@Fil Albuquerque,
Of coarse, reality is what it is, but for each of us it's SUBJECTIVE. Humans or other living organs are not robots, but are subjects of their genes and environment.
We direct our own lives; that's subjective.
We are constrained by our genes and environment; those are natural conditions of life forms on earth.
Objective means the perception of something doesn't change with the observer.
Human perception is SUBJECTIVE. We direct our own actions as we perceive it - right or wrong.
Out of the over six billion humans on earth who are now living, we all direct our own lives subjectively, because we perceive our lives differently - its values and importance of actions.
If it were objective, we would all be living similar lives, because our perception, values and belief would be the same about all things. We don't. Objective means A remains A. Subjective means A can mean almost anything - even beyond the alphabet.
Human progress is the evidence.
Belief and perception is never A equals A. We as observers interpret most things differently except for things that are objective in nature.
It's still consistent with What Is What It Is, because humans have choices.