Are all Republicans Idiots?

Mon 8 Jul, 2013 08:54 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:

My country attracts criticism like flies to honey.

It is the plague of being #1. I will put the USA against any other country when they led the world and we are by far the fairest. When we try to right the wrongs of others, we do not strip the other countries of their wealth, as a matter of fact, in all instances, the USA uses its treasures to the benefit of the other countries.

Do we always go to war and/or do acts that right, NO! But, I contend our hearts are in the right place, at least my is!

I do not appreciate what the Republican party is currently doing to the USA, they are (as I have said earlier) trying to bring it down. China is in a position not to take over #1 - and I believe that would be to the determent of the world if it does happen.

Even GWB looks like an angel compared to the current right wing, tea party buttholes. His biggest mistake was giving so much control and power to the totalitarian Cheney, sad days for USA when this happen!

Yes, Republicans are IDIOTS!
Mon 8 Jul, 2013 02:57 pm
Well not a single Repubbican voted for the ACA (Obamacare) while the majority of the Democrats did, so there's that. But I'm sure that many here would vociferously defend the ACA. However, that defense seems evermore difficult as we now see even this administration postponing this or waving that portion of the bill so as not to damage their electioneering efforts in 2014. Their newest move now puts those citizens requesting subsidies from the ACA exchanges (if they can find one functioning) on the Honor System as to how much they earn. After all, what could possibly go wrong there?

Foofie wrote:
Now remember, when the country was first started, the society was not based on equality, even for white folk. One had to earn one's bread, and then got to keep most of it for one's family. Today, it seems more people believe that everyone is entitled to "feel" part of some great entitled population, without having to rise to a better level of intelligence or ability. Talent and intelligence seems to be trivialized, other than perhaps sports figures.

Excellent observation.
So, what do you think happened to bring about such a change?

Foofie wrote:
Regardless, "idiot" might not be the correct question to ask, regarding Republicans. Maybe "old-fashioned" would be a better question. Since "conservatism" does refer to conserving something. In this instance a society that did exist in the past, to some extent.

I must disagree a bit here with your conflating conservatism with being out dated because the constitution on which they base policy was written so long ago and since we live in 'different times', so to speak. The concept of the wheel or stream-lining of moving objects may be old fashioned but they have withstood the test of time for a reason. The Founders’ Classical Liberalism (not to be confused with today's liberalism which is more accurately labeled progressivism) is based on, and accepts as is, human nature. Progressivism rejects this in favor of control of the individual which (progressives feel) is necessary because he/she cannot possibly know and deal with all things in his 'complicated modern' world. Therefore, progressives say, he must defer to government 'individuals', in both elected and non-elected institutions, who do not know him at all. This, of course is the basis of Hayek's Fatal Deceit argument against socialism in general where he finds the organic grassroots foundation of civilization paramount to its survival.

In short, progressives feel they must impose all manner of rules and regulation (from the top down) in order to set the individual free (well, that used to be the argument but now they use the equality/racist/selfish labels). The Founders felt just the opposite and founded The United States of America with a government that, for the first time in history, recognized that its legitimacy sprang from the individual and not magically from The State. Individual liberty and self-interest built the most economically powerful nation in history. That is why U.S citizens consider their country special and not (like President Obama) because they are just part of some group. Obama doesn't get this because his progressive ideology cannot accept this without destroying itself. Without progressives' ability to impose restrictions on individuals they have no control over anything and control is what it is all about to the left.


Mon 8 Jul, 2013 03:35 pm
Wow, need nothing more than that piece of drivel to show all republicans are idiots!
Mon 8 Jul, 2013 03:56 pm
Excellent observation.
So, what do you think happened to bring about such a change?

People got sick and tired of the founding fathers hypocrisy?

Individual liberty and self-interest built the most economically powerful nation in history.

You've forgotten to add to the mix, James, the incredible amount of wealth that the US has stolen from other nations. Hawaii was grand larceny but it is just an infinitesimal drop in the bucket.

You've also forgotten to add 'incredible greed' to the mix; a greed so voracious that it allowed all those from the founding fathers on down to forget those high principles they epoused.
Mon 8 Jul, 2013 04:03 pm
Wow, need nothing more than that piece of drivel to show all republicans are idiots!

Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill! You have a lot of gall calling Jame's offering drivel, when just a few short posts ago, you wrote the following;

It is the plague of being #1. I will put the USA against any other country when they led the world and we are by far the fairest. When we try to right the wrongs of others, we do not strip the other countries of their wealth, as a matter of fact, in all instances, the USA uses its treasures to the benefit of the other countries.

This is complete drivel, beginning to end. It's also completely false. It's also rank, some of the rankest of propaganda.

But being that you have me on ignore, you, an open minded, honest American, who would defend freedom of speech to the point where it conflicts with your fantasies, won't hear this.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jul, 2013 05:10 pm
It is the plague of being #1. I will put the USA against any other country when they led the world and we are by far the fairest. When we try to right the wrongs of others, we do not strip the other countries of their wealth, as a matter of fact, in all instances, the USA uses its treasures to the benefit of the other countries.

Does the following sound like a country with its "heart in the right place", Moment-in-Time?

#1 Terrorist Group

Noam Chomsky: The phrase 'war on terrorism' should always be used in quotes, cause there can't possibly be a war on terrorism, it's impossible. The reason is it's led by one of the worst terrorist states in the world, [USA] in fact it's led by the only state in the world [USA] which has been condemned by the highest international authorities for international terrorism, namely the World Court and Security Council, except that the US vetoed the resolution.

#1 Stingiest Nation


2. ... and the Stingiest

2.1. Beneath the Surface

The USA is only the world's biggest giver because it is rich. In terms of generosity and altruism, the USA is the most stingy and self-interested giver in the developed world:

“[Americans] are regularly told by politicians and the media, that America is the world's most generous nation. This is one of the most conventional pieces of 'knowledgeable ignorance'. According to the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the US gave between $6 and $15 billion in foreign aid in the period between 1995 and 1999. In absolute terms, Japan gives more than the US, between $9 and $15 billion in the same period. But the absolute figures are less significant than the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP, or national wealth) that a country devotes to foreign aid. On that league table, the US ranks twenty-second of the 22 most developed nations.

As former President Jimmy Carter commented: 'We are the stingiest nation of all'.

Denmark is top of the table, giving 1.01% of GDP, while the US manages just 0.1%. The United Nations has long established the target of 0.7% GDP for development assistance, although only four countries actually achieve this: Denmark, 1.01%; Norway, 0.91%; the Netherlands, 0.79%; Sweden, 0.7%.

Apart from being the least generous nation, the US is highly selective in who receives its aid. Over 50% of its aid budget is spent on middle-income countries in the Middle East, with Israel being the recipient of the largest single share.”

"Why Do People Hate America?" by Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies (2002)2

Not only that, but according to one source cited by Sarder & Davies, 80% of that aid itself actually goes to American companies in those foreign countries.

% of USA aid 1988-1989
Israel 12.5
Egypt 9.5
Pakistan 3.9
El Salvador 3.3
India 1.9
Philippines 1.8

“US aid, which acquired an increasingly military flavour during the Regan[sic] years, is now concentrated on a relatively small number of countries of special political importance.”
"Introduction to International Politics" by Heater & Berridge (1992)3

2.2. Tied Aid

“The most generous countries are also the ones that do not tend to tie aid to their own products and services. The stingiest countries also, almost spitefully and nastily, force countries to buy their own services and products with the aid they give; which reduces free trade and commerce and harms the country's economy, as well as being simply selfish and conceited.

Thankfully, many countries do not tie their aid. Countries that tie less than 10% of aid include Ireland, Norway and the UK, then Belgium, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden.

The USA is the worst, and ties nearly 90% of its aid to developing countries. Italy is the second worst with 70%. The two worst countries for this obnoxious practice in aid-giving are also the two countries out of the most developed countries, who give least generously!”

"What is the Best Country in the World?: An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life" by Vexen Crabtree (2013)


Do we always go to war and/or do acts that right, NO! But, I contend our hearts are in the right place, at least my is!

