Is it egotistical to think that a God would die for you?

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2017 10:56 am
@Greatest I am,
Why should I fear my wife being raped? Criminals are charged accordingly, and I trust the legal system of this country. Juries are composed from the community in which we live. I served on the 2003-2004 Civil Grand Jury in our county, and learned it works pretty well. We removed a mayor from one city in our county.
Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2017 09:06 pm
@Greatest I am,
I think that maybe you are looking at this question from the wrong perspective. You are looking at it from the assumption that we are demanding that God send his son Jesus to die for our wrong doing and sin. It wasn’t us that demanded Jesus’ death but rather He gave it freely of himself because He loved us and could not bear to think that we were all going to die and go to Hell.

The only way he could rescue us would be to die on the cross so now we can claim that death for ourselves and so go to Heaven to be with God and Jesus for ever. All you’ve got to do is believe, accept and claim that death for yourself and your ticket’s assured.

That relationship can start right now, all you need to do is believe and pray. God bless you in your search.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 11:18 am
Sorry. Jesus did not die as we humans call dead/died. Human death is permanent; they do not come back to life.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 11:54 am
@cicerone imposter,
Nobody can reconcile all the contradictions in the Bible. http://www.thethinkingatheist.com/page/bible-contradictions#NoahsArk
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 12:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
There are many instances where people who were declared brain dead by doctors came back to live normal lives.
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 06:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Nobody has lived through a screeching crucifixion and having a spear run up through their liver heart and lungs. And then left for Dead for three days under heavy guard before anybody checked on them.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 06:36 pm
Where did that come from? I'm talking about contemporary times, and medical history.
0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 07:04 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Why should I fear my wife being raped? Criminals are charged accordingly, and I trust the legal system of this country. Juries are composed from the community in which we live. I served on the 2003-2004 Civil Grand Jury in our county, and learned it works pretty well. We removed a mayor from one city in our county.

Is this a deflection or is it that you cannot comprehend what you read?

I never said anything about fear.

Typical Christian deflection from a question on your doctrine you cannot answer.

Get better or go away.

0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 07:09 pm
Andyinuk wrote:

I think that maybe you are looking at this question from the wrong perspective. You are looking at it from the assumption that we are demanding that God send his son Jesus to die for our wrong doing and sin. It wasn’t us that demanded Jesus’ death but rather He gave it freely of himself because He loved us and could not bear to think that we were all going to die and go to Hell.

The only way he could rescue us would be to die on the cross so now we can claim that death for ourselves and so go to Heaven to be with God and Jesus for ever. All you’ve got to do is believe, accept and claim that death for yourself and your ticket’s assured.

That relationship can start right now, all you need to do is believe and pray. God bless you in your search.

What a bunch of lies self-serving lies.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Does that look like Jesus volunteering?

Have you also forgotten how often Jesus said he was doing his fathers will and not his own.

If all you are going to do is lie and try to feed me B.S. please ignore me.

People like you is why Christianity is dying in the West.

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Greatest I am
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 07:12 pm
brianjakub wrote:

Nobody has lived through a screeching crucifixion and having a spear run up through their liver heart and lungs. And then left for Dead for three days under heavy guard before anybody checked on them.

Believing that a book with a talking serpent and donkey should be taken literally is not the brightest thing in the world to do.

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 07:20 pm
@Greatest I am,
Everybody knows most edicts that strives for an ideal world is impossible, but most humans need guidance that is short and simple. It will never overcome the ignorance of bigotry and division, because too many people believe they are superior. We just strive for equality.
Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2017 07:09 am
@Greatest I am,
believing in a book with a talking serpent turn dark you should be taken literally is not the brightest thing in the world to do
first of all the gospels originally were not part of the same book as the old testament. The Bible is a compilation of many books written over thousands of years. Some of the first stories in the first couple chapters of Genesis were passed on orally for thousands of years by an illiterate and uneducated society. But that's all the historical documentation we have of that time so we are going to have to make the best of it. But the stories in the Gospels were written by literate people that were highly educated only 2000 years ago. Those stories wer witnessed by hundreds and even thousands of people and could be cross referenced with other historical documents has been proven to be very accurate. This is quite amazing since the Roman government of the time was trying to squelch Christianity by killing christians and erased most of the Histórical documentation from government records. But even the very ancient stories that were orally passed on can be cross referenced from ancient stories of other cultures and there are a lot of similarities showing there must be something accurate even about those oral stories.

