.appear as scrotum)
silicone prosthetic testicles (fake testicles)
Facial feminization or masculinization surgery / facial plastic reconstruction. (procedures that modify bone or cartilage structures, typically in the jaw, brow, forehead, nose and cheek)
Masculine Breast augmentation (A procedure that attempts to make the base of the female breast appear as a male breast)
Feminine Breast augmentation (A procedure that attempts to make the base of the male breast appear as a female breast)
Inverted "T" procedure (The surgical attempt to make a female nipple on a breast appear as a male nipple on a breast)
Tracheal shave (used to reduce cartilage in the throat to conform it to appear more feminine.)
Buttock augmentation (To make a male rear end look more like a female rear end or a female rear end look more like a male rear end.)

All of this and more along with hormone therapy is shockingly and shamefully for now legally used for purposes of discrimination against heterosexuality and much of this mockery is being funded by tax payers through government. Heterosexuals are being treated like excrement who pay a government that funds homosexuals to discriminate heterosexuals for our very sexual orientation. Open your eyes, Homosexuals discriminating heterosexuals is deemed as legal and is still for now openly supported by our government!

According to the government if you are heterosexual you are not good enough. You either have to be gay or bi sexual or you are quite simply a homophobe, a hater and a bigot and proof of this is that the government has made legal, supports and even funds all of these procedures that aid homosexuals in discriminating heterosexuals for our sexual orientation, from robbing us of being heterosexual..

The problem with just legalizing homosexuality decades ago was that at the time there was only accountability for the fact that yes there are homosexuals that just want to have sex with other homosexuals and just want to be left alone hence the reason for legalizing homosexuality. What there was lack of accountability in is the fact that there are also homosexuals who deliberately discriminate heterosexuals for our very sexual orientation with homosexual deceptions.

If when homosexuality was legalized, discrimination against heterosexuality was criminalized, that would have cleaned up this whole insane homosexual activist manifest before it even began! Yet for decades while homosexuals have been deliberately discriminating heterosexuals for our very sexual orientation homosexual activists have been begging false claims of discrimination against homosexuality just so that these homosexuals can continue to treat heterosexuals like a bunch of dumb puppets while legally getting away with discriminating us while having their lies and deceptive agenda even funded at tax payers expense.

What a sick world we live in. It's time we make all of these procedures illegal for the purpose attempting to make anyone appear to be the opposite sex which directly leads to heterosexuals becoming victims to such disgusting, filthy, degrading, humiliating, traumatizing homosexual deceptions. We need to criminalize discrimination against heterosexuality immediately / as soon as possible and make illegal surgical genital mutilation of the intent to make one sex look like the opposite sex that individual was born. Just because homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are doesn't mean everyone / anyone else should be made to suffer for it!

We are heterosexuals and we were born this way. We are not bi sexual and we are not homosexual no matter how desperate homosexual activists are to try and drag everyone else down to their level, we are not your guinea pigs, lab rats, cattle or sexual play toys for that matter. I am well beyond offended and applaud Russia on their latest actions to do with this issue in lieu of watching weaker minded parliaments make a complete mockery of themselves. Also, someone needs to remind elected officials that political party trade off's is not democracy!


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

India recently restoring the 1861 law

Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:30 am
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
Dreadful news.

I am glad I live in a more sensible country - with a reasonably sensible prime minister.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 09:31 am
Oh you live in a country of weak pathetic minded parliamentarians that caved to false threats of discrimination by pathetic homosexual activist so that they can force their lies and deceptions through legislation upon the country you live.

We deserve better and in good time you will see things change. I am insulted that here in Canada our government of weak minded parliamentarians let us down so very badly because they are too lazy and cowardly to have dealt with these imbeciles appropriately.

you refer to retardation, insanity, lies and deceptions to form a countries legislations as sensible to no surprise coming from the insane ignorant mentality of a homosexual activist.

/ David
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 05:44 pm
You seem angry David...were you assaulted by an Uncle, priest, camp counselor, and are you twisted and torn apart because you liked it?
Lustig Andrei
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 06:16 pm
Too bad. I was hoping that India was progressing, not regressing.
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 06:20 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
I'm a homosexual activist?


You are one weird chick.
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 07:10 pm
Bravo, India! Rolling Eyes Drunk

You've just restored a law from the sexually repressed glory days of British Raj!

I don't know that much about India, but from this video it looks like queer people have been part of the culture for centuries (skip to about 3:30):

Tue 17 Dec, 2013 07:19 pm
Okay, the New York Times article that Specky linked to explains dual nature of India's views on homosexuality fairly well:

India has a rich history of eunuchs and transgender people who serve critical roles in important social functions and whose blessings are eagerly sought. Transgender people often approach cars sitting at traffic lights here and ask for money, and many Indians — fearing a powerful curse if they refuse — hand over small bills.

Despite this history, Indians are in the main deeply conservative about issues of sexuality and personal morality. National surveys show that Indians widely disapprove of homosexuality and, on average, have few sexual partners throughout their lives.
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 07:42 pm
He should be angry, he’s the sorriest looking drag queen I’ve ever seen.
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:01 pm
Kolyo wrote:

Bravo, India! Rolling Eyes Drunk

Just wanted to add: the Rolling Eyes and Drunk are there to imply sarcasm.

(Sorry if I offended anyone.)
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Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:58 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
David Jeffrey Spetch wrote:

the reason is already presented within the composition beginning this very thread retard.

/ david

composition? Don't flatter yourself
David Jeffrey Spetch
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:59 pm
another retard desperately scrambles to drag me down to their pathetic level. Yawn.

/ david
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Wed 18 Dec, 2013 05:11 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
David Jeffrey Spetch wrote:

another retard desperately scrambles to drag me down to their pathetic level. Yawn.

/ david

Not sure why you're worried about gays, your not actually eye candy, more like eye patch candy.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 09:53 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
David Jeffrey Spetch wrote:
@Lustig Andrei,
they are progressing despite your pathetic delusional state of mind through your desperate attempt to make what is into what your retarded homosexual activist brain would rather it be.

But Lustig Andrei is a heterosexual.

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