Are all Republicans Idiots?

Tue 18 Jun, 2013 09:37 am
Michael Burgess: I Oppose Abortion Because Male Fetuses Masturbate

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Tue 18 Jun, 2013 11:55 am
revelette wrote:

With all that is going on in the world and given what happened last 2012 election, why are republicans still making comments about rapes and concentrating on limiting abortions?

They have to be reelected next year, they are just making sure they don't get "primaried".
Tue 18 Jun, 2013 11:58 am
Ohhh, and besides that - Republicans are idiots - big time idiots!
Tue 18 Jun, 2013 12:24 pm
Ohhh, and besides that - Republicans are idiots - big time idiots!

They are that, Bill.

You would probably consider them as idiots because of their steadfast refusal to honestly address the facts, right?

Wed 19 Jun, 2013 07:07 am
I think enough of the elected GOP are self defeating because just when Obama's poll numbers start to go down, once again, they start making idiotic statements, pushing anti-women, anti-immigration, anti-homosexuals, anti everything agendas.
Wed 19 Jun, 2013 02:45 pm
revelette wrote:

I think enough of the elected GOP are self defeating because just when Obama's poll numbers start to go down, once again, they start making idiotic statements, pushing anti-women, anti-immigration, anti-homosexuals, anti everything agendas.

The party of hate!
Tue 25 Jun, 2013 06:06 am
Texas Legislator Claims Rape Kits Are A Form Of Abortion

Texas Rep. Jody Laubenberg (R) sponsored several anti-abortion measures currently making their way to the Governor’s desk. Taken together, they would shut down the vast majority of the state’s women’s health clinics and criminalize abortions after 20 weeks. But in reasoning out why she did not support an exemption for rape victims in the 20-week ban, Laubenberg betrayed a woeful lack of information on the procedures a victim of rape undergoes — namely, the “rape kit,” which is used to collect data on the assailant and in no way relates to pregnancy:

When Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, called for an exemption for women who were victims of rape and incest, Rep. Jody Laubenberg, R-Parker, explained why she felt it was unnecessary.

“In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits where a woman can get cleaned out,” she said, comparing the procedure to an abortion. “The woman had five months to make that decision, at this point we are looking at a baby that is very far along in its development.”

The remark about rape kits, which is not accurate, sparked widespread ridicule on social media sites. Laubenberg, who has difficulty debating bills, then simply rejected all proposed changes to her bill without speaking until the end of the debate.

Rape kits are used to collect DNA evidence from the bodies of rape victims; after a victim enters a hospital, staff collect bodily fluid, residue under the victim’s nails, and any blood or hair samples that could be relevant for an investigation. Rape kits are in no way equivalent to an abortion.

I suppose taking a bath after intimate relations would constitute abortion too.
Tue 25 Jun, 2013 03:02 pm
Besides, it is begging the question. Doesn't a pregnancy mean the "cure" didn't work and therefore one needs to go to the fall back plan? Amazing.........
0 Replies
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 07:02 am
Actually that is why she said the bill wouldn't matter to rape victims, they are already cleaned out by the rape kits. Ridiculous. Luckily, the bill didn't pass.

Texas Abortion Bill Filibustered By State Senator Wendy Davis Is Dead
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 01:21 pm
Thanks to one brave, tireless young lady!
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Sat 6 Jul, 2013 02:46 pm
Not all Republicans are idiots. Bill Clinton and Pres. Obama are pretty smart, for instance.

With the exception of GWB's fried brain from too much cocaine and booze, I would venture to say most elected presidents are pretty smart or exceptionally shrewd and unusually ambitious. (But here again is a classic example of Republicans intervening to place the most conspicuously unqualified candidate in the most important position in the US. Even Justice Day O'Conner voted for GWB who could barely speak correct English; she recently wrote a book inferring the USSC got it wrong when they voted in favor of a W presidency.)

Republicans, and to a much lesser degree, two or three Dems, are practically in harness; they are controlled by the Tea Party, the Koch brothers, the power of the Gun Lobby, etc. The Republicans, conspicuously, are in congress to profit for themselves, not work for the American people who elected them with the exception of the red states who desperately wish for the days of Jim Crow, the doctrine that the white race is superior to all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore retain control in all relationships and under no circumstances should there ever be a non-white president, regardless how many generations an ethnic group has been in the US . The red states have GWB to thank for Obama; however, in the coming future and not too distant, there will be another non-white president, most likely Hispanic, but any highly intelligent candidate who will resemble strongly someone for the people; because of the changing demographics, this candidate will have the numbers to sweep him into power. In the future if any white Republican wish to run for president in the US he will have to discard today's GOP outdated policies....

