Shockwave pattern of The Mississippi Embayment

Fri 1 Mar, 2013 07:59 pm

The Reelfoot Rift area has been drilled and studied to death. Its an area that had undergone a lot of hope for oil and very little results. They were thinking that the grabens would "trap" petroleum

Im still interested in knowing where you found information about shocked quartz .

The information of the "trail of Tears" has a lot more easily explained series of events than a "coverup to keep Choctaws from reporting a bolide"

You seem to discount much of the data that supports an earthquake zone. Are you saying that all these PhD candidates who did their work on Reelfoot are stupid?
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 06:25 am
The difference between a "subduction zone" and a "subduction boundary" is what?
The mid-oceanic ridge is halfway down the state of Mississippi where the valcanoes were. That is the nearest that I am aware of.

The cores are showing layering of a shockwave blast. An impact scenario has never been considered [why?].

The topography has been called "The Upper Mid-land Drift"The Upland Formation", "The Upland Complex", and "The New Madrid Lines" because it is believed that an ice sheet somehow pulled the land upward against gravity and away from the equator, which is NOT possible! The only other theory, that I am aware of, is that inland seas came up to form these evenly spaced rolling hills of gravel and did not leave sandy beaches as one would suspect, which is also NOT possible. It is my belief that all the glacial melt gravel and inland sea sand was reformed by this impact in 1811. The topography clearly shows that all the terrain encircles the structure where the impactites were found. There really is no doubt at all, [to me!]. So, the quake formed Reelfoot, but ice and seas formed the rest? Tell me, What really formed this highly unusual topography?

Aren't you going to ask me about the two volcanoes or maybe The Carolina Bays? I have many unanswered questions!
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 06:31 am
Kalopin wrote:
... it is believed that an ice sheet somehow pulled the land upward against gravity and away from the equator, which is NOT possible!
You realize that moving something northward (away from the equator) has nothing to do with going "against gravity" right? So I'm a bit confused by what you mean with your statement above.
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 06:44 am
No way would I say "stupid". In fact, most of the research is highly accurate and has helped greatly to understand the effects of this impact [most just do not realize this, yet]. If you notice, even the rift looks like a crater. It has been pushed downward.

I do not discount any data considering an earthquake zone. I have previously stated that it very well may have been a seismic region for who knows how long, because that is not what matters. The fault is in a weak spot, it may have already been there, the break absorbed more energy, but does not negate/nullify an impact.

There are many variables and intracacies to consider whaen studying impacts. This has been mostly overlooked until recently [Chelyabinsk helped a lot] Not just the mass, velocity, and trajectory of the projectile but the target consistancy must be considered. If the same bolide that produced Barringer had hit the ocean, then geologists may only find chevrons from a tsunami. This has been The Holocene Impact Working Group's dilemma: http://tsun.sscc.ru/hiwg/hiwg.htm
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Sat 2 Mar, 2013 06:52 am
The Coriolis Effect- Gravity pulls mass toward the equator. Just as when ice melts, water will flow toward the equator, in either hemisphere. It is up to evaporation, condensation, percipitation, convection and ocean currents to redistribute: http://www.montereyinstitute.org/noaa/lesson08/l8text.htm
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 09:52 am
Youre now jus starting to spout terms unrelated to your topic. "Carolina Bays" have no bearing here and there are hundreds of thousands of them in the various coastal plains and there are probably an equal number of hypotheses to their formation that do not involve "bolides"

I think youve jumped to a conclusion without considering what the bases of the others are.
We know that the Rodinian spreading center runs several hundred miles and IS NOT a track of any meteorite hit.Are you aware of what the plutonic material sub NMSZ even is?

Ive asked you three times for some evidence of shocked quartz and youve blown me off. I am beginning to lose patience and will soon bail out here.Evidence in the literature is prefereable to some "dark Skys" website or something from George Nori.

Youve been claiming the existence of evidence but Id like to see it please.
I cant "Buy" your assertion about the shocked quartz , if you have it and its not from the little ARkansas crater or the lower Chessie crater, Id be happy to listen.

