Homosexual Agenda Exposed!!!!!!

the prince
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 06:27 am
Expose ?? EXPOSE ??? who is exposing ??? I wanna see !!! I also want to do some exposing of my own !!! Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 06:37 am

**A quick note - you were looking for "homosexual agenda practitioners." I don't fit in that category. I fit in the category of people who can't understand why you'd spread this BS.**

You said: (bolded and capitalized for clarity)

A male homosexuals are the overwhelming vectors of HIV
B there is no heterosexual AIDS epidemic
C homosexual males are far more likely to be pedophiles then heterosexuals
D it is unlikely for a male or female to aquire HIV from having 500 acts of intercoruse with a serodiscrodant partner of the opposite sex.

A & B) male homosexuals are the overwhelming vectors of HIV / there is no heterosexual AIDS epidemic

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL: Reducing heterosexual transmission of HIV in poor countries

"Heterosexual transmission is responsible for most HIV infections in poor countries."


"As of the end of 1995, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimated that some 20.1 million adults are living with HIV/AIDS, including over 11 million males and almost 9 million females. Heterosexual transmission accounts for more than 75% of all HIV infections world-wide"


"Heterosexual transmission accounts for an increasing proportion of AIDS cases in the United States. From 1985 to 1995, the proportion of U.S. AIDS cases attributed to heterosexual transmission grew from 2.5 percent to 16.7 percent." -Resource: National Institutes of Health (NIH).


"Between 75 and 85 out of every 100 HIV positive adults have been infected through unprotected sexual intercourse, with heterosexual, (male - female) intercourse accounting for over 70 cases and homosexual, (male-male) intercourse accounting for approximately 5 to 10 cases."

*All global statistics are reported from UNAIDS and WHO; all USA statistics are reported from the CDC unless otherwise noted.


All four quotes show that there is a worldwide AIDS epidemic and that heterosexual intercourse is the main form of transmission.

Granted, in wealthier countries the per-capita rate of infection within the gay community is higher, the more recent infections trend towards an increase in heterosexual infection.

C) homosexual males are far more likely to be pedophiles then heterosexuals

Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or are otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by family members. Research further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases in which women are the offenders. Despite a common myth, homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.

-- American Psychological Association

Some characteristics of the typical pedophile or serial child sex abuser:

-Usually an adult male.
-Often appear to be hard-working, family men.
-Tend to be better educated and more religious than the average person.
-Find ways to be alone with children; for instance, teachers or coaches who are in a position to give individual attention to students.
-Tends to be well liked by parents and children; often one of the most popular teachers in school.
-Actively seeks children who are quiet, needy, or have problems at home.
-Often photographs the victim.
-Often collects child pornography.
-Usually accomplishes molestation by gradual seduction, not coercion.
-Lavishes attention on children they don't abuse to build a sense of trust by parents and other students."


The American Psychological Association must have some credibility in this department.

D) it is unlikely for a male or female to aquire HIV from having 500 acts of intercoruse with a serodiscrodant partner of the opposite sex.

How heterosexual men get infected...
Sex on a single occasion with an infected partner can be enough to infect you, although the risk from a single act is very small - probably less than one in 200 for non-traumatic vaginal intercourse unless there is some other factor like another sex disease.


Less than 1 in 200 is a far cry from 1 in 500. This is also discussing how hetero men get infected. It is more likely for a male to pass HIV to a female through heterosexual intercourse than for the opposite to occur. So the number is likely lower than the 1 in 200 for females (ie. 1 in 100).

RealityChecker - all my links are there if you'd like to verify anything feel free.

Why don't you find something good to fight for?

There are so many good causes out there - why would you waste your time on this? HIV education is a good thing for everyone. The more people know, the better off everyone will be.

"homosexual agenda practitioners." <-----WTF???
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the prince
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 06:40 am
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 06:51 am
Nice work, Jer. But I don't expect R/C to be deterred by facts that interpose themselves between him and his own peculiar sense of reality.
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Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 07:02 am
I was in Malaga, Espana a couple years ago and in the hotel I met a couple from P.E.T.A. who lectured me about how degrading it was for dairy cows to be milked and that I should avoid all dairy products, they also asked me for directions to get to the local Bull Fight Arena.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 08:08 am
Its interesting , in Cravens recitations of the rules about incivility and ad hominems, hes doing it as an argument trick. just keep it fair and dont give "behavior tips" unless everyone pays attention. Including the kahoona.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 08:45 am

I'm really impressed that you came up with the goods. I've already noted that you've had votes of support from Gautam and Joe. I'd like to add my appreciation to that.