Traditional Republicans are pressured to go along with the extremist wing of party, the latter are openly obstructionists, so closed-minded they should never have gotten elected to office in this lifetime. The Republican Party is blackening the image of the US but to be honest, the initial damage began under GWB by illegally invading Iraq and destroying the structure that held that country together...it will be a very long time before the varying Iraqi factions halt trying to devastate the other. Two wars that wasn't paid for and Obama had to try and right the US ship.

Another fear retained by congresssional Republicans is they might be PRIMARIED and lose their coveted position.

This particular congress consist of a bunch of self-centered, ambitious, do-nothing SKUNKS.
Sat 6 Jul, 2013 02:54 pm
Many more years of the same that is going on now will bring down America. And, this is what the powers behind the Republicans want. For America to go down and rebuild the money will be in power. The current day arisotocrates will be the rulers. And the Constitution will be rewritten to say this. The money will rule and decide on the rulers. The people will be told to shut and go home! In other words, the Republicans will be the totalitarians.....Oligopoly and Facism will rule!
0 Replies
Sat 6 Jul, 2013 03:17 pm
With the exception of GWB's fried brain from too much cocaine and booze, I would venture to say most elected presidents are pretty smart or exceptionally shrewd and unusually ambitious.

I think that's a pretty fair assessment, MIT. You forgot to mention, however, that since WWII, at the least, all elected presidents have been war criminals.


If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied...
Noam Chomsky
Delivered around 1990

If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.



From this, [if you actually do read it] it's easy to understand that the US has brought its "terrorist troubles" upon itself. While the US certainly didn't invent 'terrorism', it has, beyond any shadow of doubt, been the most active participant in it since at least WWII to the present day.

So these presidents can be forgiven their little foibles, but, I'm sure you agree, they should be given pensions and lauded by the general public.

I suspect BillW will agree too.
Sat 6 Jul, 2013 04:01 pm

So these presidents can be forgiven their little foibles, but, I'm sure you agree, they should be given pensions and lauded by the general public.

JTT, I am my country's worse critic so I don't need anyone to inform me of America's many faults.
Sat 6 Jul, 2013 05:52 pm
JTT, I am my country's worse critic so I don't need anyone to inform me of America's many faults.

[asked in a completely neutral fashion.]

Are "faults" the same things as war crimes and terrorist acts, MIT?
Sun 7 Jul, 2013 11:52 am
JTT, I am my country's worse critic so I don't need anyone to inform me of America's many faults.

JTT wrote:
[asked in a completely neutral fashion.]

Are "faults" the same things as war crimes and terrorist acts, MIT?

I'm sure you're cognizant of exactly what I mean. When I began posting on this board in March, I let loose with a concentrated outpouring of criticism against my country...I believed I was talking to a fellow American. I've since reached the conclusion you don't need my help. Let's not split hairs, OK JTT. In the recent wake of Snowden releasing classified info, trying his damnest best to tarnish American's image, I'm not about to help you participate in US bashing of my country.

I hope you have a nice Sunday.

Sun 7 Jul, 2013 11:57 am
To answer the original question...only those conceived and born of a jackal....most of them in other words.
0 Replies
Sun 7 Jul, 2013 12:37 pm
When I began posting on this board in March, I let loose with a concentrated outpouring of criticism against my country...I believed I was talking to a fellow American.

Yes, I've noticed the change in you, MiT. You must have gotten the PMs.

What difference does it make what nationality a person is? Do you think that it's a given that Americans are better informed about the US's war crimes and terrorism than people of other countries?

Do you think that the greatest volume of material that I've been posting comes from sources that aren't American?

I've since reached the conclusion you don't need my help.

Have you come to that conclusion entirely on your own or have you had assistance from some open minded A2Kers?

But you are right, it's not me that needs your help, it's the millions of innocents around the world who continue to suffer at the hands of US terrorist acts that occur on a daily basis.

In the recent wake of Snowden releasing classified info, trying his damnest best to tarnish American's image, I'm not about to help you participate in US bashing of my country.

Snowden hasn't tarnished the US's image. It's readily apparent that the truth come to light is what tarnishes America's image.

And I agree, don't help anyone who bashes the US, but please please please, help stop the US from bashing the poor and the downtrodden around the world. This bashing has had, I'm sure you'll agree, a much more devastating affect on people than any comments directed at the US.

Did you know that the US is the stingiest of the first world nations when it comes to foreign aid? And consider that most of US "foreign aid" goes to a few countries, and it's mostly military aid designed to help the US maintain control over nations it wants to continue stealing from.

