I get a charge out of all you people quoting the Constitution. Show me where it defines corporations as people. But that paragon of virtue the Supreme Court somehow interperted some wording in that document to mean that they were living breathing people. Like the bible it seems one can make it say whatever is politically useful.
Hey, Rabel. I do not believe the Constitution stipulate Corporations are people. Below is a link to buttress your statement that the United States Supreme Court does
A few weeks ago in July,
Mother Jones reported:
"10 Supreme Court Rulings—Before Hobby Lobby—That Turned Corporations Into People decision is the latest in a 200-year-long line of rulings giving businesses the same rights as humans."
Last week's Hobby Lobby ruling charted new legal territory by granting corporations the same religious rights as real people. The rationale behind the decision—that expanding constitutional rights to businesses is necessary to "protect the rights of people associated with the corporation"—is far from novel. A line of Supreme Court rulings stretching back 200 years has blurred the distinction between flesh-and-blood citizens and the businesses they own, laying the groundwork for Hobby Lobby and the equally contentious Citizens United ruling. Here's a timeline of the corporation's human evolution:
I've lost all faith in the partisan United States Supreme Court and in fact I have no respect for Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts, all staunch rightwing Republicans. Clarence Thomas reminds me of the unqualified George W Bush who under no circumstances should have been appointed to the most exalted position in the land, the US Presidency. Clarence Thomas is not only UNqualified, he is not particularly bright. After African American Thursgood Marshall left SCOTUS, Bush senior felt he had to fill that seat with a black.
Not too many blacks are Republicans and those who are usually would discard their race as well as throw their mother under the bus for a pat on the back from the white power elite. These ambitions blacks are puppets for the Republican Party and do a disservice to their race. Clarence Thomas who very rarely opens his mouth to show he has normal brain activity has been described as a statue on a lawn, i.e. lawn jockey.
Thomas has a conflict of interest; he often has meetings with the Koch brothers to serve their interests, as does Antonin Scalia. Antonin Scalia is highly intelligent, I'll give him credit for that. But one wonders what the semi-intelligent Thomas has to offer the Koch brothers except his position on the United States Supreme Court.
Samuel Alito allowed extremely wealthy people from outside the US to contribute as much as they like to US campaigns, thereby, almost buying US elections.
John Roberts showed his true colors by gutting the voting rights act; because of this modification people in red states are now passing restrictions making it more difficult for minorities to vote, especially African Americans who traditionally vote Democratic.
I once believed fervently that one would always be able to obtain justice at the highest Supreme Court in the land....NOT ANY MORE! If Obama leaves office without appointing liberals to replace some of the aging jurists, I pity America.