I can help with DA. Go to the site map and click the music note in the bottom left-hand corner of the page. New music notes will appear. You need to click the notes in this order: low B, E, G, F#, E, high B, A, F# (sorry, but I don't know the numerical sequence...if you don't read music, I think the note names show up if you hover on the notes). Then click the music note in the bottom right-hand corner ('process notes'). That will take you to the Room of Requirement.
this site was down, and i found bluey!!! did anyone else? you have to click on dobby's eye... im sorry i couldnt get thru to this site...
Dobby's eye? Where's that?
I did notice that one day Dobby was up instead of something else.. so is that the day we click the eye? What day is that? Do I have to wait another week?
Where is Dobby??? And I made it into the DA!!!!
I made it into the DA too!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, to those who helped out, and especially to annak for helping with the sequence of notes!
hey all! well, i think i've got the order of the notes right...but its not working for me

so let me go write down the order i got, and someone who got in, will you check it for me? and see if its right? pretty please?
ok, this is the order that i got "3,6,8,7,6,10,9,7" is that right? does anyone know? i might be getting some of the lower notes mixed up with the high ones, like which "A" is it? the first or last? if anyone can help that'd be grrrreat
low B, E, G, F#, E, high B, A, F# would be: 1, 6, 8, 7, 6, 10, 9, 7 and then click on the note on the other side. Question... how do you get BACK into the DA after you've gotten in once? Same way?
after u get into the DA u only have to click on the music note to get in
What day is Bluey avaliable?
Is this the right message:
Either your large image did not exist, or the height of the image is larger than 560 pixels, or the width is larger than 700 pixels.
Ok I figured out the Trelawny one.
How do you get Bluey it's the only one I need!
Also, What is with Pieface's Temp. Vault? It said the code is "It's perfect" so how do I get it open?
bluey is out on fridays, i think. thats wen i found it...
all you be quiet, you shouldn't be giving secrets!!!
Hello Dearest!! So do we love to talk about what MNI's secrets are..... I will have to look into it.