The first one looks like cryolite which is an Aluminum FLOURIDE. (I dont reccomend taste tests except as a confirmation test) cryolite can be poisonous if little granules break off.
It seems to have a cleavage but the pictures not too clear . If it has a cleavage and is rather soft, it culd also be a feldpar like Albite
The second one looks most like a iron rich sandstone (the descriptor would be "ferruginous")
You need to include som kind of common coin or a ruler for scale in a picture.
Cryolite was a very important ore of aluminum (it was a flux in which the gibbsite and boehmiet were extracted by electrolysis) and was first found in places like Greenland ,Russia, Norway and Iceland. In fact , its usually called "Iceland SPar"
Its also found in deposits in the Caribbean,D America and Phillipines , SOuth Asia nd minor depoaits in North Carolina Colorado and Quebec
Its becoming almost extinct and the collection prices are revealing how rare its getting.