It's official. The Tea Party hates their own country.

Reply Wed 2 Oct, 2013 09:34 pm
Instead, millions of people in America are now stressing over something they shouldn't have to.

It seems millions are stressing over something that won't affect them in any way shape or form. Most of the idiots whining about Obamacare have insurance through their employer or through the government already.
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Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 07:58 am
We? What gives an idiot like you and your tea party people to speak for me? I never voted for people like you nor will ever. The republican rep in my district is going to be opposed by me from this point on.
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Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 08:42 am
A question for you McGentrix. Is there anything that is too extreme for you?

Is there anything that the Tea Party controlled GOP House could do that you would consider out of bounds? Or is the attitude of keep fighting for our position no matter how much it hurts the country really OK with you?

I am already expecting that you turn the question around to the Democrats, so let me spare you the trouble.

What the Tea Party is doing is extreme and out of bounds. You don't hurt the country to fight ideological battles. If the Democrats were behaving like the Tea Party is behaving I would strongly oppose them even for an issue that I care about.

So tell me. Is there anything that is too extreme for your side?

Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 09:05 am
The House has passed bills over to the Senate that Harry Reems refuses to address. So who is holding up the legislative process?
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Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 09:06 am
Sure there is. I am actually pretty moderate in most things. A lot of the rhetoric is frustratingly terrible. But, in this case, I agree with them and the tactics they are using.

Bear in mind that the it is the Democrats rigidity and inability to make any concessions that has brought govt to a halt. The house Republicans have made multiple attempts to pass spending bills on everything else that govt funds except the ACA. Do you understand what I am saying here? Or, do you only see a bunch of cry babies that aren't getting their way and throwing a tantrum?

I suspect it's the latter based on what you have written so far. If you look at it from my point of view though, it's really the Dems and Obama that have brought everything to a standstill.

I even have a vested interest in this as my wife gets furloughed Monday after her dept runs out of money. The house Republicans have a bill to fund that, but the Dems have their panties in a wad and won't agree with it. It's all or nothing with them.
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 09:09 am
The GOP could give up repeal if Democrats grant a 1 year delay for individual mandate.

GOP might give up 1 year delay if Dems open up say Keystone.

I am sure these "smart people" who were elected could figure out something other than a shutdown.

My personal preference would be to elect new leadership in the Congress. Remove Bohener, McConnell, Reid, Pelosi. These children just can not play together.
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 09:14 am
No negotiations and no piecemeal bills is my idea of a strategy. If you give them the things they are demanding they will realize this could work every time from now on and they would demand more and more such ridiculous things.
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Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 09:50 am
McGentrix wrote:

Sure there is. I am actually pretty moderate in most things. A lot of the rhetoric is frustratingly terrible. But, in this case, I agree with them and the tactics they are using.

Bear in mind that the it is the Democrats rigidity and inability to make any concessions that has brought govt to a halt. The house Republicans have made multiple attempts to pass spending bills on everything else that govt funds except the ACA. Do you understand what I am saying here? Or, do you only see a bunch of cry babies that aren't getting their way and throwing a tantrum?

I suspect it's the latter based on what you have written so far. If you look at it from my point of view though, it's really the Dems and Obama that have brought everything to a standstill.

I even have a vested interest in this as my wife gets furloughed Monday after her dept runs out of money. The house Republicans have a bill to fund that, but the Dems have their panties in a wad and won't agree with it. It's all or nothing with them.

You could not be more wrong when you put the blame on the Dems.

I assume you know that, when considered by itself, bills to defund Ocare have beeen shot down over 40 times. So now the Reps say they will extort the country, by not extending the debt limit, to make the Dems go along with defunding. The Dems would be crazy to negotiate this type of nonsense.

Now the Reps say they will piecemeal funding for various agencies if the Dems go along with defunding Ocare. The Reps assume that the public will then blame the Dems. This may or may not work -- the public is pretty naive, which is an understatement.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:13 am
woiyo wrote:

The GOP could give up repeal if Democrats grant a 1 year delay for individual mandate.

GOP might give up 1 year delay if Dems open up say Keystone.

