Is it egotistical to think that a God would die for you?

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2017 10:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Oldest civilizations. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/22/asia/indigenous-australians-earths-oldest-civilization/index.html
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Greatest I am
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2017 11:17 am
cameronleon wrote:

That is really funny to me~! It talks about sin and death. The fact of the matter is, once we have life, death is inevitable. There's been so many dates the christians determined on Jesus second coming, it's really a sorry joke for those who continue to believe in such hokey pokey.
There have been many natural disasters on this planet that killed almost everybody in its path. These disasters prove that no god exists, and only nature exists. The most religious people have been the victim of natural disasters. That should be a clue. Many religious people die every day from accidents. There is no god to protect them.

Having you in such an insolent behavior against God and nothing bad is happening to you, that... that is the sure evidence that God exists and beyond this existence, that God is good.

You talk the same way about me and the less it can happen to you is a black eye.


God exists and He loves you.

One would have to be some hard up for love to accept the love of a genocidal son murdering God. No?

That prick will turn on you faster than Trump.

0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2017 11:23 am
cameronleon wrote:

If this topic is about Jesus, then no God died for you, but the Son of God did it.

Why the Son of God died for you?

Because even when you obeyed all the laws, commandments, precepts, statutes given by God, you had no chance for eternal life.

The reason is because at one moment in your life you committed a sin anyway, even if committing sin was by ignorance.

Then, it was a requirement that for obtaining the privilege of having eternal life, you should have been perfect.

Of course everybody can be pertecf, terfect, but not perfect.

This dude Jesus opened the door when he passed the test, apparently he didn't commit a single sin, and he was to be sacrificed in order to fulfill the requirement given by God.

Don't ask me why God loved too much this issue of blooding deaths, probably is his "thing", you know, his hobby, something that causes Him some pleasure, who knows, perhaps bleeding on the floor might have some chemical reaction that we can't understand.

The point is that Jesus died to open the door to eternity.

His death cleans up sins, but with the meaning of a new beginning. This is to say, before no one made it, everybody was buried after death.

Look at the apostles, a bunch of sissy cowards who hid themselves when their Master was tortured and killed. But, after they saw the Master resurrected, then they stop being afraid and faced death with the hope of being resurrected as it happened with their Master.

Several witness of the resurrected Jesus did spread the news, and followers faced death without being afraid but with hope in resurrection one day.

To me, as the method of obedience alone didn't work, God added faith -from humans- and mercy -from Him- so other humans might have the chance of eternal life.

Jesus did a great thing according to the Scriptures, good for him.


So God sets man an impossible task, and has his son murdered to make up for his stupid error and you think that Jesus who is that same God, --- if you are a Trinitarian, --- and you think that immoral scenario is good.

This Bishop disagrees and so will all moral people.


Answer me this. Are you willing to ignore the wisdom that follows.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Ezekiel 18:20 (ESV) The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

Do you agree?

Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2017 10:39 pm
@Greatest I am,
So God sets man an impossible task, and has his son murdered to make up for his stupid error ...

It is notorious that you can't understand what happened at the very beginning.

Adam, the first man has it very easy. It was to work in the Garden of Eden, and eat whatever he wanted but the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

This wasn't an "impossible" task.

Just don't eat that fruit and you can live "forever", simple.

After Adam failed, things were complicated, because he was sent to the "outside of the Garden of Eden" world and his life won't be as simple as it was before. And the more generations came, the more man became more disobedient.

Are you willing to ignore the wisdom that follows.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Ezekiel 18:20 (ESV) The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

No, I am not ignoring those words.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

Here is another part that you also can't understand.

Even when you won't believe this sh*t, this is how it works.

Do you remember that the Israelite used to bring to the Temple an animal without faults to be sacrificed as an offering or, as the method to obtain forgiveness for his sins?

Well, the idea was that this Israelite will travel to the Temple, will sacrifice one of his best animals, and will obtain pardon for his sins.

This was a weird way of repentance. A repentance that will cost you a bull, a sheep, a bird ...

From these sacrifices, the priest ate the cooked animal with their families when it was a sacrifice because sin. When it was a sacrifice because offering, then you -and your family- can also eat from the cooked animal.

This Israelite took it as a game. He didn't care much about sinning because by bringing an animal for sacrifice the debt with God was canceled.

Piece a cake.

As you can notice, the sacrificed animal suffered for the wrongs the Israelite committed.

