Cyracuz wrote:
Quote:and it sounds as though you are making humans into something they may not be.
I assure you, that is not my intention.
I am saying that "reality is" is a subjective experience.
Well...that is incorrect, but I understand you are saying it.
Quote:It's objectivity comes from the agreement of all subjects who care to weigh in. Since even the relatively few subjects weighing in here can't seem to agree, stating that "reality is objective" is a rather bold claim.
And you are absolutely positive that "REALITY is objective" simply because what REALITY actually IS...is what it IS?
That just doesn't work.
Quote:It seems to me you think in terms of an objective reality which every subject is more or less in tune with.
I consider the REALITY to be whatever IS...whether everyone is in tune with it or not.
Quote:There may be such a reality.
But we cannot know this.
That is all we have to know. What we call "objective" is the socially mediated result of all our subjective experiences.
Quote:I am not trying to glorify human beings.
Since you seem to be suggesting that REALITY is dependent in some way on them...I respectfully suggest that you are.
Quote:On the contrary. I am trying to emphasize certain limitations that you seem unwilling to acknowledge.
You are just pulling my leg here, right?
Quote:One of them being that if we can only have a subjective experience of reality, this condition makes knowing that there is a reality outside of subjective perception impossible.
Give it a break, Cyracuz. The REALITY IS whatever it IS. We do not have to know what it is...by definition it IS what it IS. That is a tautology.
Your subjective perspectives of REALITY are just that...subjective perspectives of it.
You are having a subjective experience, Frank. How can you prove that "reality you can't experience" is anything but a thought in your head?
I do not know what the REALITY is, Cyracuz. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that before...probably a dozen or more times. I cannot "prove" what I do not know.
But I do not have to "prove" a tautology. What the REALITY actually IS...it IS.
That is objective.
Thank you for asking. Again.