My only other option is to believe there is no way to figure out how all the order and implied purpose I observe around me Came into being and must've happened by chance,which when you look at the odds seems really quite ridiculous indeed.
Greatest I am
Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2017 07:42 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Everybody knows most edicts that strives for an ideal world is impossible, but most humans need guidance that is short and simple. It will never overcome the ignorance of bigotry and division, because too many people believe they are superior. We just strive for equality.

Equality before the law, sure.

Equality of outcome, no. That would be un-natural for a species like ours. It would drive us to extinction.

Keep everything nice and simple and you end with simple people instead of intelligent people.

Greatest I am
Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2017 07:51 am
brianjakub wrote:

believing in a book with a talking serpent turn dark you should be taken literally is not the brightest thing in the world to do
first of all the gospels originally were not part of the same book as the old testament. The Bible is a compilation of many books written over thousands of years. Some of the first stories in the first couple chapters of Genesis were passed on orally for thousands of years by an illiterate and uneducated society. But that's all the historical documentation we have of that time so we are going to have to make the best of it. But the stories in the Gospels were written by literate people that were highly educated only 2000 years ago. Those stories wer witnessed by hundreds and even thousands of people and could be cross referenced with other historical documents has been proven to be very accurate. This is quite amazing since the Roman government of the time was trying to squelch Christianity by killing christians and erased most of the Histórical documentation from government records. But even the very ancient stories that were orally passed on can be cross referenced from ancient stories of other cultures and there are a lot of similarities showing there must be something accurate even about those oral stories.

My only other option is to believe there is no way to figure out how all the order and implied purpose I observe around me Came into being and must've happened by chance,which when you look at the odds seems really quite ridiculous indeed.

Not as ridiculous in believing that serpents and donkeys talk and that men can walk on water.

You are right about the intelligence and wisdom of the ancients.

You might have noted that they did not believe as you do. You are an idol worshiper instead of a God seeker the way they were.


You are too intelligent to go into intellectual and moral dissonance. Reject you genocidal son murdering God. Seek God and you can find him. Settle for your idol and you never will.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2017 09:33 am
@Greatest I am,
I never said economic equality, but I do believe in caring for those who are not capable to earn a decent living. I also believe in universal health care.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2017 05:50 pm
@Greatest I am,
You might have noted that they did not believe as you do. You are an idol worshiper instead of a God seeker the way they were.


You are too intelligent to go into intellectual and moral dissonance. Reject you genocidal son murdering God. Seek God and you can find him. Settle for your idol and you never will.

The speaker in your link, Karen Armstrong claims Thomas Aquinas said that we can't even say God exists. This is completely contrary to his writings in Summa Theologiae.


Article 2. Whether it can be demonstrated that God exists?

Objection 1. It seems that the existence of God cannot be demonstrated. For it is an article of faith that God exists. But what is of faith cannot be demonstrated, because a demonstration produces scientific knowledge; whereas faith is of the unseen (Hebrews 11:1). Therefore it cannot be demonstrated that God exists.

Objection 2. Further, the essence is the middle term of demonstration. But we cannot know in what God's essence consists, but solely in what it does not consist; as Damascene says (De Fide Orth. i, 4). Therefore we cannot demonstrate that God exists.

Objection 3. Further, if the existence of God were demonstrated, this could only be from His effects. But His effects are not proportionate to Him, since He is infinite and His effects are finite; and between the finite and infinite there is no proportion. Therefore, since a cause cannot be demonstrated by an effect not proportionate to it, it seems that the existence of God cannot be demonstrated.

On the contrary, The Apostle says: "The invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made" (Romans 1:20). But this would not be unless the existence of God could be demonstrated through the things that are made; for the first thing we must know of anything is whether it exists.

I answer that, Demonstration can be made in two ways: One is through the cause, and is called "a priori," and this is to argue from what is prior absolutely. The other is through the effect, and is called a demonstration "a posteriori"; this is to argue from what is prior relatively only to us. When an effect is better known to us than its cause, from the effect we proceed to the knowledge of the cause. And from every effect the existence of its proper cause can be demonstrated, so long as its effects are better known to us; because since every effect depends upon its cause, if the effect exists, the cause must pre-exist. Hence the existence of God, in so far as it is not self-evident to us, can be demonstrated from those of His effects which are known to us.

