Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Wed 23 Apr, 2014 04:53 am
Amid weekend of violence, 6 children shot Sunday night

Brought to you courtesy of the NRA and a few other gun freaks.
Reply Wed 23 Apr, 2014 09:06 am
How can you blame gun violence in Chicago on the NRA? Chicago has done the opposite of what the NRA would recommend, and they still have more shootings than any other major city in the US.

Are you that blind in your hatred of the NRA that you would blame Chicago gun violence on them? Chicago still has some of the strictest gun laws in the US. You really are a tool of the the anti-gunners. Blind as blind can be.
Reply Wed 23 Apr, 2014 06:43 pm
The NRA is the blindest organization (besides the dirty energy companies) in America.

Don't pin this tail on me...
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Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2014 05:39 am
California Lawmakers Aim To Tighten Handgun Restrictions
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Reply Sat 26 Apr, 2014 09:18 am
DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN WHERE YOU LIVE: Georgia parents shut down a children’s baseball game on Tuesday when an armed man began pacing the park saying, “Look, I got a gun and there's nothing you can do about it." Even though 22 people called 911, authorities could not arrest the man or ask him to leave the park because he had a permit. One 6-year-old asked his mother, "Mommy, did that man want to kill me?": http://bit.ly/1k2Nurv

This is not the America our children deserve. That's why mom and gun violence survivors are in Indiana this weekend during the NRA convention, talking about gun sense. If you can’t make it to Indy, please LIKE, SHARE and JOIN us here: http://momsdemandaction.org/join-us/
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2014 08:02 am

Two Suspects Who Dragged Mom Across a Parking Lot
Get a Swift Lesson in Texas’ Concealed Carry Law
Apr. 29, 2014 4:08pm Liz Klimas

A 30-year-old mother is lucky today after the quick-thinking
of a stranger helped save her from a mugging.

The mother of two who was dragged across a Texas shopping
center parking lot this week, clinging to her purse while two
suspects in a sedan tried to snatch it.

That’s when the stranger, who was armed, stopped the would-be
thieves and forced them to lie on the ground while they waited
for the police to arrive.

The stranger who helped the woman retrieve her purse, pointed
a gun at the suspects while he made them lie on the ground,
waiting for police to arrive.
“This lady opens her car door, grabs the woman’s purse and they reverse.
While they’re trying to reverse, the lady is holding on to her purse
still, chasing them all the way to the middle,” Brenda Vasquez,
manager of a Houston Family Dollar store who witnessed the incident,
told KHOU-TV. “And that good Samaritan came out, drew his weapon
and scared them and that’s when he pulled them out of the car.”

The mother of two clung to her purse and was dragged along
with the car, refusing to let go. A store’s surveillance camera
pointed toward the parking lot caught the scene.

Armed good Samaritan comes to the aid of purse-snatching victim

A mother out with her two children to go shopping became the victim
of would-be purse snatchers, but a good Samaritan armed with
a gun came to the rescue

The male and female suspects, identified as 34-year-old Shamarion
Diana Brooks and 48-year-old Jesse Leroy Grace were arrested by
the Houston Police Department. Brooks was charged with felony
possession of an unlawful substance and robbery by threat, while
Grace saw felony charges of unauthorized use of motor vehicle
and robbery by threat.

Neither the mother nor the man who Vasquez called a “hero”
were identified. Police department spokesman John Cannon told
TheBlaze the citizen who held the suspects until officers could
arrive is a witness in the case, which is why his identity is not
being released.

When asked to comment on the man’s actions, Cannon said that
“the citizen did what he thought was right at the time. In some
instances, witnesses do that and other times they play it safer
and just get good descriptions.” The police department does not
endorse one action over another Cannon said. The man’s gun was
checked out by police and given back to him.

According to KHOU, the good Samaritan bought his children some
candy after the incident and drove away. Vasquez said that while
the mother was scared, she was thankful for the help she received.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2014 08:06 am
RexRed wrote:

Protect kids, not guns, by giving the kids good guns
and good training in how to use them effectively
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 May, 2014 07:55 pm

Neighbor fells vicious dog,
WFMZ, Allentown, Pa. 05/01/14

Posted on May 6, 2014

After a woman arrived home with her pet pit bull in Exeter Township, Pa.,
she was attacked by the dog as she tried to remove him from her car.
The woman’s partner came to her aid, but was also attacked by the dog.
One neighbor described the scene to a local news outlet by stating,
“The dog would not let [him] go.”

Other neighbors came to help the couple. When the dog failed to stop
after one neighbor hit him with a metal bar, another neighbor shot the dog,
ending the attack. The wounded couple was taken to a local hospital.
(WFMZ, Allentown, Pa. 05/01/14)
Reply Wed 7 May, 2014 10:59 am

Mostly Wins for Gun Supporters During 2014 Session

MAY 5, 2014

The 2014 Florida legislative session was another success for gun owners
and the National Rifle Association, but one battle is still being waged.

