trelawny hint
well, *blushes* I didn't actually find it, but... well... heh... um, ya. Well, the point is, I found the owls. Now that I solved the mystery, maybe I should start looking for the clues that led to it, lol!
It is definantly a moose. I found the image at a coloring book webpage. The webpage with the coloring book pic of that Moose (and it's called a moose on that page) is called the reading room. Not that I know if that has anything to do with the secret, but someone at the ROR acted like it does.
Also a band called Chicago rhythm and Blues has a song called Mo too-do-loo.
I have no idea if either of these things relate to the secret. But I'm still looking.
alllllllright.... back to secret 18.
there is alot of discussion in the DA going on about this right now... a few people have figured the secret out at that point, and all of them keep giving the same advice...
"read ever word of jaime's posts, EVERY WORD"
so, i went back and read all of them, and the only commonality that i have found is this...
Jaime keeps saying the words "who knows"
people are saying that the avatar hint is very easy - all ive got is moose nose. does this have to be combined with who knows? moose nose? whos the moose? ahhhhh i have NO idea what is going on. Just wanted to get the discussion started again!
But maybe the 'who knows' comment is just to point out the nose on the moose. There are no moose at MNI, there aren't any Moose in the wizard card accessories that Jamie has made. I just don't get it either.
But at the DA only one person claims to have solved it, the other thinks she's just really really close, so that person could be wrong. argh I just don't know on this one. It's going to drive me nuts too.
The person who solved it said that it was not on the Wizard Card site. She owled me since I posted that I was almost positive that it was located on that part of the site. The question is "Who Knows?" Snape doesn't and Mcgonagall doesn't so who is left?
Hmmm, not on the wizard card site. I've looked all over. I even Deuled today to see if there was anything different with deuling. Although that was good becuase with my new computer I was finally able to get the dragon skin wand.
I've gone through all the stores at diagon alley, gringotts, the sorting hat page, site map, home page and forums. Snape knows nothing about moose, nostrils or a nose.
I hope we get another hint, becuase it seems like so far only one person has found it.
I did the same thing, monkey! This one's got me baffled! CURSE YOU JAMIE!
Well, the web site the moose pic is from is called "The Reading Room" and the photo for the library on MNI (which is uh... where you read) has a book with the roman numerals for 18 on it.
That's as far as I've gotten... though Jamie said to read EVERY word of his posts.
Perhaps he left out the "ask snape" thing on purpose?
I was thinking the same thing BUT he did the same thing with the Owl Hunt. He thought it was 16. See?
Or was that just a set-up for his ultimate plain of unveiling Secret 18?

I have an older and a younger brother, one bigger and one smaller. My older brother says he's worth more than me, and that he makes people very rich.
What am I?
:wink: THANKS
But if it's in the Flourish and Blotts then where? I've looked through the main page and didn't see anything. I looked through the library message board. I wouldn't think we'd have to buy a book to get the secret and you can't sort through the library by author to see if Jamie wrote anything that he might have hid a secret in.
The book for the library ha always had that 18 number on it. So unless he's had it planned for a long long time I think that's a coincidense. Also ask snape knows nothing. He hasn't even been updated to have secret 18 lited with the other secrets.
The riddle answer is Sickle, it's on page one of this 18 page thread. Please read previous posts to see if the question you have has already been answeresd. Most of the secrets are all solved on the previous 17 pages here. So please read those and see if your question is answered. That way new posts can try to solve the newer secrets, and the older secrets can just be looked up on the past pages. It just makes it easier for everyone.
Does anyone have the POA game?
I mean I'm a little stuck on the part in Charms class where Harry and Ron have to pass that little water body to the other side.
hey all! ok, well, for secret 16 i asked snape why he was so generous, and then i got his answer, and the question he asked was "who was the irish seeker that harry watched" or something like that, isn't the answer Lynch? cuz when i typed in "Lynch" it said there were no matches found...

i already read the other pages and i found the riddles and the ror but

You have to put his first and Last name, Aidan Lynch (If it's spelled wrong Snape will yell at you).
For Vault 16 you first have to go thru the deuling game, on level 3 click the door, that will take you to a bridge with grim (dog) heads. You have to click the heads in order of the colors on the Duel Grim L6 clue that is found behind the door at the bottom of the forums page. Then go to Gringotts, and get in the cart and go backwards, it will tell you gate 16 and the code is perfect. That means it's a perfect number, go to google type in perfect number and the first result that has 4 digits (I think it starts with an 8) is the code. Then you see what is in the vault, read it then go say those words tro ask snape.
what is the answer to the next one, "what career requires an E in NEWT level in ....."
Just type 178 and get it without the research!
you cant because it says that you cheated and that a person has been notified!
ok, nvm i got my galleons