Reply to Objection 1. The existence of God and other like truths about God, which can be known by natural reason, are not articles of faith, but are preambles to the articles; for faith presupposes natural knowledge, even as grace presupposes nature, and perfection supposes something that can be perfected. Nevertheless, there is nothing to prevent a man, who cannot grasp a proof, accepting, as a matter of faith, something which in itself is capable of being scientifically known and demonstrated.

Reply to Objection 2. When the existence of a cause is demonstrated from an effect, this effect takes the place of the definition of the cause in proof of the cause's existence. This is especially the case in regard to God, because, in order to prove the existence of anything, it is necessary to accept as a middle term the meaning of the word, and not its essence, for the question of its essence follows on the question of its existence. Now the names given to God are derived from His effects; consequently, in demonstrating the existence of God from His effects, we may take for the middle term the meaning of the word "God".

Reply to Objection 3. From effects not proportionate to the cause no perfect knowledge of that cause can be obtained. Yet from every effect the existence of the cause can be clearly demonstrated, and so we can demonstrate the existence of God from His effects; though from them we cannot perfectly know God as He is in His essence.

Armstrong also says we can't make God like us because, if we make God in our own image but bigger and better, that is idolatry because it is painting a picture of God that is too small, and not comparable to the real God. But I don't believe the stories in the bible created God, on the contrary the bible is a story telling us how God created everything including man. And, the bible says God made us in His likeness.

6 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the [ak]sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the [al]sky and over every living thing that [am]moves on the earth.”

Or in other words, we are similar to him so we can share in his love through the universe he created but, we are to understand that even though he told us to subdue his creation and take care of it, he is above all things including us as he reminds us, "He gave us all things" in the continuation of the above quote.

29 Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the [an]surface of all the earth, and every tree [ao]which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the [ap]sky and to every thing that [aq]moves on the earth [ar]which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so. 31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Armstrong also claimed that Aquinas did not think of God as an intellect or a person we can relate to but, once again she seems to be contradicting wht Aquinas wrote in the Summa.

Article 3. Whether the word "person" should be said of God?

Objection 1. It would seem that the name "person" should not be said of God. For Dionysius says (Div. Nom.): "No one should ever dare to say or think anything of the supersubstantial and hidden Divinity, beyond what has been divinely expressed to us by the oracles." But the name "person" is not expressed to us in the Old or New Testament. Therefore "person" is not to be applied to God.

Objection 2. Further, Boethius says (De Duab. Nat.): "The word person seems to be taken from those persons who represented men in comedies and tragedies. For person comes from sounding through [personando], since a greater volume of sound is produced through the cavity in the mask. These "persons" or masks the Greeks called prosopa, as they were placed on the face and covered the features before the eyes." This, however, can apply to God only in a metaphorical sense. Therefore the word "person" is only applied to God metaphorically.

Objection 3. Further, every person is a hypostasis. But the word "hypostasis" does not apply to God, since, as Boethius says (De Duab. Nat.), it signifies what is the subject of accidents, which do not exist in God. Jerome also says (Ep. ad Damas.) that, "in this word hypostasis, poison lurks in honey." Therefore the word "person" should not be said of God.

Objection 4. Further, if a definition is denied of anything, the thing defined is also denied of it. But the definition of "person," as given above, does not apply to God. Both because reason implies a discursive knowledge, which does not apply to God, as we proved above (I:14:1; and thus God cannot be said to have "a rational nature." And also because God cannot be called an individual substance, since the principle of individuation is matter; while God is immaterial: nor is He the subject of accidents, so as to be called a substance. Therefore the word "person" ought not to be attributed to God.

On the contrary, In the Creed of Athanasius we say: "One is the person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Ghost."

I answer that, "Person" signifies what is most perfect in all nature--that is, a subsistent individual of a rational nature. Hence, since everything that is perfect must be attributed to God, forasmuch as His essence contains every perfection, this name "person" is fittingly applied to God; not, however, as it is applied to creatures, but in a more excellent way; as other names also, which, while giving them to creatures, we attribute to God; as we showed above when treating of the names of God (I:13:2.

