Shockwave pattern of The Mississippi Embayment

Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:39 am
This joker is clutching at straws. His historiographic skills are zero. The guy who mentions California is not known to be a geographer (and obviously isn't one, or he wouldn't have made the remark about "this side of the globe"), is not known to be a geologist and is not known to be an astronomer. He is not a reliable source for anything on this topic, let alone that the 1811 earthquake was triggered by a "bolide" impact. Even that shabby old whore history has some standards, and calls as rigorously for evidence as do the sciences.

Basically, this joker has a thesis, and is setting out to prove it, rather than looking at the evidence and constructing an hypothesis.
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:42 am
I am bemused, FM, by your reference to the Chickasaw. Tecumseh was Shawnee, and i believe he originally came from what is now Ohio.
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 04:52 am

I should say- I have been studying this for several years, you all have only had hours

Not true. Ive been a geologist for almost 35 years now and Im sort of familiar with the work in NEw Madrid. Ive ttended several field demos and looked at sandblows.

The only evidence youve been able to reference that would even be slightly altering of your conjecture is the 'SHOCKED QUARTZ" BECAUSE THIS PHENOMENA IS ONE OF SUDDENOVERPRESSURE that can only be summonsed by a very sudden high impact remelt with a uniaxial stress system. 9suppervolcano, meteorite, atmospheric explosion of a nuke ). Earthquakes dont generate shocked quartz.
SO, you have been stretching the truth a lot here and there is NO shocked quartz.

Im sorry that youve been working on this for years, are you a book author who is trying to boost his sales? or are you just being one who refutes good scientific evidence?

Ive been patient with you because, I admit, Im always fascinted by different ways of seeing things and maybe there would have been some evidence out there. Apparently theres not. Im not going to join in and dump all over you Im just going to "not continue" supporting your credibility
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 04:57 am
I've been reading history since the late 1950s, and majored in history and literature in college in the late 1960s. More than 30 years ago, i read a novel about Tecumseh posing as history, and so availed myself of the resources of the library at the university where i was employed. I subsequently read more about the history of Ohio, of the Shawnee and of the life of Tecumseh at the excellent Carnegie Library in Columbus, Ohio.

This joker has a theory, and he's not going to let mere facts stand in his way.
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 05:29 am
The louisiana Gazette and Advertiser speculated in its 12/21/1811 issue that the comet in view at the time[there was one weve named (C/1811-F1)] was past perihelion nd moving far field West. The papere stated that "PERHAPS" the comet scraped the mountains of California and that impact triggered the earthquake. The newspaper article posed the thesis that earthquakes were ALWAYS products of mountainous regions and since this area(NMSZ) was flat, the author felt that by having a comet hit a mountain in faraway California,this would make enough sense as to trigger an earthquake. Remember the time we were in, there wasnt a big wealth of tectonic savvy.

Tecumsehs brother ( given name of TENSKWATAWA) was a "recovering alcoholic" who began having visions (a few of which actually came true). Tecumseh saw an opportunity to "Use" his brothers visonary skills and parlay that into leadership roles. Youre right, he was Shawnee but the Shawnee actually shunned him (AS DID THE 5 CIVILIZED TRIBES)
Tecumseh was "away on a business trip" and his brother, who apparently had begun to slip back into bad habits, lost the battle of Prophetstown at Tippecanoe and so Tecumseh took over the leadership until his own death.
I submit that Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh were guilty of hubris and , after the 1812 war, all the later Indian "prophets" began to lose face especially since there was no British ARmy to back them up.

Tecumsehs prophecy about New Madrid was as vague and nonspecific as anyone of Nostradamus' predictions. SOmehow, (since his predictions were made in 1806) when the New Madrid occured, everyone would say "Yeh thats what he was talkin about" His cache with the Choctaw Chippewa,Chickasaw , Cherokee and Seminole then went up in value. BUT, I reread my Tecumseh references and found only his andTenskwatawa's statements about a great fiery cataclysm of the earth", but no real references to any comet or meteorite.

Chief Harkins letter referred to Tecumsehs predictions in a sense that he was giving some historical context for the great forced departures due to the IRA nearly 25 years later.