In other words, somebody or someone must pay the price. God wanted blood, the High Priest was the king of knives.

All these sacrifices didn't work as they were supposed to work, because people didn't repent the way they should be doing.

Here is when Jesus comes to the scenario.

Men didn't have a model to follow and obtain the life which was offered to Adam at the beginning.

Jesus is just the model, the way, the leader.

It is said that Jesus didn't commit any sin. He was pure, he was in figurative, the clean and without blames animal for sacrifice.

Now, here is the part you are not taking in consideration.


This dude Jesus died as the sacrificed animal for cleaning up the sins OF THE ONES WHO REPENT OF THEIR WRONG DOINGS.

Jesus bleeding is not for the ones who won't repent.


So, this is the game rules.

This dude Jesus was the lamb to be sacrificed for the wrong doings you have made and from which you are repent.

This is the key word, repentance.

Then, the second step is to start anew.

After you repent, you are supposed not to sin anymore.

So, repentance is not be crying like a sissy, hit your body with a weep or, make a show sniff sniff sniff in private or in front of people.

Repentance is not committing the same sin anymore. You don't need to cry, just not doing it anymore, that is repentance.

The death of Jesus was to clean the sins you have committed and for you start obeying God the way God told you to do.

This is to say, if you were a liar, the you will lie no more. If you used to steal, then you won't commit robberies anymore, and so forth.

Even more, Jesus sent a "helper", the Holy Spirit, to guide you and assist you to obey God the way God wants to be obeyed.

In other words, you must become like Adam before his falling, before his disobedience.

Only then, when you have repented of your sins, and you live obedient to what God commands you, then you are imitating Christ, because he was obedient, so you must be obedient as well.

The words of the prophets were directed to the people as a reminder that because the father was a murderer, the son can't be sent to death because his father crimes.

But, when is about the animal to be sacrificed to pardon the sins, this is a different scenario which is not related to the words of the prophets, but that is related to repentance and sacrifice.

Then, your thoughts are dead wrong when you think that Jesus' sacrifice fits inside the words of the prophets about every sinner will pay for his own sins.

The sacrifice of Jesus fits with the sacrifices of animals as the method to obtain pardon for sins.

cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2017 07:08 pm
@Greatest I am,
cameronleon starts his story with the wrong information. This world did not begin 7,000 years ago like the bible tells us. Planet earth is 4.5 billion years old, and humans evolved from primates to become homo sapiens only about 200,000 years ago. Depend on science, not some fictitious book written by men of ignorance who didn't have the slightest idea about this planet and homo sapiens. Virgin births preceded Jesus long before the christian religion was created. When any story starts with lies, don't trust the remaining claims it makes.
Greatest I am
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2017 12:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

cameronleon starts his story with the wrong information. This world did not begin 7,000 years ago like the bible tells us. Planet earth is 4.5 billion years old, and humans evolved from primates to become homo sapiens only about 200,000 years ago. Depend on science, not some fictitious book written by men of ignorance who didn't have the slightest idea about this planet and homo sapiens. Virgin births preceded Jesus long before the christian religion was created. When any story starts with lies, don't trust the remaining claims it makes.

We are on the same page, and his B.S. story aside, you will note that even as the bible tells him is following an immoral doctrine, he does not care as he only cares about his get out of hell free card which is a lie.

0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2017 12:37 pm

Your immorality is duly noted.

Satan would be proud of you. She would also love that you are eager to follow a genocidal son murdering God that you think is somehow good.




cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2017 05:53 pm
@Greatest I am,
GIa, Please identify for us not godly folks, how we are immoral.
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2017 08:25 pm
@Greatest I am,
You said, "Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral."

You also said, "Then you doubt that you are created by God because a God would create all things perfect."

The bible seems to say that he did create things perfect. Man sinned. Man was given the right to choose. He chose death. He chose to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowlege of good and evil. It would seem that that choice (death) is a curse mankind must live with. Should God not have given man the right to choose?

Is it immoral if a person chooses to die for love of another? When Saint Paul learned the good news of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ he preached it far and wide. He wanted to save others. If I'm correct I think he said he wished he could die for others to save them, but he knew he couldn't.
Jesus is unique. He is not the son of man. He is the son of God. Men die because they are under the curse of sin. Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Saint Paul would die for his sins, but Jesus did not sin. Jesus didn't have to die. He chose to die in our place so that when we accept Christ as our savior we become dead to sin and we are saved because Christ is raised in us, sons of God like him. Well, that's how I see it.