Reply to Objection 1. Although the word "person" is not found applied to God in Scripture, either in the Old or New Testament, nevertheless what the word signifies is found to be affirmed of God in many places of Scripture; as that He is the supreme self-subsisting being, and the most perfectly intelligent being. If we could speak of God only in the very terms themselves of Scripture, it would follow that no one could speak about God in any but the original language of the Old or New Testament. The urgency of confuting heretics made it necessary to find new words to express the ancient faith about God. Nor is such a kind of novelty to be shunned; since it is by no means profane, for it does not lead us astray from the sense of Scripture. The Apostle warns us to avoid "profane novelties of words" (1 Timothy 6:20).

Reply to Objection 2. Although this name "person" may not belong to God as regards the origin of the term, nevertheless it excellently belongs to God in its objective meaning. For as famous men were represented in comedies and tragedies, the name "person" was given to signify those who held high dignity. Hence, those who held high rank in the Church came to be called "persons." Thence by some the definition of person is given as "hypostasis distinct by reason of dignity." And because subsistence in a rational nature is of high dignity, therefore every individual of the rational nature is called a "person." Now the dignity of the divine nature excels every other dignity; and thus the name "person" pre-eminently belongs to God.

Reply to Objection 3. The word "hypostasis" does not apply to God as regards its source of origin, since He does not underlie accidents; but it applies to Him in its objective sense, for it is imposed to signify the subsistence. Jerome said that "poison lurks in this word," forasmuch as before it was fully understood by the Latins, the heretics used this term to deceive the simple, to make people profess many essences as they profess several hypostases, inasmuch as the word "substance," which corresponds to hypostasis in Greek, is commonly taken amongst us to mean essence.

Reply to Objection 4. It may be said that God has a rational "nature," if reason be taken to mean, not discursive thought, but in a general sense, an intelligent nature. But God cannot be called an "individual" in the sense that His individuality comes from matter; but only in the sense which implies incommunicability. "Substance" can be applied to God in the sense of signifying self-subsistence. There are some, however, who say that the definition of Boethius, quoted above (Article 1), is not a definition of person in the sense we use when speaking of persons in God. Therefore Richard of St. Victor amends this definition by adding that "Person" in God is "the incommunicable existence of the divine nature."
Greatest I am
Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2017 03:44 pm

Is this proof that priests, preachers and imams are all perpetual liars?

The first thing a priests, preachers or imams will tell you is the intelligent view that supernatural Gods are unknowable, unfathomable, and work in mysterious ways.

The second thing that priests, preachers and imams will do is start to ream off the volumes of information and dogma that they say their religion knows and fathom of the unknowable and unfathomable.

The third thing a priests, preachers or imams will do is put out his hand for your cash.

Is this enough evidence and proof for you to recognize you are being lied to about God by perpetually lying priests, preachers and imams?


cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:59 pm
@Greatest I am,
The first thing a priests, preachers or imams will tell you is the intelligent view that supernatural Gods are unknowable, unfathomable, and work in mysterious ways.

If gods are
unknowable, unfathomable, and work in mysterious ways
, why do they continue to preach about salvation?
Greatest I am
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2017 10:00 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

The first thing a priests, preachers or imams will tell you is the intelligent view that supernatural Gods are unknowable, unfathomable, and work in mysterious ways.

If gods are
unknowable, unfathomable, and work in mysterious ways
, why do they continue to preach about salvation?

Exactly. That knocks the hell out of the unconditional love that clergy lie about.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2017 05:08 pm
@Greatest I am,
Is this proof that priests, preachers and imams are all perpetual liars?
Did I mention priests in my post?

I don't think so. I pointed out that the person you linked to (Armstrong) was totally maligning Aquinas's views by quoting Aquinas himself.

Why are you talking about priests, preachers or imams?

I agree with the conclusion of your video, "QUESTION EVERYTHING

But don't eliminate questions. As Aquinas pointed out. If it looks like the universe is designed for a purpose, don't avoid the question, "who is he and why did he do it?" Especially don't avoid the question because priests, preachers or imams are pathetic self centered people who are to ignorant to give you a decent answer.

I think if you were to read, a large part of Aquinas's 13 volumes in "The Suma Theolagiae" that Armstrong so casually disposes of in a couple sentences, you will find out that he was a a priest who was very intelligent and had very well thought out arguments supporting his point of view.

Other priest that provided very well thought out arguments were Bishop Fulton J Sheen, and Pope John Paul II. John Paul the second was especially insightful in "Theology of the Body"


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