Denying heterosexual transmission of HIV is like denying the holocaust - wrong and dangerous! USA, like the UK, does not have epidemic proportions of AIDS. You are right, RC. But without teaching safe sex and looking at HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases as a danger, we could face the same kind of problems as other nations in which the education is inadequate.

What I infer from your post is that you consider homosexuality immoral and AIDS is some kind of judgement on that immorality. You try to distance hetrosexual activity from that immorality and therefore from AIDS.

I'm a heterosexual man but I have gay friends (both male and female) and I would "never say never" - we can't choose who we love, any more than we can choose the colour of our eyes.

There are gay people all around you, RC. Deal with it. They are humans with all the same wonderful and dangerous attributes as heterosexuals. What's your problem?

The whole "agenda" thing springs out of fear grounded in ignorance. Learn - for example by following Jer's links.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 09:35 am
Re: Homosexual Agenda Exposed!!!!!!
RealityChecker wrote:
...I am merely here to expose their agenda filled with lies, counter them with a blitzkrieg of scholarly research which they will avoid and let normal people conclude what they wish.

"Blitzkrieg of scholarly research"? Did I miss something? The only research I've seen so far has been posted by Jer and caprice (and kudos to both of you!).
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 09:40 am
gotta like them lathams
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L R R Hood
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 09:46 am
IronLionZion wrote:
One thing I will concede is that the gay rights movement has plagiarized liberally from the civil rights movement, when in reality, the struggles are remarkably dissimilar. As a black man, this irks me.

I'm glad you shared your feelings about this. I would probably feel the same way. The struggles aren't the same, and I hate it when they try to bring that up.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 10:12 am
Man you go away for 24 hours, and all hell breaks loose.

Come on, CdK, you go out and scour the net to lure in such types, doncha? Come on . . . fess up.

This joker must be for real, 'cause it would take imaginations far beyond the scope of our poor efforts to invent such a creature.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 10:15 am
farmerman wrote:
Its interesting , in Cravens recitations of the rules about incivility and ad hominems, hes doing it as an argument trick. just keep it fair and dont give "behavior tips" unless everyone pays attention. Including the kahoona.


The above is a "behavior tip".

Here's another, hypocrisy is ugly, at least be subtle about it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 10:24 am
Yes, we need more subtlety around here.
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Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 10:25 am
Back in a minute. Gotta get more popcorn. Anyone need anything while I'm up?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 11:29 am
No, I'm fine thanks...but put on that black leather thing.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 11:35 am
dlowan wrote:
IronLionZion wrote:
Craven de Kere wrote:
Dissimilar in circumstance yet very similar in that both are confronted by visceral prejudices. IMO, that similarity is profound in nature.

Indeed. But dissimilar in that one was a struggle against segregation and a history of slavery. The gay rights movement, on the other hand, is primarily a struggle to win over the acceptance of society in general and to secure some symbolic, but rather inconsequential legal rights in marriage. That, IMO, is a dissimilarity profound in nature, Please, do not even attempt to compare the stuggle against slavery and its legacy to the stuggle for Steve to wed Steve.

Forgive me for derailing the thread, but your comments here betray enormous ignorance, ILZ.

I do not challenge your right to find the gay rights movement's co-option of tactics and such from the civil rights movement irking, ILZ - because I make no claim to understand the full experience of black people in the US.

However, to dismiss the struggles of the gay movement as:

"acceptance of society in general and to secure some symbolic, but rather inconsequential legal rights in marriage. That, IMO, is a dissimilarity profound in nature, Please, do not even attempt to compare the stuggle against slavery and its legacy to the stuggle for Steve to wed Steve.

IronLionZion wrote:
is outrageous. You should be more careful to know of what you speak before you do.

Are you unaware of the history of extreme violence against gay men (in particular men)? Of how many gay men have been, and still are, beaten up and murdered purely for their sexual orientation?

Of how much employment discrimination they have, and still do, suffer?

