Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 05:11 am

July, 2014

Man calls for help during home invasion, gets voicemail, shoots robber
FOX 13 Tampa Bay (FL)

A home invasion and robbery in Pasco County is exposing some problems
in the 911 dispatch system. It happened earlier this week on Gwain Road
in Port Richey. A man called 911 after four robbers with guns broke
into his home, demanded money and prescription drugs…
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 05:24 am

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho--A Coeur d’Alene man was attributing his life
to having a concealed weapon on Wednesday.

Anthony Broyles said he and his two-year-old daughter were approached
by a man with a knife. Broyles said he thought the man wanted
to kidnap his daughter.

Broyles had spent four-years in the marines and said his military
experience gave him a sixth sense when it comes to threat assessment.
He said he was glad he was packing his pistol on Wednesday.

“I believe in carrying weapons,” said Broyles.

Broyles had a fun day planned with his daughter at Higgins Point
along Lake Coeur d’Alene.

“Me and my daughter were parked here and I was standing by the
vehicle on the rail. There was a van that was parked in that direction
with two gentlemen sitting in it,” said Broyles.

Broyles said a man came towards them with a knife as they looked
towards the lake.

“I turned around and there was a guy that was sneaking up on me...
probably about 15 feet behind me and he asked me if I had any money,” said Broyles.

Broyles obtained an Idaho concealed weapons license in 2014.
He said he pulled out his gun.

“I pushed my daughter back, pulled out my weapon, cocked it
and aimed it at him,” said Broyles.

The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office said Broyles had every right
to defend himself with equal or greater force, especially if he felt
his life was in danger.
The same rule applied in the State of Washington.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 09:40 pm


4 year old boy starts learning gunnery practice with a 1O/.22 rifle
(that means 1O cartridges in the magazine of a .22 caliber rifle):
He says: "I think I want to shoot more bullets."

4 Year Old Boy fires a .223 caliber AR-15 Rifle:

7 Year Old Happy GIRL Learns To Fire .223 caliber AR-15 Rifle:

9 Year Old Boy Fires .44 Magnum Revolver:

8 Year Old Boy Hits Bull's Eye With .357 Magnum Revolver:


Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2014 05:13 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:


4 year old boy starts learning gunnery practice with a 1O/.22 rifle
(that means 1O cartridges in the magazine of a .22 caliber rifle):
He says: "I think I want to shoot more bullets."

4 Year Old Boy fires a .223 caliber AR-15 Rifle:

7 Year Old Happy GIRL Learns To Fire .223 caliber AR-15 Rifle:

9 Year Old Boy Fires .44 Magnum Revolver:

8 Year Old Boy Hits Bull's Eye With .357 Magnum Revolver:



Children shooting other children:

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2014 07:44 am
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2014 09:07 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Rex, if maturity were
what u allege it to be, twisting its definition
into perversity, then Stalin, Mao and Hitler
wud have been the finest models of "maturity".

Sacrifice of our Constitutional Rights is not "maturity".


There is intelligence and there is emotional maturity, one needs neither to own a gun. Therein lies the fault of the second amendment... rr
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2014 07:00 pm
RexRed wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Rex, if maturity were
what u allege it to be, twisting its definition
into perversity, then Stalin, Mao and Hitler
wud have been the finest models of "maturity".

Sacrifice of our Constitutional Rights is not "maturity".


There is intelligence and there is emotional maturity,
one needs neither to own a gun. Therein lies the fault of the second amendment... rr
That is "EQUAL protection of the laws".

The right to bear arms is not limited to Members of Mensa.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2014 10:01 am
Congressional Staffer Brings Gun Into Congress

What? He was exercising his 2nd amendment rights! Congressional members should bring their own guns! (cynical)

House Passes Amendment to ‘Restore Gun rights’ in D.C.

GOP Congressman’s Press Secretary Arrested For Carrying Unlicensed Gun On Capitol Hill

Capitol Hill Staffer Arrested for Bringing 9mm Handgun to Work

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2014 03:23 pm

Great news for gun owners across the country
came out of an obscure Georgia runoff last night.