Right now, Im holding back any doubts of you telling us the truth
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 09:54 am
The cores are showing layering of a shockwave blast

Sat 2 Mar, 2013 10:16 am
Well yes, let's just keep it about this impact.
I base every one of my assertions with fact. The facts are that all these unusual rocks were found at the epicenter of every hill in the entire valley. Deduction of this brings forth many hypotheses.

It is true that I have been unable to find a meteoritics lab to verify my findings. It is also the truth that I have "lost" several samples in the effort. So the "shocked quartz" is currently awaiting further investigation, which, for some reason, I have been unable to find. Why is that? Do you think that there may be enough evidence shown to justify a more scientific study?

Currently it is the opinion of a few that I have noticed an oxbow feature from an ancient river meander and that the rocks are nothing more than common concretions exhumed from a failed rift?
The structure is not "U" or oxbow shaped, it is round and concave. There is no exhumation process near. The nearest may be "Coon Creek Science Center" about 70 miles due north. There is no sedimentary process that could have possibly produced these rocks. I have boulders with circular patterns. Slabs of rock welded by extreme heat. The melt and fusion crust is obvious. Breccia that glistens brightly with, what has to be nanodiamonds, again this has not yet been verified. That is what this thread is about.

Would you know of someone with the honesty, intelligence, integrity, and passion for the truth that would also have the interest in giving this the further investigation that, I feel, it deserves? [I mean besides you guys. I appreciate yours very much :-]
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Sat 2 Mar, 2013 10:25 am
The sample cores that were drilled to study the NMSZ. Were you able to find any more information about core samples from in or near this suggested impact structure? I have not...
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 11:02 am
One important aspect, that I have yet to find, is the fact that there are so many instances where it is discussed that the comet was seen as appearing fifty percent larger than the Sun in October 1811. I have been unable to find any original accounts on this. I believe this was seen by the astrologers/astronomers in the southern hemisphere, as that was where it was last seen before passing in late November/early December, I believe. [the problem, when you look it up, may get more hits about me talking about it]
Would you know any info.?

But there are still details such as this that would be nice to find the facts. It does seem that more would care about getting history correct?
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Sat 2 Mar, 2013 11:08 am
Jackson did not become President until March, 1829--that's more than 17 years later. Anyone familiar with Jackson's military career will understand why he deported the Amerindians. There were thousands of the descendants of French colonists living along the Mississippi River just north of the confluence with the Ohio River, and immediately on either side of the confluence of the Missouri River. Frankly, i don't consider preposterous conspiracy theories to be an answer to the well-deserved skepticism i expressed.

Are you even from the United States? The Ohio River drains a huge area and into a very narrow, very deep river bed. Any impact in the valley of the Ohio River would be glaringly obvious to this day. It is more than a thousand miles from "the mountains of California" to the valley of the Ohio River--how the hell would anyone living near the Mississippi River be able to tell anything had landed in California? Before you start peddling your conspiracy theories, i suggest to spend some time studying the geography of the United States.
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 11:15 am
I have two comments. Whether or not this joker alleges that he is an American, it's obvious that he doesn't know **** about American history, and American geography is equally a mystery to him. Apart from that, i'm sure his thesis is water-tight. Rolling Eyes
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Sat 2 Mar, 2013 11:27 am
I am reminded of an anecdote that Carl Sagan tells in one of his books. He was at a faculty cocktail party, and he overheard some people talking about Velikovsky. He was about to announce that Velikovsky didn't know a damned thing about astronomy or astrophysics, but that he (Sagan) had been impressed with his knowledge of ancient history and literature. However, before he had a chance to speak, one of the other professors there said that Velikovsky didn't know a damned thing about ancient history or literature, but that he had been impressed by Velikovsky's knowledge of astronomy.

Is this joker here a new, although minor, Velikovsky?
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 12:01 pm

The sample cores that were drilled to study the NMSZ. Were you able to find any more information about core samples from in or near this suggested impact structure? I have not...

