What Did Atta and Laden Intend to Accomplish on 9/11/1 ?

Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 02:36 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
* * * 2. Churchill was not a poodle,
in actual fact he was the leader in that particular political situation,
as he did his best to persuade and manipulate the USA to join the WW2 party.
At that time, a fair portion of your top politicians were doing their best
to stay out of things.
If anyone was the subject of any sort of animal analergy in all this,
it would be Roosevelt, who was a big juicy trout that Churchill
eventually reeled in, thank god, otherwise we would all be speaking
German or Russian in Europe right now.
* * *
I have a nice 9mm German Luger P-'O8 date stamped "194O"
(with matching serial numbers on all stamped parts) as part of my gun collection,
from that period. Its accurate, too.

Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 02:39 am
izzythepush wrote:
I'm not sure they knew themselves. I heard the one that hit The Pentagon originally intended to strike The White House,
but they hit The Pentagon because it was more easily recognisable from the air.
It IS pentagonal.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 02:47 am
Setanta wrote:
. . . Mohammed Atta was just a soldier, carrying out his orders.
A guy is more than "just a soldier"
if he and his whole unit r committing multiple suicides (in 4 separate acts). Thay were fanatical Moslems.

Setanta wrote:
Bin Laden was our friend and ally, until after the Gulf War. Then he wanted "infidel" troops out of Saudi Arabia. He was ignored. So, Al Qaeda started a series of attacks to punish us for keeping troops in Saudi Arabia. They attacked hotels in Aden where American troops had been staying en route to Somalia. They attempted an attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. In 1995, they bombed a Saudi National Guard training center. In 1998, they attacked American embassies in Africa. In 2000, they attacked U.S.S. Cole in Aden. Along the way, between 1991 and 2001, there were several attacks planned which failed.

Al Qaeda had never operated, freely or otherwise, in Iraq. Bin Laden hated Hussein because Iraq was a secular nation, and hated Iraqis in general because the maority were Shi'ites, and the Sunni minority were largely secular, and were not the bat-**** crazy fundamentalists that bin Laden and his crew were. (People constantly fail to make the distinction between Sunni and Shi'ite, and between ordinary Muslims and fundamentalists. Bin Laden was a Wahhabi, an extremely fundamentalist Sunni sect which originated in Saudi Arabia in the 17th century, and which, if anything, has grown more conservative and fundamentalist in the more than 300 years since.)

The so-called "Al Qaeda in Iraq" was only formed after the 2003 invasion, and used the name Al Qaeda for the cachet of the name. Al Zarqawi, the Jordanian terrorist wannabe who founded the organization did not even attempt a link with bin Laden's organization for almost a year and half after the invasion. It is typical of the ignorance of people in the West that he could exploit the name, His attacks were directed at "infidels" and Shi'ites, which made him a more of a cat's paw of the Sunni minority which was ousted from power by the invasion, than a genuine arm of Al Qaeda.

No one here, of course, has to believe any of that, but the sources online are numerous and easily checked.
Thank u for your contribution, Setanta.

Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 03:27 am
There has been an unwarranted focus on Atta, largely i suspect because he was caught and identified on a surveillance camera. He was just one team leader out of the four teams. We all expect our soldiers to excel at the tasks assigned them. As for being fanatics, certainly they were. But they weren't fanatics because they were Muslims. They were fanatics who happened to be Muslims. Raised in different circumstances, but having any profound grievance, they'd just have been fanatics of a different type.

You go on and on about being in mensa, and they you fail to recognize basic distinctions among a group as large and diverse as the Muslim world. They are not all the same, any more than all Christians ae the same, or all people of European descent. Bin Laden happened to have been a Sunni fundamentalist. That means he didn't care if Shi'ites lived or died, and would have been happy to see as many of them out of this life as possible. Saying Muslim fanatic is about as precise as saying Christian fanatic--that's more than a billion people in the category, so you really aren't saying anything meaningful at all.
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 05:35 am
They also intended to let us know what it feels like to have bombs dropping out of the sky and buildings falling around us so that we'd stop doing that in other places.

