@peter jeffrey cobb,
Well not even a group, any scenario at all? Even an if its a single person? Lets say an extreme case, like a 18 year old kid is on board of one the destroyers, and he gets pictures from back home that his girlfriend is having a baby from another guy, the guy that is the new father, his family comes from so and so Nation. He finds out there is a ship of people from that Nation and the ship is firing distance from him. He loses all common sense, in a rage of fury, finds a way to fire one of his destroyers weapons at the ship, As the Captain from the victim ship looks as his companions getting blown up he too go emotional and starts firing back. Soon a Nation pulls out its written plan, and weapons of mass destruction start being released by both Nations and all their friends.
Is there any remote possibility at all that anything could happen and as a result, weapons of mass destruction will be accidently or otherwise be used? Even if its because of the actions of a single or group of individuals? If the answer is yes than is there any argument on why weapons of mass destructions should not be insured in the event of an accident? Should Nations that poses weapon of mass destruction not have any liability insurance for them? A vehicle has to have insurance in case of an accident does it not? What do you do in case of an accident? Say oops?