Re. Never had a credit card astonishment....
You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
OK, I'll tell you......
The year was 1976 or thereabouts, and the credit card craze had just arrived in the UK.
The pioneers of this crazy spending malarky included my best friend, who had suddenly kitted his bedroom out with all the modern gadgetry under the sun, had also filled his wardrobe with designer flares, various colours of Levi jacket, platform shoes that would make dear old Elton blush, and copious shirts, kipper ties and smart coats etc.
One thing he'd neglected to do though, was pay for any of them.
We were sunbathing in his garden one afternoon, a fairly large group of all three genders, when suddenly these suited guys strolled up to us, and informed my friend that they were taking goods to the value of blah blah amount, as he hadn't paid his credit card.
They proceeded to take various appliances, including his parent's telly, radio, food mixer and cooker, and we stood and watched a fully grown 19 year old crumple as the van buggered off into the proverbial sunset.
His father was a champion boxer during his army days, so our brave little group got the hell out of there before said father returned home.
I don't think any of us ever felt the desire to get a credit card after that.
Anyhoo, it's lovely to see you back on the boards again, mein Munchen Gladbach, and implore anyone reading my drivel to just feel about in their pockets for a bit, and after they've enjoyed it for a few minutes, go and get their cards out and press a few buttons.
Shewolf is one hell of a proud, impressive lady and this must be the hardest thing in the world for her to do, so it shows what dire straits she's in.
Please do what you can.
Here's the link....
Thank you.