Major wins came in the form of the "warning-shot" bill — which protects
people from mandatory sentences when they threaten to use a
weapon in self-defense — and the "Pop-Tart" bill that keeps children
from being punished for playing with imaginary guns or wearing
clothing with images of firearms.

The biggest loss was legislation to extend carry and conceal privileges
during a declared state of emergency. The bill was killed, in part,
by a late push from the Florida Sheriffs Association.

Those who hoped to see changes in the "stand your ground" law were
left empty-handed.

"I told my constituents when I left to come to Tallahassee
that the Second Amendment would be safe," said Sen. Greg Evers, R-Pensacola.
"I feel reasonably sure that we held true to that.
In fact, we made some headway. The Second Amendment is definitely safe,
so my folks back home are going to be happy."

Both Evers and Marion Hammer, a lobbyist and former NRA president,
said the carry-and-conceal issue is not going away.

The sheriffs association argued that the language in the bill (SB 296)
was too open-ended and left room for interpretation without time
and place specifications. Hammer called that argument "just a smoke screen."

"It was never about anything other than their convenience and
the fact they didn't want citizens carrying guns," Hammer said.

"But sometimes you have to lose in order to identify the real enemy
and this was one of those times," she added. She said the association has
"declared war on the Second Amendment."

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, president of the sheriff's association,
said he is personally and professionally offended by that accusation.

"For her to say that means she didn't tell the truth to the people
of Florida," Judd said.

Judd estimated that a majority of sheriffs are NRA members and are
"staunch supporters" of Second Amendment rights. He said Hammer
didn't want to negotiate over the wording of the bill.

"She wanted a very vague bill that for all intents and purposes would
have left us in a quandary as to, one, how to enforce the law and
certainly set innocent people in the state of Florida up to be
inappropriately arrested" Judd said. "All we asked for was clarification."

The "stand your ground" law grabbed headlines after the killings of
Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis. Several rallies, including one led by
Rev. Al Sharpton, were held at the Capitol, but protesters failed to
persuade legislators to change the law.

"I'm disappointed we did not get the repeal of 'stand your ground,'"
said Rep. Alan Williams, D-Tallahassee. "My focus is to ensure that we
continue that dialogue. I wear a bracelet from Travon Martin's mother
and I wear a bracelet from Jordan Davis' mother as a reminder every
day that our work is not done."

The warning shot bill (SB 448) was partly inspired by the case of a
Jacksonville woman sentenced to 20 years in prison after firing a shot
near her estranged husband during an altercation. The woman,
Marissa Alexander, is out on bail awaiting a new trial.

Hammer believes the "Pop-Tart bill" (HB 7029) is one of the most
important bills passed because it protects children from overzealous adults.

"That's not a gun bill, that's a bill about protecting children from
people who don't like guns," Hammer said. "This bill puts some
guidelines and some common sense in place that's going to protect
children from irrational adults."

The legislature also passed bills prohibiting insurance companies from
discriminating against gun owners (HB 0255) and allowing citizens
to apply for a carry and conceal license with tax collectors (HB 525).

Another bill (HB 753) that would have allowed trained officials
to carry guns in schools died in the Senate.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 May, 2014 03:54 am

Home intruder found pistol-packing woman, police say
Posted: Mar 28, 2014 1:25 PM EDT

By Myles Snyder
A man who kicked in the front door of a York County home found
a woman waiting for him with her handgun at the ready, according to police.

The 31-year-old Glenville woman was alone when she heard someone trying
to force his way inside Wednesday, so she grabbed a handgun
that she trains with on a regular basis, Southwestern Regional police said.

She then called 911 and reported a burglary in progress, police said.

When the man eventually kicked in her front door and entered the
home in the 7700 block of Glenville Road, the woman leveled the gun
and told the intruder not to come any closer, police said.

He obeyed her order and was found on the front porch of a neighbor's
home when an officer arrived minutes later.

Cory R. Gootee, 19, of Stewartstown, told the officer he had left a
neighbor's house to smoke a cigarette, became disoriented, and
believed he had been locked out of the neighbor's home, police said.

Police said Gootee may have been intoxicated.

He was charged with criminal mischief, and the woman requested
that he pay to repair her door, police said.
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Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 03:02 pm
The idea of gun regulation is to make sure the dog is shot and the child is saved.
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 04:05 pm
RexRed wrote:
The idea of gun regulation is to make sure the dog is shot and the child is saved.
No. Gun control finds its genesis in controls against blacks,
beginning with the slave rebellions, particularly in that
thay got some guns and killed some white children in the early 18OOs.

Originally, the gun control statutes explicitly applied only to the black race.
Gun control laws were to hold the slaves conveniently, safely, in subjection.
In the 19OOs, direct mention of race dropped off, dropped out of the statutory language,
but the fundamental concept was discrimination
as to WHO 'd be able to defend his life, if that became necessary.

The main idea of licensure of any kind
(e.g., license to be an electrician, license to practice dentistry, license to fly planes)
is DISCRIMINATION between those who HAVE that license and those who dont.
A license is a borderline.

