well the optimum age is 4. i know that if i put her in daycare, the medical bills will increase, she will pick up bad habits, her security will decrease, she will regress on her learning, she will regress and start wearing diapers all over again. (she has been out of them since 17 months because of EC) , behavioral problems. A study conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, found that those who spend long hours in child care will experience more stress and are at increased risk of becoming overly aggressive, and lastly the main concern is my daughter is pretty shy and studies have shown that children who are shy do horribly in groups at this age, and their stress levels tend to be higher in a daycare or group settings without the parent.
All of this is a concern that my daughter will not be a secure adult, because of not being close and secure to a parent in a comfortable setting. The ability to learn new skills also will decline.
So it Jespah it isn't just because I don't want to put her in daycare, I definitely have reasoning behind it.
I'm just ... well ... trying to make things work with what i got. . . I don't want to be in a relationship with him, but right now it seems like it's the best option.