Cyracuz wrote:
I perceive a real need for definitions that allow us to be honest with ourselves. I can understand the reluctance to use to word belief. I don't understand why anyone would care if someone else thought themselves without beliefs.
I think I can say with confidence that most likely we are all just different brands of wrong. We did invent all these ideas we're tossing about...
As I've said before...the only time this is of real importance to me is during a philosophical discussion of the true nature of REALITY.
I simply do not do "believing" when it come to that area.
I make guesses, estimates, or suppositions...and I call them guesses, estimates, or suppositions.
There are some people who make guesses, estimates, or suppositions...and who call them "beliefs." Mostly, they do this in order to give their guesses a vitality that is missing when they are truthful about them being guesses.
Imagine: "I guess there is a GOD involved in the REALITY."
So, they say, "I believe there is a GOD"...and then expect people to show "respect" for the guess because they have identified it as a "belief."
A guess should be treated as a guess...nothing more. That is showing it "respect"...and asking that it be given greater respect (often to the point of being allowed to influence laws for our nation) is asking too much.
For people like c.i. to take that and try to make it absurd they way he is...is an absurdity in itself...good for a laugh and little more.
In any case, hard as it is for people who don't have the strength of character to call their guesses, guesses...to guess this way: I do not have beliefs.