I think Im satisfied that we have another fact-free claim by someone who is passionate about their worldview.
Im also satisfied that, many times passion can get in the way of reason and analysis.(Thats just my humble opinion)
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 05:43 am
I think that Tecumseh predicted world-shaking events couched in messianic terms as a part of his dream of an Indian confederacy to stop or turn back white settlement. Yes, i agree that they were all relying on the weak reed of English support. I know of no claim about prophecy which predates the 1811 earthquake. Many years ago, i ran across a reference to Simon Kenton, who is usually referred to as Simon Butler. When he was about 16 (he was a dozen years older than Tecumseh), he was dallying with a young woman, when her fiance arrived and took exception to Kenton's attentions to the lady. He and Kenton fought, and Kenton left his unconscious, but believed he had killed him. So Kenton fled. He stayed for a while with a miller named Butler, and so adopted the name as his own. He subsequently overwintered in the Kanawha valley with an old trapper, and so began his life as a frontiersman.

Daniel Boone gets a lot of undeserved credit for opening up Kentucky to settlement, but more than any other individual, it was Kenton who explored the territory and got to know the Indians of the Ohio valley. Kenton lived past 80 years of age, and had gotten as far west as Arkansas before his wanderings ended. He is a far more interesting study for this period in American history, and doesn't come with all the claptrap about prophecies and signs in the heavens.
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 05:57 am
Kalopin wrote:
The Coriolis Effect- Gravity pulls mass toward the equator. Just as when ice melts, water will flow toward the equator, in either hemisphere. It is up to evaporation, condensation, percipitation, convection and ocean currents to redistribute
The Coriolis Effect has nothing to do with gravity pulling thing to or from the equator. It has to do with the apparent and directional curving of otherwise linear movement in a rotating system (the earth's rotation).

And the 0.5% difference in average gravity from the equator to the poles has no functional effect on any of the natural systems you are referencing for your claim.

I assume you are just trying to sell your book and your activity here is just marketing. Snake Oil has always been a big seller so you'll probably do well. Good luck.
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 08:29 am
How are original accounts of personal interpretations "bullshit"?
You must not understand how to investigate?
Your research skills have a great deal to be desired [in other words- your understanding of what people experienced during these events is "bullshit"!]
You will need to study much further! :]
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 08:36 am
No, they were both considered prophets. Tenskwatawa [one of his names] was the actual leader. He predicted the solar eclipse. He also "jumped the gun" with the fight to keep the settlers off their lands...
0 Replies
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 08:42 am
The evidence is clear, and it is in your face- Why don't you study the satellite view? Why don't you expand the pictures of each rock [there are thousands more!] and study each one in detail. Why won't you read the original accounts, or newspaper articles? Why don't you read Wllam Herschel's account?

Because you postulate! You are the one with the silly false belief system, that has been drilled into you. You will have to do a lot better, f you want to undetrstand the facts to these events!...
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 08:47 am
See, this is exactly what am talking about!

Read the accounts!

Tecumseh went to the Choctaw to get them to join "The Red Stick Faction" and run out the settlers. They would not join him, and so he said that when he returned home, jhe would stamp his foot and they would be destroyed [and that is what happened].

Your lack of knowledge and continual bad attitude is the reason you are not very bright. feel for your teachers! :-]
0 Replies
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 08:49 am
Ive actually seen data from NMSZ and theres no evidence of a bolide. Why invent one? Is it a story line ?
Youve picked an area of the country where dat abounds and you are goiing to have a really tough time to sway any geologists familiar with thios area. I assume you have little or no geologic coursework . Youve admitted that you arelying about the shocked quartz, why should anyone take you seriously hereon?
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 09:05 am
It does not take a maters in stratigraphy to see The New Madrid Lines do not starty at New Madrid but Northeastern Marshall County, Mississippi.

If you have studied the "sand blows" then you sjould know which direction they all point, right? Well, where do they point? You have never even noticed, have you? They point to this structure!

How am I making anything up, when I am telling you specifiv evidence to study? Do you understand what the rocks are that you are looking at? They are not average meteorites at all, they are cometary impactites. These are the rarest rocks that exist! When a cometary impact met with man!

It is sad that you have taken this position. Do you tink that I am alone? There are many that already understand the accuracy of my research. Most have "Emeritus" in their title. Check out my review from SIS Society for Interdisciplinary Studies.

Before you step further into denial, you may want to put further study into the facts. This is about FACTS. The topography clearly shows a shockwave pattern. Why don't you look up the current beliefs and compare legitimacy?