And just consider how much wealth the US has stolen from the nations of the world? Also consider how much rank propaganda goes out suggesting that the US is a beneficent country.

Is Mr Walt bashing America?


Independence Day Greetings to Edward Snowden
Posted By Stephen M. Walt Wednesday, July 3, 2013 - 11:57 AM


On this Independence Day, I am wondering what the Founding Fathers would have made of Edward Snowden. The question is obviously a bit absurd, as they could hardly have imagined something like the Internet, or even the telephone, back in 1776. But they would have understood the ability of a government to seize the mail and to investigate and harass those suspected of disloyalty. And they surely would have understood the concept of risking one's future for the sake of one's ideals.

It is of course possible that they would have seen Snowden as some members of Congress do, as a man who betrayed his country by releasing classified information. But isn't it also possible that they would have seen in him a kindred spirit -- someone who took an irrevocable step on a matter of principle? In particular, they might have seen in him a man who recognized the natural tendency of governments to extend their control over citizens, usually in the name of national security.

Let us not forget that the Founding Fathers repeatedly warned about the dangers of standing armies, which they rightly understood to be a perennial threat to liberty. Or that James Madison famously warned that no nation can remain free in a state of perpetual warfare, a sentiment that Barack Obama recently quoted but does not seem to have fully taken to heart. The Founders also gave Americans the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution because they understood that defending individual privacy against the grasp of government authority is an essential human right as well as an important safeguard of freedom.


Snowden may have broken the law, but so did the Founding Fathers when they issued that famous declaration 237 years ago. They did so in defiance of a powerful empire, just as Snowden did. The world is better off that they chose to defy the laws of their time, and Snowden's idealistic act may leave us better off too. I suspect Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the rest of those revolutionaries might have understood.


Sun 7 Jul, 2013 01:17 pm

What difference does it make what nationality a person is?

In a perfect world, it would not matter the individual's nationality as we would simply be inquisitive human beings....but the US has enemies who rejoice in what Snowden has done and there are enemies who can do nothing but just plain b-i-t-c-h about how awful the US is....some out of spite. My country attracts criticism like flies to honey. I am aware of my countries failures, possibly far better than you as I've studied its history, but it is my country for better or worth. I refuse to blend my criticism with yours in an extremely offensive and insulting manner....It is still my country even though America under George W Bush misused its powers and a president who seemingly didn't know his a-s-s-h-o-l-e from his mouth. My America, with its pronounced racism against people of brown and black coloring....yet, where else could a black man in today's world of all worlds, accede to the presidency of the most powerful country on Earth? Certainly, not Europe, Canada or Russia? So with all its faults, there is opportunity for one to reach the pinnacle of success in an imperfect country known as the United States of America.
Sun 7 Jul, 2013 04:29 pm
but the US has enemies who rejoice in what Snowden has done

Not to mention an awful lot of friends and fellow Americans who also rejoice in what Snowden has done. Who wouldn't rejoice when one considers, seriously, that the US has lied, is lying in order to get further use out of another silly boogeyman notion [I must remind you that this boogeyman, Al Q, was actually created and funded by the US and then used to inflict great pain and suffering on the Afghan people, but we needn't concern ourselves with such unimportant details] to cover its predatory actions on more countries.

and there are enemies who can do nothing but just plain b-i-t-c-h about how awful the US is....some out of spite.

How is it bitching when each and every action described is fact? The plain facts are, the US has been vicious to the citizens of every country they have illegally invaded.

Some do it out of spite, no doubt, but when those folks are introduced to the real historical record, they do it for a number of other reasons - the main one being that the US is not even remotely close to being a force for good, despite the propaganda stream that says it has.

Pick a country that the US and its citizens have done nothing but "just plain b-i-t-c-h about how awful the [country] is. What was the motivation there?

I am aware of my countries failures, possibly far better than you as I've studied its history, but it is my country for better or worth.

That doesn't appear to be the case, MiT. Haven't you made quite the assumption that I haven't studied its history?

Haven't you also made quite another large assumption that what you studied was actually the history of the US?

So with all its faults,

I didn't include the whole quote because this isn't pertinent. What the US did and does to its own citizens is largely up to y'all to figure out.

You keep on with "its faults". A century plus of war crimes and terrorism and murder, rape and torture, of the theft of an enormous amount of wealth, can not in any honest way be termed "faults".

If one were to bring up all the good things Hitler and the Nazis did, should that relieve them of having to answer for their crimes?
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