Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 03:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,

In 1988, Rahway State Prison was renamed East Jersey State Prison when Rahway residents claimed that being identified with the prison stigmatized the city and affected property values.[9] However, residents of the region surrounding the prison still refer to building by its former name. East Jersey State Prison’s demographic makeup is much different than what it was when it first opened in 1901.The inmates housed at the prison today are some of New Jersey’s worst criminals ranging from 18 to 65 years of age.[10]
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 04:36 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I will curtail my posting somewhat this PM,
in that my next OOBE lesson is on for tonite. I 'm having some friends over for the class.

Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 04:39 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I will curtail my posting somewhat this PM,
in that my next OOBE lesson is on for tonite. I 'm having some friends over for the class.


See ya tomorrow, David. If you get out...don't forget to get back in. We need you here.
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 04:45 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

I will curtail my posting somewhat this PM,
in that my next OOBE lesson is on for tonite. I 'm having some friends over for the class.

See ya tomorrow, David.
If you get out...don't forget to get back in. We need you here.
Thank u, Frank. That s very nice of u to say.
It starts at 6:30PM. Maybe I shud order pizza.
If I get out, the anti-gun folks might make fun of me
for going around without my guns out there.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 09:47 pm
Baldimo wrote:

30,000 is the # of total deaths from guns, not just accidents. 100,000 + is the total of self defense gun uses per year.

Yes, which completely ignores all the other gun accidents where deaths don't occur. You are comparing apples and oranges and then complain when I point that out.

By the way, where is your source for the 100,000 per year? More than 100,000 people per year are killed or injured by guns every year.
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 09:50 pm
parados wrote:
More than 100,000 people per year
are killed or injured by guns every year.
What is your evidence of that ?
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 09:52 pm
You can start here which gives links to the CDC
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 12:02 am
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Everyone who has the right to LIVE
has as much right as anyone else, including police and the mayor,
to defend his life. Government was never granted authority to interfere in that.
Frank Apisa wrote:
So you are saying that criminals in prison for murder, rape,
violent assault, robbery and such...should have a right to own guns.
And individuals committed to (what used to be called) insane asylums...
should have a right to own gun.
Yes, as far as I know,
thay DO have that right,
the same as the right to own real estate.

Frank Apisa wrote:
And you would argue that the government
should not refuse them permission to exercise that right.
I woud, tho I need not;
so far as I know, government has never presented them
with that challenge (neither qua guns nor real estate).
Frank Apisa wrote:
Just want to be sure I understand you, Counsellor…
not to be confused with (allow you to dig this hole as deep as you want}:

You are telling me that you would argue for the right of prisoners
to own and possess guns…
U CHANGED the question.
Now u include possession.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I see. In your mind...owning a gun to protect yourself
is somehow different from actually possessing it.
Its an ez concept.
I 'm sure that u r better than equal to the task of mastering it:
suppose that u acquire your first gun.
U lend it to me.
If a predator (human or not) kills u because u were un-armed,
u owned that gun while I borrowed it, but u did not POSSESS it,
and accordingly u got killed. Do u see the distinction ???

Frank Apisa wrote:

But I will acknowledge that you are stretching things to such an extent
that the tears in my eyes from laughing are causing some sight distortion.
U don t know the difference
between possessing something and OWNing it????
Suppose that u let me BORROW your car.
I possess it, but I dont own it. Yes????

DAVID wrote:
Qua prisoners, my position is that thay shud be offered
the opportunity to be left alone, out of contact with any other prisoners,
unless thay choose to have social contact with them.
If thay r safe, alone, under constant guard, then I 'll be satisfied qua 2A.
We can indulge the fiction that not only do we give them guns to KABA,
but we give them the troops to man those guns: the guards.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But the point is that you either think that prisoners should be able to own
and possess guns...or you think that they should not.
Frank, what harm is there in criminals OWNing guns??
Y do u care in whom title reposes??

Frank Apisa wrote:
Why you make the distinction
is not so important as the fact that you do.
I dont see it that way.
If he owns a herd of horses, wud u fear that the guards 'd be trampled???

Frank Apisa wrote:
So...from what I am reading...you are going through all this rigmarole
so that you do not have to say, "I think prisoners should not under
ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be allowed to own and possess guns."
No, no, no. That is not my position.
Incidentally, dont forget my BANISHMENT position qua violent recidivists.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But you already have conceded that death row inmates
should not be allowed to own and possess guns
That 's not what I said; if I were not so nice a guy and in such a good mood,
I 'd do what U did to ME and challenge u to FIND where I said that

Frank Apisa wrote:
because they are going to die...and "they have forfeited their right" to do so.