I am sure these "smart people" who were elected could figure out something other than a shutdown.

My personal preference would be to elect new leadership in the Congress. Remove Bohener, McConnell, Reid, Pelosi. These children just can not play together.

That isn't giving up anything. That's like offering to only hit you in the face 5 times instead of 20. The GOP is only changing their demand but not offering to give up anything they want.

How about the GOP offer to not introduce any legislation on Keystone for a year? How about the offer to sign on to a gun registry? That would be an offer. Simply demanding something and then reducing your demand isn't compromise.
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:20 am
Bear in mind that the it is the Democrats rigidity and inability to make any concessions that has brought govt to a halt. The house Republicans have made multiple attempts to pass spending bills on everything else that govt funds except the ACA.

The GOP created the crisis. Then then attempted to use the crisis THEY created to extort something they can't get through the regular legislative process. And you somehow thing it is the fault of the other side.

IF the GOP had passed the required appropriation bills and sent them to the Senate where they died, then you would have an argument. But the GOP failed to do their required job.

If the GOP had responded to the 18 requests to form a conference committee prior to the crisis they created then you would have an argument. But the GOP failed to do their job.

Your point of view is the side that was MOST responsible for the crisis is least to blame? How can any reasonable person reach that conclusion?
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:37 am
Then you have no idea what negotiations and compromise really means.

You are just stuck on mob rule, like reid, Pelosi.

YOu are the problem.
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:38 am
I suppose Democrats, who continue to expand spending programs making the deficits worse has nothing to do with the debt ceiling issue ! YIKES!!!!
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:42 am
Compromise means both sides actually give up something. It doesn't mean one side just reduces what they are demanding the other side give up. That isn't compromise.

Let me ask you woiyo.
Please fill in the blank.
The GOP has offered to give up ___________.

Until you can actually put something in that blank that they have actually offered that they want there is no way this is a compromise.
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:46 am
woiyo wrote:

I suppose Democrats, who continue to expand spending programs making the deficits worse has nothing to do with the debt ceiling issue ! YIKES!!!!

OK... let's find the facts that are wrong in your statement.
1. What spending programs are expanding that are making the deficit worse? (Hint, you won't be able to find one that is supported by the CBO numbers.)

2. The deficits have been going DOWN, not up. They have gone down every year under Obama.

YIKES!!! is right. When you simply ignore reality and instead make up your own then there is no room for compromise because you are not in any fashion being reasonable.

Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:55 am
What have the Dem's offered to give up?
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 10:58 am
Who gives up anything in a clean CR? Both sides are equal.

But just to sweeten the pot, the dems have agreed to a lower dollar amount for the budget.
Reid said after the White House meeting: Democrats have already agreed to the Republicans’ budget number. ”I don't know why they haven't accepted their own number,” Pelosi said. “We stood on steps to say we're making a firm offer that we will accept the 988 [figure]. Most of us don't like 988.”
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Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:27 pm
McGentrix is right, there was no negation on the ACA.

Interesting Freudian lapse.
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Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 08:28 pm
The Dems need not give up anything. The right tried over 40 times to kill Ocare, and failed. Now the right wants to extort the country to finally go along with its effort to kill Ocare.
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Reply Fri 4 Oct, 2013 09:02 am
Let's see, how about these few...

"Enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, as the modern-day food-stamp benefit is known, has soared 70% since 2008 to a record 47.8 million as of December 2012"

Total Federal Debt has increased from 6 T in 200 to 16T as of 2012.

So just open you little mind and accept the reality. This current group of Senators, Congressman and the entire Executive Branch are incapable of handling this US economy.

Feel free to support whichever crime family you currently subscribe to, but realize neither of them give a rats ass about me, you and everyone else but themselves.
Reply Fri 4 Oct, 2013 10:26 am
The nation isn't going into debt to pay for the increased costs of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

The sources of the debt are the recession (which is also the reason for the increase in SNAP enrollment) that the country is slowly getting out of, the wars waged in Iraq and Afghanistan, the tax cuts and economic stimulus, and increased defense spending.
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