The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Tue 23 Jul, 2013 12:55 pm
The study was in the states with stand your ground laws to see whether the laws were a deterrent for crime, it was not.

To me the main benefits of such laws is to prevent the punishment of men and women under the color of law who needed to defend themselves from would be murderers not deterring crime.
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Frank Apisa
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 01:15 pm
oralloy wrote:
If the Democrats try yet again to violate our rights, we will defeat them again, and things will get even worse for them on election day.

Didn't you write that same thing just before the last presidential election, Oralloy?

Yeah...I am sure you did.

You were WRONG when you wrote it back then!

I think you are wrong this time also.
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 01:30 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Didn't you write that same thing just before the last presidential election, Oralloy?

Yeah...I am sure you did.

You were WRONG when you wrote it back then!

I think you are wrong this time also.

Frank I voted for the man two times but I am getting very unhappy with the Democrats copying the Republicans in bowing to their most fringe elements.

The far left is no better for the nation future then the far right and Obama have not been a beacon for civil Liberties in any manner.

So who I am voting for in the future is up in the air as it seems a very poor choice between lesser evils and somehow I do not think I am alone in feelings that way.
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 01:51 pm

Frank Apisa wrote:
Didn't you write that same thing just before the last presidential election, Oralloy?

Yeah...I am sure you did.

You were WRONG when you wrote it back then!

I think you are wrong this time also.

Probably something everyone already knows, but I'd like to remind everyone that everything Frank Apisa ever says is an outright lie.

Before the last presidential election, Obama had not begun his massive assault upon our rights and freedom, had not been soundly defeated in that attempt, and had not had the remainder of his presidency seriously damaged by that defeat.

Consequently, before the last presidential election, I did not say that any of those things had happened.
Frank Apisa
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 01:56 pm
BillRM wrote:

Didn't you write that same thing just before the last presidential election, Oralloy?

Yeah...I am sure you did.

You were WRONG when you wrote it back then!

I think you are wrong this time also.

Frank I voted for the man two times but I am getting very unhappy with the Democrats copying the Republicans in bowing to their most fringe elements.

The far left is no better for the nation future then the far right and Obama have not been a beacon for civil Liberties in any manner.

So who I am voting for in the future is up in the air as it seems a very poor choice between lesser evils and somehow I do not think I am alone in feelings that way.

I understand your unhappiness, Bill...and the unhappiness with many people who voted for Obama.

When I voted for Obama, I did not expect much to change...and I discounted almost all of the talk about how the Democrats were going to run things if they got the office.

The world is way, way too complex and dangerous for many of the items on the wish list of the liberals...a list I consider unrealistic.

"Civil liberties" and "personal freedom" are going to take hits during the next couple of decades (no matter who is in power) that will make the kind of thing upsetting people right now seem like a spring walk in a park.

I am interested in as progressive agenda as is possible in this "complex, dangerous" world, and I will continue to vote for the candidate I think will most promote that agenda...which, I acknowledge, probably means I will be voting AGAINST the candidate I think will most damage that agenda.

The Republican Party is so chained to the extremists of the far right…they will always be the people most likely to do serious damage to institutions and initiatives I see as essential. Not sure how much time I have left on this planet, but my guess is I will NEVER vote for a Republican for any national office ever again. The most progressive Republican is OWNED by the Tea Party…and the people to the right of the Tea Party.

Although I am a registered Independent…I will not waste a vote on a fringe party candidate…especially since I am convinced if the person won by some miracle, he/she would be as subject to the necessities of the conditions of today as either major party candidate. In any case, the fringe candidate WILL NOT WIN…and a vote for that person is a vote for the Republican Party…because the people who form the far right are not silly enough to vote Independent. They know they own the Republican Party…and they will vote for the Republican candidate no matter who that person is.

My comment to Oralloy holds!
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Frank Apisa
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 01:58 pm
oralloy wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Didn't you write that same thing just before the last presidential election, Oralloy?

Yeah...I am sure you did.

You were WRONG when you wrote it back then!

I think you are wrong this time also.

Probably something everyone already knows, but I'd like to remind everyone that everything Frank Apisa ever says is an outright lie.

Before the last presidential election, Obama had not begun his massive assault upon our rights and freedom, had not been soundly defeated in that attempt, and had not had the remainder of his presidency seriously damaged by that defeat.

Consequently, before the last presidential election, I did not say that any of those things had happened.

I'll leave it up to the group.

I say Oralloy condemned Obama before the election...and constantly predicted that the Republican candidate would beat him in the election...that the electorate was going to throw him out on his ass.

Frank Apisa
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 02:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Just for the hell of it...and spending just a minute, I came up with these:

http://able2know.org/topic/123773-1 (Barak Obama's long record of trying to violate our Second Amendment rights:))

http://able2know.org/topic/117664-1 (Barack Obama's record on gun control: LINK)

http://able2know.org/topic/113832-1 Obama Doesn't Want Me To Vote?

