OG doesn't use colloquialisms, his writing is garbled and confused. It's a best fit when trying to comprehend, you can't really be certain of anything.
I wouldn't have thought that having a moral code was irrelevant when you're trying to argue a religious point of view. If you're going to start calling people cowardly bastards you can't complain when your own principles are called into account.
If FM is able to pick holes in your peer reviewed papers and point out that your scientists are fringe figures then your argument doesn't that solid to begin with.
At the end of the day you're asking me to take your word over his, and I'm not going to do that. FM doesn't sound like he's enjoying this, that he finds it all rather arduous and is doing it more out of a sense of public duty. You are the exact opposite, despite all your scientific referencing, you don't come across as being scientific in your manner. If you go looking for something you'll find it whether it's there or not, and that's what I think you've done. And it's all a bit too preachy for my taste.