Shockwave pattern of The Mississippi Embayment

Mon 4 Mar, 2013 09:31 am
Finally SOMEONE mentions the trees. A few involved but not very difficult calculations will show (depending on some on specific conditions) the energy expended on impact of our “comet”. Making reasonable estimates for the necessary parameters, the energy imparted on impact that would cause an 8+ earthquake would need an object at least 0.5 MILES in diameter!!! The destruction would be devastating to say the least. From this you can get the overpressure numbers and from that get approx. wind velocity. This one parameter should give an idea of the event magnitude.

With my calculations using three assumed value sets I find that the overpressure at impact would lead to wind speeds peaking at impact site at around Mach 3 (sea level). At a distance of 50 miles or so the winds would have only been reduced to that of a F2 tornado (taking a couple of minutes to move through the area).

So rather than drilling holes, and looking for microscopic shocked quartz, and Tektite strewn fields I would have thought the lack of most trees in an area of 50+ miles in diameter would have been much easy to notice, required LOTS less equipment, and kept everyone’s hands clean too.

As if I needed to add this, there is NOTHING in the astronomy literature, let alone Herschel’s own observations that in any way support this nonsense.

By the way the Astronomy Conspiracy has demonstrated rather strongly that the Geminids are from the Earth-crosser Icarus not the Great Comet of 1811. The facts that the Geminids were not seen before the Civil War (50 years after the comet) and are coming from a direction that is not close to the observed orbit of the Great Comet are two of many points that can be cited.

In brief, the original poster seems to have an even less firm grasp on Astronomy and Physics than Geology.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 09:53 am
You need to read Herschel's comments! He sees the tail getting shorter in the first part of December because it is coming towards him.

The energy from the impact was exactly the perfect amount for the outcome. The Artesian Wells absorbed much of the heat and pressure. It did not impact a desert. It did not impact an ocean. It did not impact The Yellowstone Caldera [or we may not be having this conversation!]. It impacted a river valley. Learn the difference!

The Geminids were seen before the Civil War. Post your link!
Captain Robert Alexander of Lincoln North Carolina reported that many witnessed major meteor showers on November 20, 22, again on December 16th, and on into January and February.

There are NO trees for many miles near two hundred years old, again post your link!

Should I go through the trouble of posting every link at my site? Can any of you go and study on your own? Does this whole thing need to be "spoon Fed"?

Do you believe yourselves to possess a scientific mind? Then do better! ;-]
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:02 am
Once again, no one has to prove that you are wrong. You have to prove that you are right. So far, you have provided no proof for your loony thesis.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:13 am
Should I go through the trouble of posting every link at my site?
If you wish to be believed. SO far all the factualstuff youve posted is pretty much non controversial about the earthquake itself. The rest, (your claims of alien intervention) is free of any evidence.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof"

Post your links of the "shocked quartz" and "fallout breccias" 'nanodiamonds and shock stratigraphy that you dont have in your possession. So heresmy bottom line with you,

A comet was seen in the 5 months surrounding NM temblors. You feel this is linked to the New Madrid by causation?. There have been several thousand aftershocks on the NMSZsome of which are still being recorded. The outline of the epicenters and hypocenters clearly show the Reelfoot and Bootheel lineaments. Their structure clearly is reflective of the Rhodinian basement and is a part ofthe older part of the Canadian SHield. Seismic slip data shows an annual creep rate that compounds stresses to a level that would predict a 7+ , with a 12 Mercalli every 1000 years or so (with smaller ones every few hundred years. THE SEDIMENT records do show a seismic history around Reelfoot Lake (its all quite clear if you wish to learn from the data).

The nearest bolide ejecta trail is within Glasses NA strewn field. This includes the NMSZ area but the existence of nannofossils with the microtektites and coesite/trydimite/stishovite are about 35 million years ago (a bit earlier than Dec 16 1811)

You have conjured up false evidence, in an effort to fraudulently claim that several detrital artifatct are visible in the NMSZ that point to a bolide in Dec 1811

Tree ring data does NOT support your claim

The lack of ANY other data (except a single eyewitness report from a popular newspaper) does not support a claim of a bolide induced earthquake

HOWEVER youve got a pamphlet to sell and this claim by you is helping sales eh?Even skepticism denotes interest so , like movie actors, "THERE IS NO BAD PUBLICITY"


Do you believe yourselves to possess a scientific mind? Then do better!

You have been the one making the preposterous claims, as a scientist I have the responsibility to test the bounds of your bullshit and to determine whether theres any merit in your posts.
So far youve failed miserably. Most all of your evidentiary claims dont even exist, and those that do, dont support your claims.
Youve failed to recognize the great work in the geology and structural geotech at the NMSZ in favor of some claim that aliens were involved.

Youre kinda pathetic mack.
BUT youre entertaining as long as noone takes you for more than a poor version of Stephen King

Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:15 am
Just because you do not understand stratigraphy, cometary impactites, or even how to properly investigate, does not mean that the evidence does not exist. It more than exists, it is straight up, in your face!

All I can suggest is that you go over it again and again until you come to the realization. Why do I ask you to study? Study the satellite view for the hours it takes. You WILL see the lines showing impact. The New madrid Lines do not show any other mechanism than an impact from low trajectory coming from almost due south...

Give me the present theories and show me how they are accurate. To prove I am right, you must first know that present beliefs are wrong! :-]
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:18 am
I had read the bios and many of the published observations of a dozen or more of the most noted observers including Herschel before I turned 18.

Sorry I only come around infrequently -- when I am on the clock and waiting on a client. The others here live to play these games, it appears a hobby to them. So you will have plenty of company. As can be seen by your responses to the others, authoritative sources mean nothing to you. So why bother.