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2017 10:17 pm
Just look at the logistics if everybody lived forever. It's impossible.
0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2017 07:44 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

GIa, Please identify for us not godly folks, how we are immoral.

If you cannot see the evil in a genocidal son murdering God, I cannot identify anything that you would see from behind your faith blinders.

That is why your religion had to use the sword to grow and not decent arguments.

Greatest I am
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2017 07:46 am
auroreII wrote:

You said, "Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral."

You also said, "Then you doubt that you are created by God because a God would create all things perfect."

The bible seems to say that he did create things perfect. Man sinned. Man was given the right to choose. He chose death.

Death instead of slavery to your genocidal son murdering prick.

I see that as the intelligent and moral choice.

Go ahead and be a slave to your satanic God if you are that brain dead.

Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2017 12:02 pm
@Greatest I am,
I think a lot of people who have found love , peace and joy in their life through Christ and the promise of a coming better life in Jesus' kingdom free from disease, hate, sin and death would disagree with you, but to each his own.
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2017 12:41 pm
I tried to edit this- didn't work. I just wanted to add that this is God's Free gift- our choice (John 3:16)
Peace DL
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2017 06:56 pm
@Greatest I am,
If you cannot see the evil in a genocidal son murdering God, I cannot identify anything that you would see from behind your faith blinders.

Blinders? Please prove to us that your god exists with evidence. Do you know what your god looks like? Please provide a description of your god. If you cannot answer my questions, who do you think are wearing blinders?

BTW, does your god have a stomach and a penis? What for?
Greatest I am
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2017 02:55 pm
auroreII wrote:

I think a lot of people who have found love , peace and joy in their life through Christ and the promise of a coming better life in Jesus' kingdom free from disease, hate, sin and death would disagree with you, but to each his own.

I do not mind that the delusional will disagree with me.

They believe in talking serpents and donkeys and have given up on thinking with intelligence. To each his own for sure.

0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2017 02:58 pm
auroreII wrote:

I tried to edit this- didn't work. I just wanted to add that this is God's Free gift- our choice (John 3:16)
Peace DL

Free gift, just like his condemning you in the first place was.

And you think his second annuls the first. Delusional thinking again and an adherence to an immoral and satanic moral tenet.

Do you agree with Bishop Spong? Bishop John Shelby Spong: Why Atonement Theology will Kill Christianity


0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2017 03:04 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

If you cannot see the evil in a genocidal son murdering God, I cannot identify anything that you would see from behind your faith blinders.

Blinders? Please prove to us that your god exists with evidence. Do you know what your god looks like? Please provide a description of your god. If you cannot answer my questions, who do you think are wearing blinders?

BTW, does your god have a stomach and a penis? What for?

I am a Gnostic Christian male, and yes, mu God has all you describe.

To a Gnostic Christian and Karaite Jews, we are God.

Here is how ands what we think. I think even you will see the wisdom in thinking that man is above God.


You might note that we read scriptures as allegory and esoteric and not literally.

That is why we have reached the intelligent and logical end to religious thinking.

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2017 03:30 pm
@Greatest I am,
You might note that we read scriptures as allegory and esoteric and not literally.

We have comic books for that! The only principle one needs to live by is very simple. Treat all living things with love, respect and dignity. That's only 9 words. You don't need 1200 pages to teach what is right, ethical and legal.

I introduced comic books to my two sons when they were young to increase their reading habits. When I took them to a book store, I told them it was okay to include comic books.

To make a long story short, my older son graduated summa cum laude, and my younger son graduated magna cum laude. They are both avid readers, and my older son works at the University of Texas, Austin, reference library as the super.
Greatest I am
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2017 06:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You might note that we read scriptures as allegory and esoteric and not literally.

We have comic books for that! The only principle one needs to live by is very simple. Treat all living things with love, respect and dignity. That's only 9 words. You don't need 1200 pages to teach what is right, ethical and legal.

I introduced comic books to my two sons when they were young to increase their reading habits. When I took them to a book store, I told them it was okay to include comic books.

To make a long story short, my older son graduated summa cum laude, and my younger son graduated magna cum laude. They are both avid readers, and my older son works at the University of Texas, Austin, reference library as the super.

"Treat all living things with love, respect and dignity."

I dislike that old and unworkable love sinner and hate the sin thing.

Show me how you would do that in the case of your wife being raped.

How would you express your love and respect for that guy so as to protect his dignity?

Not so easy. Right?


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