Now youre dickin with me. You are the one asserting that drill holes show breccias and shocked quartz not i. Ive been asking you for the drill hole data and now you suggest that there IS NONE.

Sat 2 Mar, 2013 12:11 pm
Im glad you stepped in to bifurcate history from this fellows assertion. Ive got several copies of the letters of Chief Harkins when the IRA had the peoples move out to Ok starting in 1831 (about a generation after the supposed "bolide").
Chief Harkins letters testify to the lead up events and the circumstances of the IRA. I quickly scanned his "farewell" letter and theres nothing in there about any meteorites.

PS, I dont believe hes a non American because his "handle" name is Chickasaw for "Reelfoot" and Im sure hes aware of Tecumsehs prophecy about a great fire from the sky causing havoc on the earth. I think hes a member of the "Civilized Nations" who wants Tecumseh and the "prophet" to be historically accurate and, while I think hes making up the data and evidence, hes got some grains of knowledge in there
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 07:12 pm
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~monewmad/nm-history/paper-2.htm ,and go to Saturday December 21,1811. The Louisianna Gazette, and I quote "...perhaps it has touched the mountain of California...". Please read the entire accounts.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/17106076/The-New-Madrid-Earthquake-Eyewitness-Accounts .Please read up on the original accounts, and try not to be so rude, especially if it is you that has history mis-understood! :-]
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 07:26 pm
Your reply is an admission of guilt, that you did not read the article at the site that I had suggested.

If you all will kindly go to http://koolkreations.wix.com/kalopins-legacy ,"Kalopins Legacy","wix","documents and links", and please read the article entitled "A Few Comments on 1811". Please read all the links on this page. I have many more. These are just a start to the great amount of overwelming evidence pointing to a cometary impact.

I should say- I have been studying this for several years, you all have only had hours. It will take a lot of reading and understanding to find the truths behind the myths... If you do really care about an accurate history, science, geology, public safety,... then learn the facts, and help to correct what has been misconstrued.

Why would anyone's report say anything about "meteorites"?
You do realize it was 2:30 a.m. in 1811, right?
This is only about the facts. Read what everyone has said. Study the rocks, there are many more. Study the satellite view in detail. Why would I ask you to study and learn if I thought there may be a chance that I am mistaken? If you study, I have no doubt, you will find this research to be accurate. On December 16, 1811 a meteor impacted The Mississippi Valley... :-]
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Sat 2 Mar, 2013 07:36 pm
You may have misunderstood. I never stated that I possesed core samples. That is what I am trying to get. I stated that many of the rocks have the appearance of shocked quartz.

Did you think that I have an electron microscope. If I had the means, this would already be common knowledge. This information has been deliberately ignored, and even fought against for nearly four years now, and if you count what was done two centuries ago, it has been that long!

Just as "The Allegory of the Cave"-Plato: Everyone can continue to postulate their "silly" belief system, but once all the evidence has been studied and learned, the truth will have to be admitted. There is NO other mechanism that could have possibly produced "The Upland Complex"!
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Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:22 am
There is absolutely nothing in the accounts of the earthquake you have linked which is either inconsistent with an earthquake or which suggests that there was a meteor impact.

Your reference to the mountains of California is this:

The Comet has been passing to the westward since it passed its perihelion - perhaps it has touched the mountain of California, that has given a small shake to this side of the globe . . .

Note the use of the word "perhaps." The author asserts nothing, but is merely speculating, and in this case, indulging in wild speculation based on not a shred of evidence. The author certainly does not assert that anything struck the mountains in California; speculating on "a small shake to this side of the globe" shows the author's geographic ignorance.

I'm rude because you are peddling bullshit, and those links of yours were just the latest example. If you post bullshit, don't be surprised if people call bullshit.
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:24 am
That's interesting. Many historians are convinced that Tecumseh himself was the prophet, but as he could not occupy the position of prophet and tribal chief at the same time, he set his brother up as The Prophet to front for him.

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