These people think they are reacting 'rational' and 'logical'.
Of course they are not, if you just look at their reactions.
I really haven't seen one logical response here.
Even worse, if they don't like it they will ridicule you and what not.
But logic, ehh, no!
They reject by default what they don't like or don't understand.
Kind of children that only eat what they want instead of eating what is
healthy for them
But that is what formal 'education' does to the children. It really, really, really is brainswashing the children to their core. I try to be patient with them, or as I tried a few postings back, use babysteps.
But then just look at how difficult it is for them all. I think they feel their
views are beings, slowly but surely, threatened.I once also believed the evili-loton crap, (they seem to conveniently forget), but if one really digs into the whole beast with an open mind it is very easy to see how absurd it all is.
I don't agree with all of your views, but I do agree with what you see are the huge flaws in evil-lotion.
Once I learned about the so many hoaxes, I thought , well, if it is all true why make these hoaxes? And there is so much more.
Another thing people don't get. I am no creationist (but if I dig into it all I am certainly prepared to change my mind).if one has critique on the evil-lotion, one is automatically a 'religious nutcase (whatever that is). Which also proves
they think like childeren. it is called 'black & white" thinking.
And don't forget that if some-ones (finally) sees the huge flaws in evil-lotion, then they have to start many many questions about other things they have learned.That may feel very dangerous for some.
For them it is like this:
And then there is this that applies to some people here, and so clear to see
to whom: