Snowdon is a dummy

Sun 10 Aug, 2014 05:40 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
If a person does not qualify as a POW, he or she would then be a "civilian person" according to the provisions of Geneva Convention IV.

If the US is denied our ability to hold POWs until the end of the war, then any requirement that we detain them also evaporates. The US will then be free to deny quarter to all enemies.
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Sun 10 Aug, 2014 06:28 am
oralloy wrote:

engineer wrote:
Snowden exposed that the director of the NSA directly lied to Congress.

Everyone lies to Congress. That is hardly evidence of wrongful activity on the NSA's part.

The lying itself is wrongful activity. Lying under oath and all that legal stuff.
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 06:43 am
Everyone lies to Congress. Everyone lies to judges. Everyone lies to citizens. Everyone lies to their wife and their children. It's all cool.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 09:09 am
@Frank Apisa,
I'll be interested to see how the Edward Snowden story plays out. I do not think Russia will ever just "give him up" to the United States, but I also think the pleasure and utility of having him as a guest may have run its course.

Happy Sunday Morning, Frank Apisa. Putin has just extended Snowden 3 years of asylum in Russia. The speculation is the Russian president did this to spite Obama; this is just one of the consequences felt by the US as a result of the most recent sanctions against Moscow. Most countries are circumspect when it comes to offering sanctuary to Snowden....they are afraid of damaging relations with the US.

I imagine Snowden's stay in Russia is not a particularly pleasant thing for him, either...and the prospect of spending the rest of his days there or in some other country is not high on his list of favorite things.

How could it be when he will be forever looking over his shoulder while there. We saw just how restrictive a country Russia still is during the Olympics when Putin said they would lift the ban on Gays and allow them to participate; the leaders think homosexuality is abnormal which shows they are still behind much of the modern world. During Putin's election, there were many protests against his becoming president again. The US media tells us the reason Putin has such a high poll rating between 80 and 85% is because the Moscow media is controlled by the government.

One can almost be sure Edward Snowden is being watched closely because of his political status and Moscow would not want him speaking badly of Russia to the Russian people....giving them ideas. In Russia there is a wealthy class who travel freely around the globe and to the US, even purchasing property here; because of their wealth they have access to more luxury imported items and freedom as opposed to the average Russian citizen in the street.

I actually feel sorry for him. He screwed up...big time. And there is no way out of what he has created for himself.

Well Edward Snowden can always return to the US.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 10:11 am
The lying itself is wrongful activity. Lying under oath and all that legal stuff.

To say nothing of hacking into a congressional computer network.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 10:49 am
Yes, I've been venting off steam, and explained all the reasons quite succinctly.
1. I have voted all my life since I was old enough to vote, and I have not seen any improvement in our government - especially during the past decade.
2. I have written to several of my congressional reps and president, and they have always voted against my recommendations; a) I was against the war in Iraq, b) I'm against the embargo against Cuba.
3. I served four years in the USAF.
4. I served as the foreman of the second logest trial in Santa Clara County.
5. I served in the 2003-2004 Santa Clara County Grand Jury. We produced the most reports until that time.
6. My wife and I raised two outstanding sons; the oldest served over 12 years in the USAF, and earned the rank of Major.
7. I have volunteered on the board of directors of two nonprofit organizations.
8. My wife and I saved 15 to 20 percent of our earnings, and now enjoy a comfortable life in our retirement years - here in the USA.

Those who even imply I hate the US just don't know what they are talking about. I'm third generation Japanese American, and I'm proud of our culture and what we have contributed to this country.

Tak Nomura
Sunnyvale, CA

Frank Apisa
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 11:56 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Yes, I've been venting off steam, and explained all the reasons quite succinctly.
1. I have voted all my life since I was old enough to vote, and I have not seen any improvement in our government - especially during the past decade.
2. I have written to several of my congressional reps and president, and they have always voted against my recommendations; a) I was against the war in Iraq, b) I'm against the embargo against Cuba.
3. I served four years in the USAF.
4. I served as the foreman of the second logest trial in Santa Clara County.
5. I served in the 2003-2004 Santa Clara County Grand Jury. We produced the most reports until that time.
6. My wife and I raised two outstanding sons; the oldest served over 12 years in the USAF, and earned the rank of Major.
7. I have volunteered on the board of directors of two nonprofit organizations.
8. My wife and I saved 15 to 20 percent of our earnings, and now enjoy a comfortable life in our retirement years - here in the USA.

Those who even imply I hate the US just don't know what they are talking about. I'm third generation Japanese American, and I'm proud of our culture and what we have contributed to this country.

Tak Nomura
Sunnyvale, CA

Well...I am having more success with you than I ever thought possible. You actually have given your name...and town of residence...and have said you do not hate the United States.