So we already have a line drawn...and rather than go this contortion, David,
why not say the obvious, that prisoners in prison ought not to be allowed to own and possess weapons.

It is not that hard...and from down there in the hole you have dug,
it is not going to make that much difference.

DAVID wrote:
Lemme put it this way, in the fullness of good faith, with all humor laid aside:
I am sure that when the Authors of the 2A wrote it,
thay meant all of the people of the USA,
certainly including children for their protection from violence,
excepting: Indians (who were not deemed part of the USA)
incarcerated criminals, mentally sick men who were confined
to hospitals, and African slaves.

Frank Apisa wrote:
And would you still exempt those people
from being allowed to own and possess guns?
The Indians and the slaves have been re-defined
as being among "the people"; the others have not

DAVID wrote:
IF the wardens insist that thay mix with dangerous criminals,
then their 2nd Amendment rights to KABA have been activated.

Frank Apisa wrote:

Um humm...and as far as you are concerned, all those guys in what
used to be Rahway State Penitentiary here in New Jersey, who are
pretty much required to be housed in the general population...
should be allowed to own and possess guns...

...and all those unannounced prison shake-downs to seize illegal
weapons of all sorts are objectionable to you?


Still diggin"!

DAVID wrote:
WHO is protected by 2A? In US v. Verdugo 110 S. Ct. 1056
the USSC tells us that the same people are protected
by the First Amendment, the SECOND AMENDMENT, the Fourth Amendment (searches & seizures)
the 9th Amendment and the 10th Amendment.
Were the Authors of the 2nd Amendment (James Madison)
thinking of the people in prison??
No. (We know that because at the time, prisoners were not armed.
There was no discussion of that in the press, nor in surviving correspondence.)
The significant consideration, to which u did not directly refer is:
safety of the guards and their ability to control the prison
that is occupied by a well armed malicious militia.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I repeat: As far as YOU are concerned, all those guys in what used
to be Rahway State Penitentiary here in New Jersey, who are pretty
much required to be housed in the general population...should be
allowed to own and possess guns...

...and all those unannounced prison shake-downs to seize illegal
weapons of all sorts are objectionable to you?
Its better to BANISH them,
and then let them attend to their own defensive concerns

Frank Apisa wrote:
Dig as hard as you want, David...but you will never reach bottom.
DAVID wrote:
We 'll C.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Credit where credit is due: You are trying! Wink

P.S....you still do not have the quoting thingy down!
I think its better.

Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 12:51 am

"Nearly 100,000 people get shot every year.
That's 270 people a day and 87 dead."
Facebook posts on Saturday, July 21st, 2012 in on the Internet
In the wake of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colo., Americans
took to social media to express their views on guns and violence.

A reader sent us one Facebook post about the extent of gun violence in the United States. It said, "USA is #1 in gun violence. Nearly 100,000 people get shot every year. That's 270 people a day and 87 dead because of gun violence every day."

In this item, we’ll look at the second half of that claim: "Nearly 100,000 people get shot every year. That's 270 people a day and 87 dead."

The numbers

We turned to statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; experts [????] in the field told us it keeps the most reliable statistics on the subject. The CDC collects two sets of relevant data.

The first is data for deaths by guns, which is included in an annual report about deaths of all types during calendar year 2009. The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010.
(We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

How accurate is the Facebook post?

If you add together the gun deaths and the non-fatal gun injuries, you get 104,852 people shot every year. That’s very close to what the Facebook post said. The Facebook post was also close in its daily averages -- 287 people shot every day, and 86 deaths by gun every day.

There’s one area, however, in which the Facebook post could have benefited from additional context. It says that "nearly 100,000 people get shot every year," which to us suggests that a victim is being shot by someone else. In reality, a significant majority of gun deaths comes from self-inflicted firearm wounds.

If you ignore the suicides -- and if you assume that relatively few people survive a suicide attempt with a firearm (we couldn’t find any hard data on that question) -- then the number of people who got shot, either fatally or non-fatally, was about 86,000, or roughly 235 a day. That’s lower than the Facebook post indicated. And the daily number of firearm deaths would be substantially lower -- 35 per day, rather than the 87 cited in the Facebook post.