In the 10th Congressional District, Jody Hice handily defeated
his opponent and will face nominal opposition in November.
Jody is a great friend of the Second Amendment
, and thanks to
the support of people like you, GOA was able to flood the airwaves
and mailboxes with his pro-gun message.

Georgia's 10th District had been represented by GOA Life Member Paul Broun,
who was chairman of the U.S. House Second Amendment Task Force
and a leading voice in protecting your gun rights. That's why when
Mr. Broun stepped down, it was imperative that we fill his seat with
someone who would step in and fight just as vigorously for
the right to keep and bear arms.

Gun Owners of America was proud to support Jody Hice early on in his race
because he is a tireless leader for gun owners in Georgia, and he is
more than ready to fight against the gun grabbers in Washington, D.C.

Jody and his wife are both gun owners, and they know that the true
meaning of the Second Amendment is not about hunting, but about
your God-given right to defend your life from the tyranny of any aggressor.
We need principled individuals like Jody Hice safeguarding liberty
in the halls of Congress, and your support of GOA helps to make that happen.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2014 08:55 pm

Tennessee restaurant owner welcomes gun owners

Posted: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:30 pm
Updated: 5:30 pm, Tue Jul 22, 2014.
Associated Press |

A Maryville, Tennessee, restaurant owner has placed a sign in the window
of her business welcoming gun owners — a move she says has brought
in more customers and saved her business from closing.

Shiloh Brew and Chew owner Sharma Floyd said she put up the sign
after seeing a news account of a business being robbed after posting
a sign saying guns were not allowed in the building.

The Maryville restaurant owner opted to go in the opposite direction.
Floyd told WVLT-TV in Knoxville that "business exploded" and
the response from customers was overwhelmingly positive.
Floyd said she doesn't want her sign to be a challenge to anyone.
She's simply standing up for what she believes in.
"My parents always taught me that if you believe in something
and you're passionate about it and you open your mouth up about it,
you better be able to back it up," Floyd said "and that's my stance on that."
The new business came after a rough winter when, Floyd said,
expenses got to be too high, several pipes burst, and maintenance
costs rising. It got to the point where Floyd said it was time to
shut down her dream.
"I was really emotional when I told my workers," Floyd said.

Floyd is happy that people have responded positively to the sign.
She's met new faces who have never stopped by to try her food,
and several groups have told her they are planning to have dinner
at her restaurant on Tuesday evening to show their support.
"I'm overwhelmed. Overjoyed. Absolutely overjoyed," Floyd said.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2014 12:45 am
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2014 09:19 am
When you say things like this, it shows that you know nothing about the military.
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2014 11:22 am
Arizona man arrested in Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport after open-carry 'protest' terrifies travelers

0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2014 11:24 am
Baldimo wrote:

When you say things like this, it shows that you know nothing about the military.

Since when are these militia freaks "the military"?

Do you know how to read and comprehend?
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2014 02:09 pm
You want to equate open carry to men playing Army. Like I said, you know nothing of the military and it shows with stupid statements like this. If you knew anything about the military you won't post this BS. Your hate of guns and the 2nd Amendment leads you to post stupid ****. That's all I'm saying.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 06:53 pm

Armed psychiatrist shoots suspect
who killed Pennsylvania hospital employee: police

Three people, including a doctor, were shot at the wellness center
connected to the Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital complex in Darby, just
outside of Philadelphia, on Thursday, authorities said. One female
employee was killed, a doctor suffered a graze wound and suspect
Richard Plotts was also shot when the doctor returned fire using his own weapon.

Yeadon Police Chief Donald Molineux said that "without a doubt,
I believe the doctor saved lives. Without that firearm, this guy
[the patient] could have went out in the hallway and just walked down
the offices until he ran out of ammunition," the chief said.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 08:10 pm

By Emily Miller

A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Saturday overturned
the city’s total ban on residents being allowed to carry firearms
outside their homes in a landmark decision for gun-rights activists.

Judge Frederick Scullin Jr. wrote in his ruling in Palmer v. District
of Columbia
that the right to bear arms extends outside the home,
therefore gun-control laws in the nation’s capital are “unconstitutional.”

