Moment-in-Time wrote:
...especially the Ashkenazi, who are Khazar converts to Judaism.
You are accepting a canard. If any Khazars converted to Judaism, it was the military class. The others just assimilated into the mass of pagans that still existed then. The legend is that they were trying to avoid taxation by the Pope or the Caliph, so they mixed with existing Ashkenazi settlements in Russia.
But, the point is that while the entire progressive/liberal world accepts diversity in its countries, only the Arabs are allowed to have a homogeneous population? The joke is that previously, Jews had to tow the line in Christian Europe; now they should tow the line in Muslim Middle East. Now one might understand the Yiddish phrase, mishegoyim (mixed up Gentiles).
But, even with your one Jewish ancestor, you are showing, in my opinion, that you have not deserted the ship, and bravely siding with those that want Jews to assimilate into the masses. That is really the goal of many of the anti-Zionists, in my opinion. Sort of like in Catch-22, Yossarian was paranoid that "they" wanted his precious bodily fluids.