Besides I don’t for one minute think you are new here. I think you are one of the long timers doing what many of them do…which is ANYTHING (including constantly adding new identities) to get someone to acknowledge their existence. You are so acknowledged.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:22 am
Again, after all this time, your statement is an admission that you still have not read the information that I have asked you to read at the site containing the research.

This IS extraordinary evidence. Again, I found all these unusual rocks at the epicenter of every hill in the valley. If you can not see that this structure is surrounded by every detail in the topography, it is not my fault. But, I hate to tell you, [no I don't] that there are many that can read stratigraphy and do understand that this structure IS in the center of all strata in The Mississippi Embayment.

I offer you the truth. What will you do with it? ;-]
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:27 am

Just because you do not understand stratigraphy,

He doesnt have to, thats my area. Set is a historian and I trust his word that your historical claims arent well thought out and are also fact-free
0 Replies
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:27 am

Just because you do not understand stratigraphy,

He doesnt have to, thats my area. Set is a historian and I trust his word that your historical claims arent well thought out and are also fact-free
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:29 am
No, first timer. I go around to all the forums and try to get many opinions to see what I am missing. So far, it is the same ignorance, just as this. No one will even study the links I post and no one will even attempt to answer the questions I ask, that should be simple.

It is all of them that have been the disappointment!

Can't anyone even tell me a name of who discovered the volcanoes?

You know why I have found no answers?
Because I am correct!!!! :-]

Please go to my threads and read every one. Just google "Kalopin"... ;-]

P.S. google "Man claims Extraterrestrial Origin for the New Madrid Quakes"
0 Replies
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 10:32 am
Then, Why can't you see the shockwave pattern? What do you believe caused "The New Madrid Lines"? That is what they are calling "The Upper Mid-land Drift"- "lines" from New Madrid. They do NOT begin at New Madrid, The shockwave pattern, "lines" emanate out from Northeastern Marshall County, Mississippi!
0 Replies
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 12:06 pm
Farmerman, a working geologist all of his adult life, says the evidence is not there. I'll take his word for it over that of some ranting fool who thinks a comet defeated Napoleon in Russia and gave Jackson the victory in New Orleans more than two years later.

Again, no one here has to prove anything, other than you. You have proven nothing, and have shown yourself to be a blithering idiot when it comes to history.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 01:52 pm
you offer your version of the "truth". You metioned some LIDAR , since most states have done LIDAR during the last decade (Photography courtesy of Homeland Security)
Do you have a link to a available LIDAR that has been fit and available for viewing without major screwing with the raw data?
If you can show us on LIDAR that would be a first for this discussion.

Mon 4 Mar, 2013 04:09 pm
Now I am not sure if you are getting all of my comments? If you are, you are not reading or understanding them! [don't mean to sound rude ;-]

I said- I am trying to get a lidar done! They are taken of specific areas. They have not mapped any great dsistances. Recently there have been some LiDARs taken of Southeastern Missouri, but there are no LiDARs of North Mississippi, anywhere.

If you can help get one done, then it should help to settle this argument?

0 Replies
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 04:22 pm
To understand true history, you nust first understand every aspect of every event. In this case, you must understand the effects of a comet with enough mass, velocity and on a trajectory that travels in front of our planet, then you must understand the effects of massive amounts of cometary material impacting, such as "spin ice", and how it will affect weather patterns.

There are very few to even consider these possibilities, but they are more than just possible-they are factual. Here is some work by dendrochronologist Mike Baillie:
He has compared cometary encounters with tree ring data and severe environmental downturns, including wars and plagues. What he has found is that the majority of times they all coincide!
Cometary Catastrophes! :-]

P,S. Apparently comets are great for wine. Try and get a bottle of Comet Wine 1811 vintage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_vintages
[maybe the extra iron?]
They even made a movie "The Year of The Comet" : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105871/
Mmm, look at the Comet Vintages- every year a comet gets close- good wine!
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 04:58 pm
yet you avoid such dendro work by R van Arsdale or Henri Grissino Myer, (who are both within ear shot of the NMSZ and have tagged trees in the center zones from the 1600's). You dont need to try to obfuscate with some European dendrochronologist when weve got a ton of em over here and dealing with environmental sentinels is a specialty of several. (Archeological uses have been pretty much established to death)
Your assertions seem to be sinking against a fact free bolide.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 05:09 pm
EEWWW! Don't say the name again! "Dr." Roy van ArsEdale! ONE of the main problems with this research! He has distorted facts, omitted important iformation, and has done everything he could to stop this information from reaching the public. Until recently, probably because I have been pointing it out to everyone, certain members from C.E.R.I. have taken it upon themselves to remove any information about all the reports of strange lights, extreme explosions, and other details pointing to an impact, out of their interpretations. I would tell everyone to find anything about lights across the skies on their sites. Recently, though, I noticed they have changed some of this.

You have just hit on the main problem, not the whole agency, but certain members of C.E.R.I.!
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 05:14 pm
THE USGS has already published a series of LIDAR maps of the NMSZ. You can get em on Google Earth and they allow you to develop the contrast using the Hillshade option.

PA has done the entire state and we use the output daily for mining talus surveys and gas field drawdown. But the NMSZ is LIDAR'ed out the ass, so I dont know why you need to spend your own money unless youre not seeing what you want.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 05:17 pm
I wonder whether the problems lie elswhere. Sounds like you dont want to work with anyone.

Maybe you went in to the fray like vin Deloria and pissed off everyone at the table. I notice that you dont seem to practice with "Multiple hypotheses" or "Let facts drive your conclusions" You seem to get to conclusions and then hunt for evidence
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 05:31 pm
Thanks, Yes that IS a great site, only it goes from Michigan straight to Missouri, NO MississLippi! ;-]

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