We failed to receive that part of the memo.
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 05:42 am
Setanta wrote:
There has been an unwarranted focus on Atta, largely i suspect because he was caught and identified on a surveillance camera. He was just one team leader out of the four teams.
I might be rong,
but I 've gotten the general impression that he was more than that.

Setanta wrote:
We all expect our soldiers to excel at the tasks assigned them.
As for being fanatics, certainly they were. But they weren't fanatics because they were Muslims.
They were fanatics who happened to be Muslims. Raised in different circumstances, but having any profound grievance,
they'd just have been fanatics of a different type.
Thay were fanatics about their religion.

Setanta wrote:
You go on and on about being in mensa,
I mention it once in a while,
if its relevant. Tho u have bad manners, & I dislike u, I allow for the possibility
that u might be in the top 2% of measured intellect. [ I expect a BOMBASTIC assurance that he IS! ]

Setanta wrote:
and they you fail to recognize basic distinctions among a group as large and diverse as the Muslim world.
They are not all the same, any more than all Christians ae the same, or all people of European descent.
True, that I have not overtly commented on it, but I have tacitly accepted it; I don't care much.
Bear in mind that I am not much more than a retired attorney enjoying his GOLDEN YEARS,
and neither the military, the State Dept. nor the Intelligence Community care what I think about anything.

I 'm just passing the time of day.

Setanta wrote:
Bin Laden happened to have been a Sunni fundamentalist. That means he didn't care if Shi'ites lived or died, and would have been happy to see as many of them out of this life as possible. Saying Muslim fanatic is about as precise as saying Christian fanatic--that's more than a billion people in the category, so you really aren't saying anything meaningful at all.
Your objection is noted.

Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 06:11 am
You can expect what ever it pleases you to expect. I have never made any claims to great intellect. My point about mensa is that you have mentioned your membership, and yet continue to spout reactionary polemic, which is frequently anti-Muslim, or, for that matter, anti- anyone who disagrees with you politically. That is not the mark of great intelligence, for however you may preen yourself..

You've got a gall to speak about bad manners. Especially when it comes to your personal bêtes noires, you can and frequently do get just as nasty as any one else around here. Witness that snide bullshit about bombastic. That's mere hypocrisy. Over the years, i've come to expect that from you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 01:22 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
The passengers on United Airlines Flite 93
spontaneously organized themselves in a "well regulated militia"
(i.e., private, with no government interference) and successfully counterattacked the Moslems, taking back the plane.
It crashed.

Does anyone have any ideas of the Moslems' target destination in Washington ?

KSM's original target was CIA headquarters. I tend to believe that it remained their primary target.

However, the waterboarded terrorists told their interrogators that the last flight was headed for the White House or Capitol.

The terrorists say they strongly preferred the White House, but felt that they would not be able to hit it, and were thinking they'd have to hit the Capitol instead.

Anyway, take your pick:

b) White House
c) Capitol
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 01:24 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
According to al Qaeda’s fatwa’s published in 1996, 1998 and a “Letter to America” published in 2002, Atta, bin Laden and the rest of al Qaeda attempted to accomplish the removal of US troops from Saudi Arabia and punish the US for its abetment of Israel in its occupation of Palestine and the sanctions imposed against Iraq at the time.

They did want our troops removed from Saudi Arabia. Our troops being there bothered them quite a bit. However, they also wanted to conquer the Islamic world and create a new Islamic empire. And they frequently objected to democracy as a form of government.

And we saw what sort of government they would create when we saw the Taliban. The Taliban was working themselves up to a genocide against all non-Muslims when 9-11 happened.

The bit about Jews was clearly just propaganda designed to garner the support of anti-Semities. They of course would have wanted to conquer Israel as part of their general wave of conquest, but they were more interested in conquering places like Egypt and Jordan.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 01:24 pm
JPB wrote:
They also intended to let us know what it feels like to have bombs dropping out of the sky and buildings falling around us so that we'd stop doing that in other places.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Sep, 2013 05:01 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Lordyaswas wrote:
Get it now? Oral is an idiot, or didn't you know that?
I hold his analytical abilities in high esteem.

