Charla, it is and always has been extremely dangerous to get in a car with strangers (young, old, male female). Law enforcement usually refers to these girls/women as Jane Doe #infinity. I don't know why you are attracting unwanted attention from apparently creepy strangers, but if you were my daughter we would having long talks about risky behaviour.
One other point, I do understand you came here on your own free will, but demanding respect while displaying a ton of attitude toward people who are trying to get you to open your eyes is not going to get you very far. I can remember when I was your age and smarter than everybody over the age of 30, however, if you are lucky you will grow out of that and live a full rich life.
I don't think call centers are rich in opportunity to network. It's hard work and call center personnel burn out quickly because most people hate hate hate dealing with call center calls. Try getting involved in some other things in your spare time. If you like animals, try volunteering at a local SPCA, find something positive and pay attention to the advice (even the smart ass stuff) some members have given you. I'm pretty sure every member here remembers vividly what is was like when they were 21, I'm equally sure you can't even imagine how much life will teach you when you reach the age of 30, 40 and yes beyond 40.