Our ruling

The numbers in the Facebook post are close to accurate, as long as you make one major assumption -- that suicides count as "get(ting) shot." We think that assumption is debatable, but there is no question that at least 100,000 people did die or become injured from firearms. On balance, we rate this claim Mostly True.
OK; a few things:
I 'm surprized that u 'd just swallow this un-critically
and then offer it up to us as the truth.

1. This implies that folks who choose to end their human lives
shud use knives or jump out the window,
or drive toward head-on collisions, not use guns. I dissent.

2. Who decides the definition of an expert??
Must he be an anti-freedom fanatic??

3. There is no mention of the toll from the very senior turf wars
among drug lords.

4. It also includes the police shooting criminals,
presumably a wholesome activity.

5. There is NO identification of any sources of the CDC's purported data,
nor any ability in the audience to check for duplications.
Are thay from the gun repressionists??

This is facially un-worthy of credence.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 07:00 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Everyone who has the right to LIVE
has as much right as anyone else, including police and the mayor,
to defend his life. Government was never granted authority to interfere in that.
Frank Apisa wrote:
So you are saying that criminals in prison for murder, rape,
violent assault, robbery and such...should have a right to own guns.
And individuals committed to (what used to be called) insane asylums...
should have a right to own gun.
Yes, as far as I know,
thay DO have that right,
the same as the right to own real estate.

Frank Apisa wrote:
And you would argue that the government
should not refuse them permission to exercise that right.
I woud, tho I need not;
so far as I know, government has never presented them
with that challenge (neither qua guns nor real estate).
Frank Apisa wrote:
Just want to be sure I understand you, Counsellor…
not to be confused with (allow you to dig this hole as deep as you want}:

You are telling me that you would argue for the right of prisoners
to own and possess guns…
U CHANGED the question.
Now u include possession.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I see. In your mind...owning a gun to protect yourself
is somehow different from actually possessing it.
Its an ez concept.
I 'm sure that u r better than equal to the task of mastering it:
suppose that u acquire your first gun.
U lend it to me.
If a predator (human or not) kills u because u were un-armed,
u owned that gun while I borrowed it, but u did not POSSESS it,
and accordingly u got killed. Do u see the distinction ???

Frank Apisa wrote:

But I will acknowledge that you are stretching things to such an extent
that the tears in my eyes from laughing are causing some sight distortion.
U don t know the difference
between possessing something and OWNing it????
Suppose that u let me BORROW your car.
I possess it, but I dont own it. Yes????

In the context of what we were discussing, David...namely, prisoners having guns...there is no appreciable difference.

You have worked yourself into a corner (or dug yourself too deeply into a hole)...and are now trying to avoid the consequences by attempting tactical maneuvers that are not working.

You claim that prisoners, like everyone else, should be able to protect themselves with a gun...and that would require that the gun be in their possession.

We are discussing this particular point. If you want to play games with the semantic difference between possess and own...do it with someone else.

DAVID wrote:
Qua prisoners, my position is that thay shud be offered
the opportunity to be left alone, out of contact with any other prisoners,
unless thay choose to have social contact with them.
If thay r safe, alone, under constant guard, then I 'll be satisfied qua 2A.
We can indulge the fiction that not only do we give them guns to KABA,
but we give them the troops to man those guns: the guards.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But the point is that you either think that prisoners should be able to own
and possess guns...or you think that they should not.
Frank, what harm is there in criminals OWNing guns??
Y do u care in whom title reposes??

You are still trying this pathetic semantic maneuver...and it is an absurdity. If the prisoner has the right to own and possess a gun for defense...as you are arguing...the ownership and possession are both fundamental rights which they can, according to you, exercise.

Are you playing this game because the shovel is getting too heavy?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Why you make the distinction
is not so important as the fact that you do.
I dont see it that way.
If he owns a herd of horses, wud u fear that the guards 'd be trampled???

C'mon! Are you going to stick with the notion that prisoners can own and possess guns while in prison?

Frank Apisa wrote:
So...from what I am reading...you are going through all this rigmarole
so that you do not have to say, "I think prisoners should not under
ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be allowed to own and possess guns."
No, no, no. That is not my position.
Incidentally, dont forget my BANISHMENT position qua violent recidivists.

You say they can own and possess guns...why are you now saying this?

