Ive looked at sveral sat photos including some SPOT and I wuld like you to post the one that you feel is most representative of your thinking
After all, its your ide and the burden of any proof is on you. If you are so convinced of this bolide smackdown, why not post the act (or any old aerial photos that Google earth keeps on file).
You dont seem to be concerned about how little your credibility is worth after weve determined that most of your "evidence" is in your mind and not really on the earth
HOW and the hell do you think that all this drill hole data has gone and not described a bolide?
Why do you think that anyone would be afraid of finding out that a bolide actually did hit and maybe is associated with an earthquake?You really believe that theres a conspiracy of silence amomng geologists. You then have no idea how competitive the oilfield and academic geos are.
When youre entire career is judged by the mass or importance of your published work, a finding as "earth shaking" as what you have proposed would be a career maker for several academics and their doctoral and Masters candidates. You really have no idea(ALSO, you must get away from believeing that its all about YOU)
Your knowledge base in structural geology is kind of lacking,and any understanding of how various fault sets are propogated is missing.
Of all the 1811 or 1812 newspaper articles Ive read, only one mentioned a "comet" at all and that guy was speculating that the comet had scraped the mountains in California and propogated a shock wave.
I havent read ANYTHING in the papers about anybody describing a hit
B Glass and others , in the late 1980's had mapped mikrotektites and coesite and stishovite from a 35 MYold crater (later found to be located under the oligocene sediments of the Chesapeake Bay. This area, called the North American STrewn field , seems to cover sedimenst in the post Paleocene from Mo to South America.
SO a source of something that could form coesite or stishovite is in the neighborhood of 5 to 50 BILLION Pascals. (Thats also a similar energy that could weld the subsurface sediments. WHY HAS NOONE EVER REPORTED THAT DRILL HOLES WERE FULL OF MELTED and therrmally cememnted breccias along with microtektites and coesite at thousands of miles from your supposed site.
NOW, if someone like Billy Glass would say that the western lobe of his NA strewn field is actually yours, then youd have evidence of a bolide that hit maybe 35 Million years ago. (Thats no help to you though is it?)
We know where the crater is for Glasses shocked quartz and tektite field. Its the Exmore Complex in the Chesapeake watershed of Virginia or the nearby, offshore, Tom's Canyon crater on the Atlantic Continental shelf.
Now there are some closer craters to NMSZ that have significant impact deposits, these are the Ames Ok, Crooked Creek Mos, Decaturville Mo,Serpent Mound Oh, sites.
ANY bolide that culd have an effect that you describe would certainly leave tracks on the earth and in its crystal chemistry and geophysics.
Wylie Poag was able to MAP the Chesapeake crater by the USGS geophysics maps . the crater (buried under a K or more of post Eocene sediments) wasdiscovered by several decades of good work. BUT all the pieces were there, which , I believe is entirely different from your case.
I have to go back to work now, Its my shift in the barn