Thank you, Cyracuz. You seem to understand and are willing to accept what I have been trying to get across. I tried earlier to do it respectfully and with a bit of humor, but I have to acknowledge that I've allowed some of the attempts as psychology and intellectualism to fray some of my comments. I apologize to everyone for that.
It's like this thing with c.i. He seems to think that because he had gotten a dictionary definition of "belief" that reads, "An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction"...that I must subscribe to it and accept that, therefore, that I have "beliefs."
Well, I accept some statements as true...and I accept other things as true or real. But that does not make them "beliefs."
What they are to me is "things that I accept as true"...or "things that I accept as real." I have no obligation to transform them into this thing called "belief."
Apparently for some people they must say "I believe those things."
I DON'T...so I do not do "believing."
In any case, my main concern is when the word is used in discussions of REALITY (I think I've mentioned that before.)
If a person is saying, "I 'believe' there are no gods involved in REALITY"...that person is making a guess.
The logical and ethical thing to do is to call it a GUESS. But the person saying he/she "believes" it want to give it character and credence it truly does not have. (Actually "accepting as true" something like that in the absence of ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER...is a guess!)
The same thing goes for people who say, "I 'believe' there is a GOD involved in REALITY." Unless that person can also assert that the GOD has unambiguously revealed itself to him/her individually...then IT IS A GUESS.
The ethical way to deal with it is to call it a GUESS. But the person saying he/she "believes" it wants to give the guess character and credence it truly does not have. It is a ruse.
I do not participate in such ruses.
If it makes anyone feel better about themselves to limit my "I have no beliefs" to just unknowns about REALITY...please do so.
By the way, I accept as true that there are no birch trees in my backyard.