I have to wonder, considering that last part, why you have written and posted comment after comment of a derogatory nature against this country. But I am sure you have a rationalization for it.

Our country is not a perfect country...not by a long shot. But it is not a sewer...and people like you are able to make a good living here...save...and enjoy a very comfortable life style.

That is more than can be done in many other countries.

Yes...it would be nice if EVERYONE could have the same kind of life style...or if EVERYONE could have at least ENOUGH rather than not enough.

But the system in place right now is outdated...and the transition to something that will work will take a lot more than simply pissing and moaning and derogating endlessly.

But, as I said, I am succeeding beyond my wildest dreams with you, Tak...you are making observable progress. Anyone reading your last few posts can see that. I expect you will regress from time to time...but the constant barrage of negativity toward the United States will eventually give way to something a bit more considered.

How pleasant that will be.

Frank Apisa
Piscataway NJ
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 12:36 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Our country is not a perfect country...not by a long shot. But it is not a sewer...

And you're going to stop it becoming a sewer by castigating anyone who is the slightest bit critical of America, demanding the arrest of the one person who exposed criminal wrong doing ,whilst allowing the real criminals to walk away scot free.

Frank Apisa
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 12:45 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Our country is not a perfect country...not by a long shot. But it is not a sewer...

And you're going to stop it becoming a sewer by castigating anyone who is the slightest bit critical of America...

Gimme a break, Izzy. That was so pretentious my eyes watered when I read it.

I am not castigating anyone who "is the slightest bit critical of America."

I am critical of America myself.

I was commenting on someone who was demeaning and trashing and bad-mouthing America in damn near every post on the issue...relentlessly.

To describe that as "castigating anyone who is the slightest bit critical of America" is so laughable, I am surprised you are not laughing at yourself.

(Or are you?)

...demanding the arrest of the one person who exposed criminal wrong doing...

I have not actually demanded his arrest, Izzy. That is another example of hyperbole on your part.

Edward Snowden is charged with several very serious crimes. But although he is charged with them...I have steadfastly insisted that he be given a fair trial.

What is your problem with that?

...whilst allowing the real criminals to walk away scot free.

Who else charged with criminal activity have I suggest be allowed to walk away "scot free?"

Do you make this stuff up on your own...or do you hire help for it? If you do hire help...you are being robbed!
cicerone imposter
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 01:00 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Our country is not a perfect country...not by a long shot. But it is not a sewer...

But Frank doesn't want Americans to point out what's wrong with our country, because.........????????

Nobody, no American on a2k, ever described the US as "not a sewer." Only Frank did.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 01:30 pm
@cicerone imposter,

Yes, I've been venting off steam, and explained all the reasons quite succinctly.

Hey, CI. Thank you for your response. You and I are somewhat alike in that we both have strong feelings when expressing our heartfelt emotions and sometimes I, like you, will be accused of being carried away. But it took me sometime to come to this realization regarding you; it might have been when you began to tell how good America had been to you and how successful your life has been....it dawned on me you were emoting, merely venting your resentment of so much that is wrong in America.

I can very well understand Frank's reaction to your sometimes virulent posts against America and President Obama, which affect some people critically, like when speaking scathingly with respect to their country. I am very much akin to Frank in like feelings. I dislike passionately people disparaging America, putting it down, putting down my president. I can very well understand Frank Apisa reaction when he says if you don't like this country, why not leave it.

Strong emotions on both sides, taken quite literally in some instances, offtime become so unsettling. I am unable to speak for Frank but can empathize with his position and yours! Emotions often are so complex as well as causing so much confusion.

I do hope you will understand what I've attempted to say. I am terribly fond of you and Frank Apisa and would hope the two of you will not be angry because I dared to post what I felt was the problem.....a failure to understand exactly what the other poster truly meant.
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 01:36 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Pretentious? Moi?

You're being completely dishonest, CI hasn't bad mouthed America at every turn. As he pointed out the only person who used the term sewer to describe America is you. It is possible to dislike certain aspects of America/American society without hating America as a whole. To suggest a dislike of the government is the same as hating every individual American, living or dead, is one of the most absurd things you've said.

How do you expect to put Snowden on trial without arresting him in the first place?

We don't know who authorised this illegal activity, so I can't tell you who has walked away scot free. I don't hear you clamouring for an investigation to find out who the guilty parties are. That's what's wrong with your position, you want to put the lesser criminal on trial, not the real wrongdoers. You're not even curious as to their identities, you'd prefer not to know, just in case the buck stops a bit too high up.

