@David Jeffrey Spetch,
I'm trying to be respectful here. I will also be stating the obvious, although some people would say I'm wasting my time posting this.
Your grievance against the homosexual rights movement seems to be your belief that the very few individual men who undergo sex-change surgery are homosexuals seeking to deceive heterosexual men into having sex with them. This particular psychological phenomenon is not the same as homosexuality. It has to do with
gender identification,
not sexual attraction. Granted, I'm not speaking as a professional. I'm just making my own personal observation. In other words, there is not some vast conspiracy by gays to subvert straight men into having sex with them. This elementary fact should be obvious to everyone. Even religious opponents of gay rights don't make this claim. So, I don't know what the cause of your obsession is. Perhaps you're not being serious. Maybe you're just having fun. But if you
are serious, I don't get it. But I'm not the smartest guy around; so, who knows?
By the way, I've been happily married to the same woman for 30-plus years. I am convinced she is the genuine article and is not the byproduct of modern medical technology. I've fathered two (count 'em,
two!) children with my
very own sperm!

So, I'm not one of those sinister whatever you call 'em who are trying to trick you into doing something you shouldn't do. Relax and take a load off your shoulders. No use borrowing anxiety. Seriously!