“We won,” Alan Gura, the lead attorney for the Second Amendment Foundation,
told Fox News in a phone interview. “I’m very pleased with the decision
that the city can’t forbid the exercise of a fundamental constitutional right."

Gura said he expects the District to appeal this decision but added,
“We’ll be happy to keep the fight going.”

The decision leaves no gray area in gun-carrying rights.

Judge Scullin extensively referenced the Supreme Court decisions
in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. Chicago (2010)
to concluding “there is no longer any basis on which this court can
conclude that the District of Columbia's total ban on the public
carrying of ready-to-use handguns outside the home is constitutional
under any level of scrutiny.”

The court ordered the city to now allow residents
of the District and other states to carry weapon within its boundaries.

[All emfasis has been added by David.]

Today I registered for the Second Amendment Foundation's
annual convention, its Gun Rights Policy Conference in Chicago
at the end of September. Alan Gura, Esq., counsel for the successful Plaintiff,
the Second Amendment Foundation, will there be present.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Aug, 2014 06:19 pm

US District Judge Says The Right to Have an Abortion
Deserves Same Protection as Right to Bear Arms

A federal judge argued that a woman's right to have an abortion
deserves the same protection as her right to bear arms in a ruling
Monday that a 2013 Alabama law requiring doctors at abortion clinics
to have admitting privileges at local hospitals is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson concluded, in his 172-page decision
handed down Monday, that the requirement that abortion doctors must
have admitting privileges at hospitals in the same metropolitan area
that they conduct abortions places an undue burden on women's right to abortion.
To prove his point however he paralleled abortion rights with gun ownership rights.
Reply Wed 6 Aug, 2014 07:59 pm

Bloomberg Fails to Defeat 'Gold Standard'
for Gun Rights Amendment

By an overwhelming margin of 61 to 39 percent, Missouri voters
have adopted an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Missouri
backed by the National Rifle Association (NRA) strengthening
the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Senate Joint Resolution 36 declares
that right to be "unalienable" and require any gun-control restrictions
to be subject to the highest legal scrutiny.

A Missouri-based anti-gun group funded by Mike Bloomberg failed to kill
the ballot measure before it ever reached voters and also failed
to defeat the measure at the ballot box.

"The people of Missouri have sent a clear, strong message that they will not allow
anti-gun activists to trample on their Right to Keep and Bear Arms,"
said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for
Legislative Action. "This amendment is the gold standard for the
protection of the individual right to Keep and Bear Arms. In the face
of unprecedented threats from billionaire Michael Bloomberg and his
network of anti-gun groups across the country, Americans are fighting
back to protect their rights. I applaud the people of Missouri and call
on all Americans to support similar efforts in their states. On behalf
of the NRA's five million members, I thank the ballot's sponsors,
Senator Kurt Schaefer, Majority Leader Ron Richard, Speaker-elect
John Diehl and members of the Missouri General Assembly who
supported this measure. Across the country, gun rights supporters
are taking note of their leadership on this critical issue," added Cox.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 01:40 am

Female Student Appeals
to Her Ivy League College Administration

Despite being victimized by a stalker,
Taylor Woolrich was told by Dartmouth officials
that she was not allowed to carry a gun on campus
after inquiring about a concealed carry license.

By Taylor Woolrich
Published August 06, 2014

Dear Dartmouth,
I am one of your students.
I am being stalked. Please let me carry a gun to protect myself.
Over the last four years, I have lived with the constant threat from
a stalker – a stalker who is now in jail for the third time for violating
a restraining order.

Every day I live with these questions: What if today is the day that
my stalker posts bail? What if today is the day that he discovers
my parents’ new address? What if I go to a lecture on campus and
he shows up there?

I feel that I have no control over my life. My family was forced to move.
I have had stay indoors, keep drapes closed, avoid posting on social
media sites, and even change my car. It’s almost like being held hostage.

If schools and society can’t guarantee my safety and the safety
of victims like me, it’s time we have the chance to defend ourselves
so we can stop living in fear.