Yup, your heart sure is right in the right place, Bill. One can see that because of how open you are to addressing these issues. You are one of those many who eschew mouthing empty propaganda slogans.
0 Replies
Tue 9 Jul, 2013 09:49 am
Lawsuit claims state applied Internet cafe ban to all computers

TALLAHASSEE — A South Florida Internet cafe operator, whose clientele is primarily migrant workers seeking computer time, is suing the state, challenging the constitutionality of the Legislature's ban on illegal slot machines.

The lawsuit filed in Miami-Dade Circuit Court on behalf of Incredible Investments, LLC, owned by Consuelo Zapata, alleges that the Legislature effectively applied the ban to all computers when it defined illegal slot machines as any "system or network of devices" that may be used in a game of chance. The state effectively made every smartphone and computer an illegal device, the plaintiff argues.

"They rushed to judgment and they took what they saw as a very specific problem and essentially criminalized everything," said Justin Kaplan of the Miami law firm of Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, which is representing Zapata.

0 Replies
Tue 9 Jul, 2013 02:23 pm
BillW wrote:
"Wow, need nothing more than that piece of drivel to show all republicans are idiots!

Actually I am a registered Democrat but more interestingly it would seem I have descended into a leftist echo-chamber where the competition is fierce even between the America haters! So it is not surprising that my contrarian views are met with mislabeling and, of course, the argumentum ad hominem, usually resorted to when the purveyor of said argument feels he is losing… certainly nothing new here.


Tue 9 Jul, 2013 03:17 pm
I wrote to foofie:
"Excellent observation.
So, what do you think happened to bring about such a change?"

JTT wrote:
"People got sick and tired of the founding fathers hypocrisy?"

No, wrong answer... Oh, what hypocrisy?

JTT wrote:
"You've forgotten to add to the mix, James, the incredible amount of wealth that the US has stolen from other nations. Hawaii was grand larceny but it is just an infinitesimal drop in the bucket."

Stolen? Ah yes, Marxist doctrine...quite similar to President Obama's/Senator Warren's "You didn't build that!!" If the Hawaiians have legitimate ownership of those Islands how did that come about? Theft is a legal term, so what’s the legal basis for your accusation?

JTT wrote:
" You've also forgotten to add 'incredible greed' to the mix; a greed so voracious that it allowed all those from the founding fathers on down to forget those high principles they epoused [sic].”

‘Greed' (incredible or otherwise) is a moral judgment used by the left to shut down debate just like ‘racist’, ‘selfish’, or 'uncaring'. Such terms have no place in an honest debate. So let’s examine those principles that the founders laid down in the Constitution. Which article, section or Amendment demonstrates your above accusations and how?


Tue 9 Jul, 2013 03:20 pm
where the competition is fierce even between the America haters!

"To oppose the policies of a government does not mean you are against the country or the people that the government supposedly represents. Such opposition should be called what it really is: democracy, or democratic dissent, or having a critical perspective about what your leaders are doing. Either we have the right to democratic dissent and criticism of these policies or we all lie down and let the leader, the Fuhrer, do what is best, while we follow uncritically, and obey whatever he commands. That's just what the Germans did with Hitler, and look where it got them."

- Michael Parenti
0 Replies
Tue 9 Jul, 2013 03:22 pm
Do you by any chance live in the deep south?
Wed 10 Jul, 2013 06:09 pm
Rabel222 wrote:
"Do you by any chance live in the deep south?"

Define 'deep south'. Just because I identified as a registered Democrat does not mean that I agree with those southern Liberal Democrats that opposed the abolition of slavery, wanted gun control (disarming of blacks), pushed Jim Crow laws, opposed desegregation, and opposed both the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts. Think carefully here. Remember:
"‘Greed' (incredible or otherwise) is a moral judgment used by the left to shut down debate just like ‘racist’, ‘selfish’, or 'uncaring'. Such terms have no place in an honest debate.

Wed 10 Jul, 2013 06:52 pm
No, wrong answer... Oh, what hypocrisy?

All the fancy notions about equality and freedom, James. It was empty talk, meant to justify the terrorist actions against the legally constituted government of the day.

Just to take one example, Jefferson. His whole life was a complete refutation of all he pretended to believe in.

Stolen? Ah yes, Marxist doctrine...quite similar to President Obama's/Senator Warren's "You didn't build that!!"

