newmoonnewmoon wrote:
No one told me to believe when i was 2
It just happened
You were two years old? I say that is bullshit. You don't even have a fix on the world at that age.
newmoonnewmoon wrote:
You cant have sex in heaven or hell. Its impossible
Unless the devil fucks u in hell u seriously not wanting it.never underestimate the impossible right
There is no heaven, there is no hell. These are just ideas people use to control other people by. You are seriously going to exist for eternity in one of those two? Well what fuels your existence in either place? What sustains you? In this life we must eat or our body dies. So you mean to tell me you have some soul that can exist without needing energy? It just magically exists without needing anything?
You see, the whole idea of heaven or hell is packed full of other things that would need to be true as well. But the more you analyze these requirements you will start to see that it becomes less and less likely. The problem is most believers never question these things. They just blindly accept them as true.
newmoonnewmoon wrote:
What do you say
I say, even if heaven were true, I wouldn't want to go there. I would not want to exist for eternity. No matter how good it was, eventually it would become a hell. You never die? Nothing ever goes wrong, nothing exciting to do there?
This life has value because we know it is limited. Failure is possible, so we cherish success. But in heaven nothing fails, so everything is boring. It is the struggle in this life where meaning and value come from. Without this, everything is worthless. Heaven would render everything without value or worth. If everything is perfect, what would be the point in doing anything? You couldn't learn anything, you couldn't develop a skill or talent.
Its this journey of development that makes life worth living. Without this aspect existence would become stagnant and boring. You would eventually beg to be destroyed. You wouldn't want to exist any more, no matter how blissful it was. It would become like a cage, nothing would ever be new or exciting. Nothing to discover, nothing to learn, nothing to amaze you.
But like I said, believers never question the concept of heaven because they JUST want it to be true. They don't see the drawbacks to it. They don't see the potential problems with it. They just assume everything is perfect and above all expectations. Just assume, this, assume that for the best.