glitterbag wrote:
I will be happy if no more US troops or coalition of willing country's military professionals are sacrificed trying to sort out religious/sectarian issues in rouge nations who only see the rest of the world as cash cows.
I think that's why the UK vote went the way it did. There may have been a few politicians trying to score points at that vote, but then again I think that most of the MP's caught the mood of the country.
Put it this way, I haven't seen much public outrage owing to their NO vote.
Why is it that these countries always start jumping up and down and asking why the west ( read USA and UK usually) hasn't sprung to their defence?
If they decide to **** on their own doorsteps, why is it always an expectation that we will go round with a mop? AND then blame us for the carnage?
Lose lose situation. Keep well out, in my opinion.