Red herring/strawman

If the Hawaiians have legitimate ownership of those Islands how did that come about? Theft is a legal term, so what’s the legal basis for your accusation?

The fact that the Hawaiians lived there as a distinct culture for, my guess is, thousands of years. I would say that the US makes the same claims to its lands, wouldn't you?

But it didn't stop at Hawaii. The US has stolen immense wealth from the Philippines, Nicaragua, Cuba, El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, all the countries of Central and South America.

And what makes matters worse, despicable actually, is that the US has done all this while all the while making grand deception that it was being done to save the oppressed, to bring democracy to the peoples of the world.

It has all been one monstrous lie.

‘Greed' (incredible or otherwise) is a moral judgment used by the left to shut down debate just like ‘racist’, ‘selfish’, or 'uncaring'. Such terms have no place in an honest debate.

You're being disingenuous, at best, James. We're talking about the greed that caused the US to invade "over 200 times to force countries to the US's will". That was done solely to allow the US to plunder the wealth of these countries.

So let’s examine those principles that the founders laid down in the Constitution. Which article, section or Amendment demonstrates your above accusations and how?

This is a separate issue and I'd be pleased to discuss both with you. Would you like to start a new thread dedicated to these topics or should I?
0 Replies
Sat 13 Jul, 2013 02:57 pm
JamesMorrison wrote:

Rabel222 wrote:
"Do you by any chance live in the deep south?"

Define 'deep south'. Just because I identified as a registered Democrat does not mean that I agree with those southern Liberal Democrats that opposed the abolition of slavery, wanted gun control (disarming of blacks), pushed Jim Crow laws, opposed desegregation, and opposed both the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts. Think carefully here. Remember:


Southern Dems who are now right wing teabaggers! Yes they are idiots!
Sat 13 Jul, 2013 03:13 pm
Their newest move now puts those citizens requesting subsidies from the ACA exchanges (if they can find one functioning) on the Honor System as to how much they earn. After all, what could possibly go wrong there?

Actually, the move no longer requires verification up front. It doesn't prevent finding out fraud later and charging those persons or requiring they repay anything they received illegally.

However, that defense seems evermore difficult as we now see even this administration postponing this or waving that portion of the bill so as not to damage their electioneering efforts in 2014
Portions are being postponed because certain pieces are not in place. To put all the blame on the administration shows a bias. Much of the failure to implement can be placed on those that refused to fund or support the ACA. They have sued which has slowed down the process. They have refused to fund portions which means there is no money to implement those parts. They have voted 37 times to overturn it.

In short, progressives feel they must impose all manner of rules and regulation (from the top down) in order to set the individual free (well, that used to be the argument but now they use the equality/racist/selfish labels)
Nice hyperbole. Do you have evidence to support it?
0 Replies
Sat 13 Jul, 2013 03:14 pm
The Founders felt just the opposite and founded The United States of America with a government that, for the first time in history, recognized that its legitimacy sprang from the individual and not magically from The State.

In light of your argument, please explain the following quote:
We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

Also please explain why the Articles of Confederation were scrapped for the Constitution since the Constitution put more power in the Federal government.
0 Replies
Sat 13 Jul, 2013 03:35 pm
Typical. Answer a question with a question? OK, do you live in Texas? You mean those democrats that were more conservative than Ike? Only someone with your mindset could conclude that they were liberal.
Sat 13 Jul, 2013 03:40 pm
Typical. Answer a question with a question?

You shouldn't be pointing fingers at others for deceptive practices, diversionary tactics, Rabel.

And you think Republicans are idiots?
0 Replies
Sat 13 Jul, 2013 03:43 pm
Ignorance is preferable to error, and He is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than He who believes what is wrong. -Thomas Jefferson (Notes on Virginia, 1782)

Funny how easy it is for both you and Thomas J to get caught up in your respective hypocrisies, Bill.

But you can't hear this because you are caught up in another of your famous hypocrisies.
0 Replies
Sat 20 Jul, 2013 10:57 am
Are all Republicans Idiots?

Not all, but the unapolicitic base (roughly - 20-25%) - YES!
0 Replies

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