Should myself and other female victims just have to put up with this?
The answer, hopefully, is “no.” Women must be able to defend themselves.
The most effective way of doing this is by using a gun. When police
arrive to enforce a restraining order, it is usually too late.

I have been living such a nightmare for over four years. I was 16 and
working a café in San Diego when a 67-year-old man, Richard Bennett,
came in the store for coffee. He kept coming back, staring at me for
long periods of time, and trying to flirt. He then would sit outside the
store for the entire day.

The nightmare soon got much worse. He followed me around outside
of work, demanding to talk and saying that he was “trying to protect .”
Then he began bothering my friends, security had to remove him from
scholarship pageants that I participated in, and he attempted to attack
my then boyfriend in high school. I was forced to take out a restraining order.

Today, Richard Bennett is facing trial for yet another restraining order violation.
In June of this year, I returned home to San Diego from Dartmouth College
and early the very next morning, Bennett was at my door, wanting to talk.

He was arrested and police searched his car. They discovered what
police call a “rape kit,” including rope tied as slip noose, a knife,
gloves, and other items. When police got the warrant, they found
my pictures all over Bennett’s house as well as illegally obtained guns.

Bennett’s bond originally required him to put up $10,000 for a bondsman.
This was later raised to $30,000. So far, Bennett hasn’t posted bond
and is still in jail. However, he has hired one of the top defense
attorneys in the area.

I thought that I would be safe when I started attending Dartmouth College
on the East Coast two years ago but over the last fourteen months,
Bennett has sent me multiple messages in which he promised to come
all the way to Dartmouth.

Fearing for my safety, I finally contacted Dartmouth College’s Department
of Safety and Security in June and asked if I could keep a licensed handgun
on campus, but no luck. The advice was that I call campus security
and arrange for an escort if I ever felt unsafe after dark. I was also
told that there was no way to appeal this decision.

Yet, the escorts have proved to be impractical and humiliating.
Campus security has told me, “you can’t keep calling us all the time.”
When requesting transportation, I am grilled over whether I have a
justifiable reason.

Campus security tells me that I can’t call until after 9 PM, but my stalker
doesn’t really care what time of day it is.

What are women in these circumstances supposed to do?
Keep themselves locked in their dorm rooms, as I have done?

Dartmouth thinks that banning weapons will keep students safe, but
a gun ban isn’t going to stop the Bennetts of this world from attacking.
A restraining order didn’t stop him from approaching me countless times
in the three years since it was issued. Neither will Dartmouth’s gun ban.

Having a gun is by far the most effective way for victims to stop crimes.
The annual National Crime Victimization Survey has shown this for
over 30 years running. Because of the large strength differential
between male criminals and female victims, women benefit much more
than men do from having a gun or carrying a licensed, concealed handgun.

The concern that license holders represent a danger to others is misplaced.
A recent report from the Crime Prevention Research Center cites statistics
from Florida and shows that from October 1, 1987 to May 31, 2014
(almost three decades), Florida has issued licenses to more than 2.64 million
people. These licenses have been revoked for firearms-related violations
at an annual rate of only 0.0002 percent. This is less than a third
of the rate of firearm violations by police.

Nine states ensure that license holders can carry concealed handguns
on public university campuses. There has not been a single reported
problem with a license holder.

Gun control groups push expanded background checks for gun purchases
as the solution for stalkers, but Bennett was already a convicted felon.
He was banned from getting guns. California already has the background
checks that Obama is pushing, but he was still able to get guns illegally.
In addition, Bennett is much larger and stronger than I am and
I felt in danger even without him having a gun.

If schools and society can’t guarantee my safety and the safety of victims
like me, it’s time we have the chance to defend ourselves so we can
stop living in fear.

Taylor Woolrich, a junior at Dartmouth College this fall, was a speaker
at the Student’s for Concealed Carry/Crime Prevention Research Center
National Conference in Washington D.C.


I predict failure of her application.

The leftists much prefer
to have a dead or kidnapped student
than to lose gun control on their private campus.
0 Replies

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