
I love all of the above. It's really difficult to pick favorites, but I'll give it a whirl.
1. Carousel - for sentimental reasons and because of the sailboat scene and the breathtaking ocean during the Soliloquy, and Jacques Dambois (sigh) performing the Carousel Waltz.
2. The original Showboat - because Paul Robeson's version of Ole Man River will always be my favorite and I loved Helen Morgan (from an old record) and I thought Hattie McDaniel was great.
3. South Pacific - After having seen it on stage, I was enthralled by the scenery. I could never understand why it received such terrible reviews. I loved the lemonish tint during "Some Enchanted Evening." :wink:
4. The Red Shoes - music, dancing, color, cinematography- all great. I never tire of watching it.
Did someone mention Slaughter on 10th Ave. Love it.
And I'm trying to remember a movie in which Cyd Charisse performed a song from The Desert Song. I think it was Deep in My Heart, the story of Sigmund Romberg with Jose Ferrer, but I'm not sure. I just remember how beautiful that ballet sequence was. I think James Mitchell was her
PS: Thank you Lightwizard and Jespah for inviting me to this great site.