Frank Apisa wrote:
But you already have conceded that death row inmates
should not be allowed to own and possess guns
That 's not what I said; if I were not so nice a guy and in such a good mood,
I 'd do what U did to ME and challenge u to FIND where I said that

The hole is deep enough, David. Stop digging and concede that some people can be prevented from owning and possessing guns...and that we are now just talking about where that line is drawn.

Frank Apisa wrote:
because they are going to die...and "they have forfeited their right" to do so.

So we already have a line drawn...and rather than go this contortion, David,
why not say the obvious, that prisoners in prison ought not to be allowed to own and possess weapons.

It is not that hard...and from down there in the hole you have dug,
it is not going to make that much difference.

Do it, David.


DAVID wrote:
Lemme put it this way, in the fullness of good faith, with all humor laid aside:
I am sure that when the Authors of the 2A wrote it,
thay meant all of the people of the USA,
certainly including children for their protection from violence,
excepting: Indians (who were not deemed part of the USA)
incarcerated criminals, mentally sick men who were confined
to hospitals, and African slaves.

Frank Apisa wrote:
And would you still exempt those people
from being allowed to own and possess guns?
The Indians and the slaves have been re-defined
as being among "the people"; the others have not

DAVID wrote:
IF the wardens insist that thay mix with dangerous criminals,
then their 2nd Amendment rights to KABA have been activated.

Frank Apisa wrote:

Um humm...and as far as you are concerned, all those guys in what
used to be Rahway State Penitentiary here in New Jersey, who are
pretty much required to be housed in the general population...
should be allowed to own and possess guns...

...and all those unannounced prison shake-downs to seize illegal
weapons of all sorts are objectionable to you?


Still diggin"!

DAVID wrote:
WHO is protected by 2A? In US v. Verdugo 110 S. Ct. 1056
the USSC tells us that the same people are protected
by the First Amendment, the SECOND AMENDMENT, the Fourth Amendment (searches & seizures)
the 9th Amendment and the 10th Amendment.
Were the Authors of the 2nd Amendment (James Madison)
thinking of the people in prison??
No. (We know that because at the time, prisoners were not armed.
There was no discussion of that in the press, nor in surviving correspondence.)
The significant consideration, to which u did not directly refer is:
safety of the guards and their ability to control the prison
that is occupied by a well armed malicious militia.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I repeat: As far as YOU are concerned, all those guys in what used
to be Rahway State Penitentiary here in New Jersey, who are pretty
much required to be housed in the general population...should be
allowed to own and possess guns...

...and all those unannounced prison shake-downs to seize illegal
weapons of all sorts are objectionable to you?
Its better to BANISH them,
and then let them attend to their own defensive concerns

Perhaps it would, but that is not what is being done.

Should the prisoners at East Jersey State Prison be allowed to own and possess guns for their own safety and protection?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Dig as hard as you want, David...but you will never reach bottom.
DAVID wrote:
We 'll C.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Credit where credit is due: You are trying! Wink

P.S....you still do not have the quoting thingy down!
I think its better.


Yeah, better. You are getting there.

I'll be giving you a bit of help by shortening my responses....at some point.
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 08:14 am

2. Who decides the definition of an expert??
Must he be an anti-freedom fanatic??

CDC uses data collected from hospitals. Are you saying data is anti-freedom or are you saying hospitals that report on gun shot wounds are anti-freedom? You certainly can't be saying that accurate data is anti-freedom.

Then again, you probably are saying accurate data is anti-freedom.

5. There is NO identification of any sources of the CDC's purported data,
nor any ability in the audience to check for duplications.
Are thay from the gun repressionists??
No identification of the sources? Only if you aren't willing to actually look for the methodology can you say that.
http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/facts.html. But don't let your own stupidity get in the way of your willful blindness David.
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 11:36 am
parados wrote:


2. Who decides the definition of an expert??
Must he be an anti-freedom fanatic??

CDC uses data collected from hospitals. Are you saying data is anti-freedom
or are you saying hospitals that report on gun shot wounds are anti-freedom?
You certainly can't be saying that accurate data is anti-freedom.
I 'm saying the secret "experts" to whom your post referred.

parados wrote:
Then again, you probably are saying accurate data is anti-freedom.

Facebook?? wrote:
. . . We ["We" means Facebook????] turned to statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; experts[????] in the field told us it keeps the most reliable statistics on the subject. . . .

