Your reply is an admission of guilt, that you did not read the article at the site that I had suggested.
If you all will kindly go to
http://koolkreations.wix.com/kalopins-legacy ,"Kalopins Legacy","wix","documents and links", and please read the article entitled "A Few Comments on 1811". Please read all the links on this page. I have many more. These are just a start to the great amount of overwelming evidence pointing to a cometary impact.
I should say- I have been studying this for several years, you all have only had hours. It will take a lot of reading and understanding to find the truths behind the myths... If you do really care about an accurate history, science, geology, public safety,... then learn the facts, and help to correct what has been misconstrued.
Why would anyone's report say anything about "meteorites"?
You do realize it was 2:30 a.m. in 1811, right?
This is only about the facts. Read what everyone has said. Study the rocks, there are many more. Study the satellite view in detail. Why would I ask you to study and learn if I thought there may be a chance that I am mistaken? If you study, I have no doubt, you will find this research to be accurate. On December 16, 1811 a meteor impacted The Mississippi Valley... :-]