Glitterbag, you should at least be honest. You've chosen to seek the safety of ignore because you almost got yourself into a heart attack over your silly notions on the English language. And all because you simply could not accept the truth.
You can't provide any reasonable defense for them and you can't provide any reasonable defense for the centuries long war crimes and terrorism of the US.
Quote: I'm curious what he thinks about the rape of Nanking,
Curiosity can't get thru the walls of your smelly little ignore hole. If you weren't such a coward you would likely already have read my comments on the Rape of Nanking.
Here it is in short form. It was a series of war crimes and incredible terrorist acts against the people of China. But it was no different from the Rape of the Philippines by the US or the Rape of Cuba, the Rape of China, yes, the US conspired with a number of countries, including Japan, so that it could fully participate in the rape and pillage of China.
The US didn't give a **** what other countries did to their possessions. It only "cared" when it got locked out of its "fair share".
But why do we hear so much about the Rape of Nanking when there are scores of similar Rapes of [fill in numerous countries' names] by the US?