The concept of equal rights and the concept of licensure are like hot and cold;
thay cannot stand together. So when the USSC said to Rosa Parks
that she had an equal right to a few minutes of seating on a bus,
when she steps OFF that bus (according to gun control philosophy),
she does not have an equal right to defend herself from an attacking
pack of dogs, nor from criminals. The police or a judge decide who
has the right to defend his life, like an American Samurai Class.
(U know the Samurai in Japan ?)

I am of the opinion that everyone has an equal right to defend his or her life
from predatory violence, regardless of upon whom the favor of government rests,
and no one needs any permission of government to exercise that right.

The Founders of this Republic believed that.

When this Republic was founded in the 17OOs, there were NO Police
anywhere in the USA; not until the following century.
Each citizen was expected to take care of himself.
There survives a letter from Thomas Jefferson to his 12 year old nephew
counselling the lad always to take his gun with him, when he goes out for a walk,
and to practice for proficiency in its use. Failure to wear your guns then
was looked upon the same as failure to wear your seatbelt now: IRRESPONSIBLE and in some colonies: un-lawful.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 08:19 pm

Woman fends off violent home invader,
KSAZ, Phoenix, Ariz. 05/06/14

Posted on May 12, 2014

A recently widowed woman was home alone in Phoenix, Ariz.
when a man broke into her house through a back door. Once inside,
the criminal attacked the woman with that may have been a garden tool.
The woman responded by retrieving a gun and shooting the home invader,
ending the attack.

Following the incident, Phoenix Police Spokesman Tommy Thompson
told a local news outlet, “"I would say that anytime someone is in your house,
they've assaulted you, broken into your house,
you would say she appears to have been in the right at this point.”
(KSAZ, Phoenix, Ariz. 05/06/14)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 May, 2014 06:36 pm
“Look at my gun!” Why NRA’s scary “open carry” craze is not about freedom
Reply Tue 13 May, 2014 07:04 pm
RexRed wrote:
“Look at my gun!” Why NRA’s scary “open carry” craze is not about freedom
It IS about freedom and defeating, nullifying any gun control laws
and getting the populace accustomed to it, as a cultural matter.
Your linked article does not disprove that it is about freedom.

If anyone (armed or not) is causing a disturbance in a public park
then it is a question of fact qua whether he is disturbing the peace,
or merely exercising his First Amendment rights of freedom of speech
and of freedom of association. In the 1950s and 60s, I bet that u did not object
to the shock caused by black demonstrators on private property; yes ????

(Except in childhood), I have very seldom carried guns exposed.
I have preferred concealed carry, for several reasons.

I have never shouted "look at my gun" anywhere,
tho I have been accosted in gunnery ranges by police
who commended me on my taste in the beauty of defensive ordnance.

Its like saying: "look at my car" or "look at my house".

I hope that all has gone well with your teeth, Rex
and that u r comfortable!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 May, 2014 07:10 pm

Ohio issues 16,000 new concealed carry licenses
Wednesday May 14, 2014 6:00 AM

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio's attorney general reports that more than 16,000
new concealed-carry licenses were issued in the first quarter of 2014.

The numbers released Tuesday showed 16,205 new licenses issued,
and 15,832 licenses renewed in the first three months of the year,
for a total of more than 32,000. Another 262 applications were denied,
and 350 were suspended.

That compares with more than 31,400 new licenses issued
in the first quarter of 2013, along with more than 6,300 renewals.

More than 145,000 concealed carry licenses were issued in Ohio in 2013
for the largest number issued since licensing began in the state in 2004.
The state issued 97,000 new licenses and more than 48,000 renewals last year.
Reply Wed 14 May, 2014 10:25 pm
In March, the mayor of West Virginia’s largest city created a sign just like this after the legislature passed a law that blocks cities from prohibiting guns in their parks and community centers.

In more than 40 states, the NRA has persuaded state legislatures to keep local governments from adopting gun violence prevention measures suited to local conditions.

These laws defy common sense by requiring crowded, high-crime cities to apply the same gun laws as those in sparsely populated, low-crime rural areas. This misguided approach to gun regulation prevents urban areas from addressing the unique challenges and concerns they face with gun violence.
Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 03:03 am
In MY childhood (age 8 on up), I carried a .38 caliber revolver in parks,
schools, and everywhere else. I chose to attend to my own safety. My nabors did, too.

I m sorry that we did not know one another then, Rex; we cud have gone target shooting.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 09:56 am
A person with a concealed permit isn't the problem in the Urban cities. How does a sign warning people of legal right to carry a problem? We are talking about legal right to carry concealed, there is no common sense with this sign or how it applies to the problems with guns in the inner cities.

You continue to show that no honest debate can be had on guns because of your blatant misuse of facts and logic. How many of the mass shootings in the last decade have taken place in areas that were gun free zones.
Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 10:03 am
"Gun free zones" are victim disarmament zones,
unless potential victims have better loyalty to their continued good health
and to the Bill of Rights than thay do to unConstitutional gun control laws.

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