Moment-in-Time wrote:Anytime individuals choose to give their one life, it surely must be out of sheer desperation, and truly who among us will deny the Palestinians are a desperate people, and a desperate people may become a dangerous people. The occupation in the disputed territories is the root cause
Nonsense. The occupation ended back in the 1990s, back when people foolishly believed that the Palestinians were willing to make peace.
And what are the Palestinians supposed to be desperate for? They could have a state based on 1967 borders simply by agreeing to make peace with Israel.
Moment-in-Time wrote:and the chasing the Palestinians from the homes which today is called modern Israel. The root cause of the trouble is conceive via the displacement and the refugees who are not allowed to become Israelis even.
Were the Palestinians to ever make peace and accept a state based on 1967 borders, the refugees could become part of that state.
Moment-in-Time wrote:These displaced Palestinians are crying out to the international community who has heard their cry. They are now recognized in the UN a status which the US tried to prevent as a favor to Israel.
That was a unilateral move which largely ended prospects that the Palestinians could ever receive a state based on 1967 borders.
And yet somehow, when all hope was lost and it looked like due to the UN's aggression that the Palestinians were just going to have to be deported out of the West Bank, somehow Secretary Kerry managed to rescue negotiations and get the peace process back on track.
It really is a sad commentary on things that you anti-Semites reacted to this one last miracle of a chance at peace by spewing lie after hateful lie in order to poison the atmosphere behind the negotiations.
Moment-in-Time wrote:You complain of Palestinians atrocities against Israel but there are even worse atrocities against the Palestinian refugees by Israel.
No there aren't. All Israel ever does is try to defend themselves against people who refuse to stop attacking them.
It's not an atrocity for a Jew to defend himself.
Moment-in-Time wrote:Remember the Sabra and Shatila massacre in 1982, for starters? It was the slaughter of between 762 and 3,500 civilians, mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites, by a Lebanese Christian militia in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon from approximately 6:00 pm 16 September to 8:00 am 18 September 1982.
Hardly an atrocity "by Israel".
Moment-in-Time wrote:Israel has no rights beyond the 56% land she was given in 1948.
Nonsense. Until such time as Israel voluntarily hands land over to someone else, they have every right to do whatever they want with that land.
Moment-in-Time wrote:Israel is an expansionist nation and personally I don't think it will ever be satisfied with the land it has, the land it continues to steal from the Palestinians.
Nope. Israel has stolen nothing. And Israel has repeatedly shown that they are willing to give up land in exchange for peace.
Moment-in-Time wrote:Now this might sound farfetched but I think Israel would dearly love to take over one of the rich oil states. Right after GWB adm had invaded Iraq, Nouri Al-Maliki, Iraq's Prime Minister, was asked if Israel could have a pipeline run from Iraq to Israel. Maliki said "no." That the Arab league would have to sanction such a move and they were not going to while Israel remains far removed from her 1967 borders. That was quite a disappointment to the US and Israel because the Zionist nation was sure it was going to profit from the ouster of Saddam hussein and partake of Iraq's oil.
The reason it sounds far fetched is due to the fact that it is anti-Semitic malarkey.