I neither believe nor disbelieve.
I have moments when I see clarity and moments when I am purely skeptical.
I use my tarot cards mostly out of boredom.
What struck me as odd was I shuffled the tarot deck and the first card I picked was the 4 of cups.. I thought what an uninteresting card.
So I decide to lay 5 cards instead, so I reshuffled the deck.
The 5th card I laid was again, the four of cups...
So I figured the tarot deck was telling me my card was really the 4 of cups.
The number "two" in numerology usually means something is established...
It would not serve anyone well to put faith in me where there is none and assume disbelief in me where there is some faith.
I don't even think superstition really describes my own spirituality.
Perhaps "moderate spirituality"... People are my angels and people have varying characters and personalities that inspire me much more than any faceless, invisible God...
If we do not love that which is seen then the unseen nature of spiritual matters will always elude us.
And no, I have not started drinking again.