And Oralloy wants to call me a liar!!!!! Drunk
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 02:08 pm
In the first place, in case you didn't know, Obama won in the last election and he won't be running again in any event. Moreover, you guys have been systematically getting everyone mad with immigration, abortion and now all these racist remarks in the wake of the Zimmerman trial. The demographics were against the republicans in the last presidential election, with the way things are going, the demographics will be against republicans again unless they wise up and realize that not everyone has views like those expressed on fox news ECT. All up until the very end Rove, Fox News and Romney thought the polls were going their way until they found out they were wrong.

I admit that in these states in which these laws are in place, they probably won't change the laws. However, perhaps there is a chance that less states will be following their example.

Also I don't see how rethinking stand your ground laws which do nothing to prevent crime and in fact increases homicides takes anybody's rights away. The second amendment is not a license to kill at will despite you all's fantasy that it is. If these laws do more harm than good, then common sense tells us that they should be changed. Of course in the south and such places, I doubt that will happen.
cicerone imposter
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 02:11 pm
I think if the people who are against the state laws like in Florida boycott their products and staying out of their state for business or pleasure, they "might" start to rethink things. Until then, nothing will change.

Businesses can boycott having their conventions in that state. That would be a good start.
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 02:39 pm
all these racist remarks in the wake of the Zimmerman trial.

As far as racist remarks in connection with the Zimmerman case it is the far left with the aid of the main spring news media that had been the most racist by far.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 02:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I think if the people who are against the state laws like in Florida boycott their products and staying out of their state for business or pleasure, they "might" start to rethink things. Until then, nothing will change

Boycott away an do not forget the 23 others states that have similar laws.

The nation have had a damn good lesson on the need for even stronger laws protecting the right of self defense from the far left and the self servicing so call civil right movement that change a simple case of self defense into some strange racial case.

In Florida there are over a million CC license holders and their families that are voters just to start with.

0 Replies
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 02:59 pm
revelette wrote:
In the first place, in case you didn't know, Obama won in the last election and he won't be running again in any event.

Irrelevant. He still wasted all of his political capital in a childish tantrum against the NRA, and he now has no ability to achieve anything in his second term. And after four years of a do-nothing presidency, the voters are still going to switch which party controls the White House in 2016.

revelette wrote:
Moreover, you guys have been systematically getting everyone mad with immigration, abortion

Everyone mad? Not really.

revelette wrote:
all these racist remarks in the wake of the Zimmerman trial.


revelette wrote:
The demographics were against the republicans in the last presidential election, with the way things are going, the demographics will be against republicans again unless they wise up and realize that not everyone has views like those expressed on fox news ECT.

The demographics are fine. Four years from now, the swing voters will be sick and tired of Obama's do-nothing presidency failing to achieve anything.

revelette wrote:
All up until the very end Rove, Fox News and Romney thought the polls were going their way until they found out they were wrong.

And you want to follow in their footsteps by denying the damage that Obama's silly waste of political capital caused the Democrats???
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 03:10 pm
I've looked for ways to love the GOP and have never found one, but I do not get this absolute sense of loathing from the GOP or from anything else that I get from the demoKKKrats.

I vote against demoKKKrats and by that I mean I vote for whoever has the best mathematical/probabilistic shot at preventing the demoKKKrat from holding whatever office, and it doesn't matter who or what the alternative is. The other guy could be a Republican, a Nazi, a Communist, a member of the Thugee sect, the Green Dragon Tongs, the KKK, he could even be a dog or a cat or a rooster, it doesn't matter, there is nothing else on this planet today anywhere near as evil or destructive as the United States demoKKKrat party.

Before the demoKKKrat party was invented, NOBODY ever destroyed a dam or shut down a major agricultural region for the sake of lizards or fish.
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 03:14 pm
The conundrum of this thread is insoluble.

Trials are designed to inhibit vengeance because feuds are socially disruptive. But it is necessary for the inhibition to function properly if one side feels wronged and that justice has not righted it.

In such circumstances trials are brought into disrepute and the law itself.

None of us were there that night and know little of what actually happened but we do know that one side feels wronged, with the President seemingly agreeing, and that there is no redress within the law.
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Tue 23 Jul, 2013 03:16 pm
That's laying it on a bit thick gunga.
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Tue 23 Jul, 2013 03:50 pm
American voters are overwhelmingly in favor of background checks, congress just chose to go with the NRA rather than the people they serve, as usual.
Americans Wanted Gun Background Checks to Pass Senate

Tue 23 Jul, 2013 03:53 pm
The trouble is more and more of the population do not trust the government and for damn good reasons of late.
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Tue 23 Jul, 2013 03:55 pm
Oh, I'm okay with background checks, so long as they aren't so administratively difficult or time consuming as to essentially deny the transaction. At gun shows, I believe even the NRA favored them, so long as they could be, and were performed more or less instaneously. Gun shows around here typically last three days, so a three delay pretty much means "no sale", and that might soon mean no gun shows. That is probably fine with you, but not for me and a few others.
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 04:03 pm
I'm sure some of this was based off of the 40% of gun sales are done without a background check lie that was pushed by the media and the President.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Jul, 2013 04:07 pm
America, all guns all the time, sign up now. Feed the world with more, make war, not love.

Roger and I disagree generally about this, but I think of him as sane, see his points, though oft not agreeing and vice versa.
Some posters are scary ****.
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