Oral can't be an idiot because a completely cretinous imbecile holds his "analytical abilities" [sic] in high esteem?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2013 06:10 am
Did the Moslems expect us to be impressed with their brutality
toward innocent citizens and hurry to worship Allah, in admiration, or fear ?

Isn't "Allah"...the god of Abraham?

Most people in the United States already worship this god.
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 03:09 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Lordyaswas wrote:
Get it now? Oral is an idiot, or didn't you know that?
I hold his analytical abilities in high esteem.

contrex wrote:
Oral can't be an idiot a completely cretinous imbecile holds his "analytical abilities" [sic] in high esteem?
It was tacitly implied that I shud join in impugning Oralloy 's intelligence,
which I see no reason to do. I rejected Lordyaswas's premise,
by indicating my understanding to the contrary.

I guess u needed help with discernment of that concept.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 03:14 am
@Frank Apisa,
DAVID wrote:
Did the Moslems expect us to be impressed with their brutality
toward innocent citizens and hurry to worship Allah, in admiration, or fear ?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Isn't "Allah"...the god of Abraham?
I can't speak for the Moslems,
defining their fundamental beliefs, Frank.


Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 03:57 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

DAVID wrote:
Did the Moslems expect us to be impressed with their brutality
toward innocent citizens and hurry to worship Allah, in admiration, or fear ?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Isn't "Allah"...the god of Abraham?
I can't speak for the Moslems,
defining their fundamental beliefs, Frank.


Okay...but you are a very knowledgeable person, David…and almost intelligent, knowledgeable person understands that “Allah”…IS the god of Abraham.
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 04:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

DAVID wrote:
Did the Moslems expect us to be impressed with their brutality
toward innocent citizens and hurry to worship Allah, in admiration, or fear ?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Isn't "Allah"...the god of Abraham?
I can't speak for the Moslems,
defining their fundamental beliefs, Frank.


Okay...but you are a very knowledgeable person, David…and almost intelligent,
knowledgeable person understands that “Allah”…IS the god of Abraham.
Really?? Will u reveal how u have ascertained
what an almost intelligent person understands??
I have never studied Islam, nor have I ever claimed
any scholarship in this theology.

Do u allege that almost intelligent people know
whether Mars or Venus was the God of Abraham ?
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 07:30 am
...."I have a nice 9mm German Luger P-'O8 date stamped "194O"
(with matching serial numbers on all stamped parts) as part of my gun collection,
from that period. Its accurate, too."

You're lucky. If Churchill hadn't been such an accomplished trout fisherman, all those Lugers would have been snapped up by Ivan.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 08:50 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

DAVID wrote:
Did the Moslems expect us to be impressed with their brutality
toward innocent citizens and hurry to worship Allah, in admiration, or fear ?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Isn't "Allah"...the god of Abraham?
I can't speak for the Moslems,
defining their fundamental beliefs, Frank.


Okay...but you are a very knowledgeable person, David…and almost intelligent,
knowledgeable person understands that “Allah”…IS the god of Abraham.
Really?? Will u reveal how u have ascertained
what an almost intelligent person understands??
I have never studied Islam, nor have I ever claimed
any scholarship in this theology.

Do u allege that almost intelligent people know
whether Mars or Venus was the God of Abraham ?

Looks like you're gonna be pig-headed about this, huh, David.

No problem.

You can ask an Islamist...or Google the topic. The god "Allah" is the same Abrahamic god Jews and Christians worship.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 08:51 am
Do u allege that almost intelligent people know
whether Mars or Venus was the God of Abraham ?

No...I do not.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 09:07 am
Lordyaswas wrote:

...."I have a nice 9mm German Luger P-'O8 date stamped "194O"
(with matching serial numbers on all stamped parts) as part of my gun collection,
from that period. Its accurate, too."

You're lucky. If Churchill hadn't been such an accomplished trout fisherman,
all those Lugers would have been snapped up by Ivan.
That sounds TERRIBLE!
I know not its provenance, but I infer the probability
of its having been surrendered in the West.

0 Replies

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