Of how much psychological trauma discrimination still causes? Of homosexuality as a risk factor in suicide?

Forgive me - you have only known the situation of gays in the USA over the last 20 years, where there has been some real progress - as there has been in many other western countries.

I disagree with ILZ on many topics, but on this one I have to agree with him.
Comparing the 'trial and tribulations' of the homosexual community with what occurred to the African community is like a group of civil disobedience protestors who spent a night in jail saying they now understand the plight of those imprisoned in the Soviet Gulags.

The one thing that must be remembered is:
Yes there have been incidents where homosexuals were 'singled out' and beaten/killed for no other reason than their orientation.
The same can be said about just about ANY group. Everyone has heard of someone who was harmed because of their: religion/skin color/nationality etc.

It is fairly simple to spot an African descendant and thus the prejudices that go towards them are immediate and long standing, it is MUCH harder to 'spot' a homosexual just walking down the street.

Although the homosexual community has had their problems, please don't for a MINUTE believe that it can compare with the problems of the African community.

*Note, I use African and African descendant to not only count African-Americans, but Africans who receive discrimination ANYWHERE on the planet (African-Canadian, African-European etc)
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Craven de Kere
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 11:44 am
Indeed, but the point was that homosexuals face more than just opposition to their ability to marry and in that regard ILZ was downplaying the discrimination they are faced with.
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Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 11:45 am
dlowan wrote:
You should be more careful to know of what you speak before you do.

Are you unaware of the history of extreme violence against gay men (in particular men)? Of how many gay men have been, and still are, beaten up and murdered purely for their sexual orientation?

Of how much employment discrimination they have, and still do, suffer?

Of how much psychological trauma discrimination still causes? Of homosexuality as a risk factor in suicide?

Forgive me - you have only known the sitaution of gays in the USA over the last 20 years, where there has been some real progress - as there has been in many other western countries.

I doubt that this progress is anywhere near as profound as the surface appearance might make it seem, by the way. You only have to see the response of many otherwise sensible and decent posters here to homosexuality to see that - and of the backlash against the advances gays HAVE made that is in train as we speak.

These are just some examples...

And, acceptance is no small damned thing, by the way...

You'll have to forgive my incredulty: do you seriously think that any of the struggles quoted above - ie-occasional murders - can compare with the struggle against hundreds of years of slavery and its legacy?

Thats just silly, my friend. Oh, and don't forget most of the struggles you cite above still apply to black people in America (ie- occasional race motivated murders). And, unlike homosexuals, we are instantly recognizable, as skin color is worn 24 hrs a day, unlike sexual preference. I could rant on.....for example about the legacy of poverty, about how the murder rate is still eleven times higher for blacks....

But we may have to agree to disagree.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 11:47 am
IronLionZion wrote:
You'll have to forgive my incredulty: do you seriously think that any of the struggles quoted above - ie-occasional murders - can compare with the struggle against hundreds of years of slavery and its legacy? Thats just silly, my friend. Oh, and don't forget - black people are still occasionally mudered because of thier race in the United States. And, unlike homosexuals, we are instantly recognizable, as skin color is worn 24 hrs a day, unlike sexual preference. I could rant on.....

But we may have to agree to disagree.

She didn't say it was comparable, she said you were dismissing many elements of what gays do face, and in that regard she was spot on.

It's more than just "Steve marrying Steve" as you so facetiously put it.
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Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2004 11:52 am
Craven de Kere wrote:

She didn't say it was comparable, she said you were dismissing many elements of what gays do face, and in that regard she was spot on.

It's more than just "Steve marrying Steve" as you so facetiously put it.

I did not mean to dismiss, but rather, was simply noting that the civil rights movement is not even in the same league as the gay rights movement, in terms of the sheer magnitude of the struggle being faced. To compare the two, on anything more than the most basic level, is absurd.

Indeed, but the point was that homosexuals face more than just opposition to their ability to marry and in that regard ILZ was downplaying the discrimination they are faced with.

Perhaps I was downplaying, as I took it for granted that people would understand I was being facetious. However, I stick by my claim that it is primarily a struggle over the acceptance of general society and some symbolic, but inconsequential, legal rights in marriage. It is certainly a very important ideological stuggle, and one I support wholeheartedly. Acceptance is indeed very important.

It bears, however, little comparison to the black stuggle in America.
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