I'd rather be pretentious than hysterical and mendacious.
cicerone imposter
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 01:56 pm
I think what you and Frank have missed are all the times I've defended Obama - when I felt he deserved it, and explained why. Why you and Frank fail to see my opinions as 'balanced' is the most upsetting part of our discussions.

I have always defended Obama from the No Party; the GOP that has made their primary goal for Obama to be a failed president - simply because he's black. I have also listed Obama's accomplishments regardless of the No Party.

If that's wrong, then I'm not sure what a good American citizen is supposed to be. Maybe you and Frank can explain it to me.
Frank Apisa
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 02:12 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Pretentious? Moi?

You're being completely dishonest, CI hasn't bad mouthed America at every turn.

No...not for the last couple of hours. But for the last year or so...all I have heard from ci has been knock after knock...muck after muck.

If you haven't...you simply have not been listening.

So don't give me that "you are being completely dishonest" crap.

As he pointed out the only person who used the term sewer to describe America is you.

Perhaps so...but that mostly is because I did not want to quote some of the comments that make "sewer" seem relatively benign.

It is possible to dislike certain aspects of America/American society without hating America as a whole. To suggest a dislike of the government is the same as hating every individual American, living or dead, is one of the most absurd things you've said.

Stop with the hyperbole, Izzy...it looks ridiculous on you.

I have said that ci apparently HATES AMERICA...and until the last few posts he has made, that is exactly what it sounds like to anyone listening with an open mind. You are not...you simply want to make my position the wrong position.


But anyone truly inspecting what ci has been saying for a very long time would come away with the feeling that he abhors this country.

How do you expect to put Snowden on trial without arresting him in the first place?

He can be arrested and put on trial without me having "demanded his arrest." I have not demanded his arrest...which is what you charged me with doing.

I am asking that he have a fair trial. If the only way he can get that is first to be arrested...so be it. I am not asking that the United States change all its laws so that people like you can feel good about what we are doing.

We don't know who authorised this illegal activity, so I can't tell you who has walked away scot free.

Most of what you are claiming is illegal activity has NOT BEEN FOUND to be illegal. Some may have...but just a tiny fraction of what Snowden revealed has been found to be illegal...and none of the so-called important revelations.

What the NSA has been doing is NOT illegal...and has been found to be legal by competent authority.

I don't hear you clamouring for an investigation to find out who the guilty parties are.

I am discussing Edward Snowden here. If you want to clamor...clamor. Don't demand that I have to do so since you want to clamor.

That's what's wrong with your position, you want to put the lesser criminal on trial, not the real wrongdoers.

What I want is for Edward Snowden to get a fair trial for the charges that have been brought against him. What you want is a witch hunt...so you can further indulge your feelings about the United States.

You're not even curious as to their identities, you'd prefer not to know, just in case the buck stops a bit too high up.

I am interesting in Edward Snowden getting a fair trial. If you want to think our government is corrupt from the basement to the ceiling...do so.

I'd rather be pretentious than hysterical and mendacious.

You are all of those things, Izzy. And I am enjoying watching you display them the way you are.
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 03:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Most of that post was the standard "No I'm not you are," response of a 13 year old kid. I am not indulging in hyperbole, you accused America's critics of hating America, and by some twist of logic made out that that means a hatred of Americans, because you (erroneously) claimed that your government is your people. That is hysterical, and mendacious.
Frank Apisa
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 03:26 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Most of that post was the standard "No I'm not you are," response of a 13 year old kid. I am not indulging in hyperbole, you accused America's critics of hating America...

No...I have not. I have stated that I think ci has unduly shown scorn, contempt, and hatred for America.

Try to keep the story straight, Izzy.

... and by some twist of logic made out that that means a hatred of Americans...

Nothing twisted about it. Logically, if someone is showing contempt, scorn and hatred of America...it means he is showing contempt, scorn, and hatred of America. We...are America...unless he is talking about the hills and valleys.

because you (erroneously) claimed that your government is your people.

We are our government, Izzy. We elect the people who govern us. WE, THE PEOPLE...are the government of our country...whether you want to acknowledge that or not.


That is hysterical, and mendacious.

Sure! Keep wishing!
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 05:30 pm
Let's see if its bullshit when your hero Putin and the Russian state starts picking off more pieces of Europe to "incorporate" into the Russian state.
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 05:33 pm
The CIA has a long history of illegal actions that our legislators are afraid to address. Much like the FBI under that paragon of virtue Hoover.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Aug, 2014 05:36 pm
You don't know shyt about the law. Lets see, what was it congress tried to get Clinton on? Oh, it was lying to congress.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Aug, 2014 02:22 am
You're as bad as Frank, I criticise America and now Putin is my hero.

Hysteria 10 - 0 Rationality

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