I have to start coming back on here more, I've been so preoccupied that I've missed out on a lot.
But for those of you that know a lot of what was going on before... I finally did it, finally stood up for myself... Decided I deserved better and I have asked for a divorce. Sad it took me so many years and lies. But everything happens for a reason.
He's staying at his mothers and occasionally on the couch because I work nights and he watches the kids. But for the first time in about three years, I finally feel alive... Free.... Liberated.
So to all of you that told me to have the strength to do it, I appreciate it more than you'll ever know! And for those of you that are friends with me on fb, we've been keeping it hush until things are closer to being finalized. It's easier to keep as much drama out of it as possible..
My kids are my biggest priority and I am trying to so all this with as little effect in them as possible.... I would do anything for them.
Haha you were supposed to pay attention to the singing, damn boobs always get in the way lol
0 Replies
Sat 9 Nov, 2013 04:58 pm
Crazylady, I love you - I mean that in the clearest way, that I appreciate all the stuff over all this time that you have worked through, and would hug if that wouldn't put you off if we met.
You will still have whim whams. So do we all but you are moving ahead.
I'm so glad to read this. Thank you for telling us.
Usually I just call you CL, since I have never thought you were crazy.
Thank you. . You guys have always been there for me, I started coming to this site when I was 18 and I have gotten a lot of amazing advice these last ten years.
And a hug is always accepted lol
Thanks for thinking I wasn't crazy, CL always works. My actual name is Christine :-)