How could someone see naturally occurring earthquake lights, be it gas pockets exploding, quartz crystals rubbing together, charged rock, or ball lightning, from several states away? And why would they describe the lights as "meteoric" and going across the skies? Another original- 'PRECEEDED by a METEORIC flash of light"!!!!: http://www.showme.net/~fkeller/quake/savannah.htm

Tell me, where is there a lack of eviedence?
It is current theories that are sadly lacking!!!! :-]
0 Replies
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 09:08 am
Then you should know more than you do? ;-]

Study the facts!
What evidence do you have that would say this meteor impact is not a possibility? NONE!
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 09:16 am
I am sorry farmerman, but it is your passion to back present unviable theories that stands in the way of the knowledge of what really occurred. You need to read and study much further before making more uneducated comments.

Everyone at the time blamed the comet. It was passing over at the same time, many saw meteoric lights and many reports of major meteor showers prior to, during and after the first quake [the Geminids are more than likely remnants of C/1811 F1's dust tail and not from an asteroid!]. The evidence is overwhelming and so is the few here's lack of understanding! ;-]
0 Replies
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 09:23 am
What!? "weak reed of English support" Andrew Jackson got very lucky in Louisianna during The War of 1812. The English were NOT weak. The capitol was saved by a tornado spun off by a hurricane. That is what ran the British from Washington D.C.- It is my belief this was also due to the amount of cometary material imposed on the planet, as it is also blamed for Napolean's downfall in Russia! That was luck! ;-]
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 09:33 am
Oh no! Please turn back over Sir Isaac Newton, I got this! :-]

Earth's spin IS what produces gravity! You ever seen a man on the Moon? You do not even understand simple physics! The spin force of our planet causes looser material to be pulled toward the equator [did you even read te link?]. The Coriolis Effect is but one part of the equation. Please study further what the Earth's rotation does!

Do I really have to do this, again? Why don't you all read some of my previous threads first? How about "A Theory of Cometary Associations with Earthquakes", or "1811 A Comet and A Quake" [at The science Forum}, or C/1811 F1 and The New Madrid Quakes [at Thunderbolts. info]. Why don't you all see how much further this has been studied first before making any more snide remarks? ;-]
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 09:43 am
There is evidence though it has not even been looked for. Most everyone of the original accounts puts full blame on the comet. The stratigraphy clearly shows the pattern of a shockwave. The shockwave pattrern is being called "The New Madrid Lines" because they believe the New Madrid quakes produced them? The shockwave is being called "The Upper Mid-land Drift" because an ice sheet retreated and produced them? The shockwave is being called "The Upland Formation" because inland seas produced them? The shockwave is being called "The Upland Complex" because it is too complex for present theories to explain! It was a meteor impact! [duh!] :-]
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 10:31 am
THE SANDBLOWS ARE DESCRIBED WITHIN THE OVERALL SERIES OF HALF GRABENS. tHEY do not FORM A PATTERN AROUND SOME MYSTERIOUS IMPACT ZONE. . Now you are continuing these misinformation patterns . I like the way you brought up evidence(like the shockeed quartz) and when confronted with the misinformation you merrily just wiggle on to something else.
In science we look at the preponderence of evidence on a phenomena. We dont "make-up" data and quickly present it as if someone will buy the whole package .
The word "Bullshit" is starting to creep into my thoughts.

Youve not enough savvy to be able to defend your position. The NMSZ is continuously trackeable well into Illinois and North. As a relict base of sea floor spreading we see the half grabens all trend sub parallel.

I cant deny you your opportunities to try to convince people oif your passion, just dont MAKE UP scientific evidence that just does not exist. THAT IS FRAUD SIR.

Sun 3 Mar, 2013 10:38 am

There is evidence though it has not even been looked for

Like unicorn poop ? or Bigfoot DNA? How about evidence of a worldwide flood?. IF it doesnt yet exist it IS NOT EVIDENCE. STop being a mini bunco artist.

PS, any of these guys with "emeritus" after their names. I love it. There are just as many professionals who didnt believe in continental drift who just gave up and accepted "emeritus" status. ALL IT means to me is that Ive retired from teaching.
You may just be easily impressed, Im not.

Name me some reputable geoscientists in the 4 state area whove picked up and are following your assertions and are compiling sata to support your hypothesis?


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