5. There is NO identification of any sources of the CDC's purported data,
nor any ability in the audience to check for duplications.
Are thay from the gun repressionists??
parados wrote:
No identification of the sources? Only if you aren't willing to actually look for the methodology can you say that.
http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/facts.html. But don't let your own stupidity get in the way of your willful blindness David.
Rude, gratuitously rude, Mr. Parados; un-gentlemanly.
I guess that u find that NECESSARY.

Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 12:35 pm


Flee Your Ground
"Police say a woman reported to be in labor and her boyfriend were robbed
in Annapolis as they headed to a hospital," the Associated Press reports.
Actually, the boyfriend wasn't really robbed because he "fled," leaving
his pregnant girlfriend to fend for herself against three assailants. [Let's hope thay were not RAPISTS!]
The crime happened in Maryland, so of course the only people armed were the perps,
but what ever happened to chivalry?

Maybe we should give the boyfriend the benefit of the doubt
since he was just practicing leftist self-defense -- run away!

Running away is not very AMERICAN, but it DOES protect the criminal on-the-job
and that 's what the left needs. Do u love it, Rex????

The boyfriend RETREATED !

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 12:41 pm

Romeo, on your patrols,
what do u do if u encounter 3 rapists on-the-job??
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 01:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
In the context of what we were discussing, David...
namely, prisoners having guns...there is no appreciable difference.
Your logic is defective. The difference is very appreciable,
as a matter of life n death, if the guns that he owns
are 1,OOOs of miles beyond his possession. I 'm sure u know that.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 01:29 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
In the context of what we were discussing, David...
namely, prisoners having guns...there is no appreciable difference.
Your logic is defective. The difference is very appreciable,
as a matter of life n death, if the guns that he owns
are 1,OOOs of miles beyond his possession. I 'm sure u know that.


Should the prisoners at East Jersey State Prison be allowed to own and possess guns for their own safety and protection?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 01:41 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Facebook?? wrote:
. . . We ["We" means Facebook????] turned to statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; experts[????] in the field told us it keeps the most reliable statistics on the subject. . . .


Facebook? Where did you get Facebook from other than they are factchecking the story that was being reposted on Facebook? You need to read the story again David. You seem to have missed almost all context.
Politifact is run by the Tampa Bay Times. They are the ones that did the fact checking.

Frannkly David, you deserve to be treated rudely after your comments and lack of comprehension.

You said this
I 'm surprized that u 'd just swallow this un-critically
and then offer it up to us as the truth.

I did not swallow it "un-critically". I followed the links to the CDC data and confirmed it before posting the link. I even mentioned that the links were there to the CDC. I was merely responding to your request for a source and then you attack me personally for my source. Get over yourself David. You are nothing but a blind fool on this subject. Rather than checking out the original source you simply pretend it isn't there. I see no reason to treat you like an adult if you won't act like one.
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 02:22 pm
parados wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Facebook?? wrote:
. . . We ["We" means Facebook????] turned to statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; experts[????] in the field told us it keeps the most reliable statistics on the subject. . . .


Facebook? Where did you get Facebook from other than they are factchecking the story that was being reposted on Facebook? You need to read the story again David. You seem to have missed almost all context.
Politifact is run by the Tampa Bay Times. They are the ones that did the fact checking.

Frannkly David, you deserve to be treated rudely after your comments and lack of comprehension.

You said this
I 'm surprized that u 'd just swallow this un-critically
and then offer it up to us as the truth.

I did not swallow it "un-critically". I followed the links to the CDC data and confirmed it before posting the link. I even mentioned that the links were there to the CDC. I was merely responding to your request for a source and then you attack me personally for my source. Get over yourself David. You are nothing but a blind fool on this subject. Rather than checking out the original source you simply pretend it isn't there. I see no reason to treat you like an adult if you won't act like one.
I will confess that it is a SURPRIZE that u confirmed the CDC data.
How did u go about confirming it????
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 03:09 pm
I confirmed politifact was using numbers as reported by the CDC. Any other questions before you post your source of numbers showing how many times guns are used in self defense. I notice no one has yet to post a single source that comes close to confirming the 100,000 self defense uses per year claimed.

CDC numbers are from hospital reporting in Emergency rooms. It is based on actual incidents that show up in actual emergency rooms and require actual treatment by actual doctors.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 03:21 pm



0 Replies

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