hawkeye10 wrote:
that will not even come close to balancing the books. we need to tax the rich more, tax everyone more (national sales tax?), fix health care so that we can slash now much we pay for it, and then give most of the rest of the government a haircut.
let's be clear, health care will prevent the numbers from working until and unless we fix it, which Obama refused to attempt
Raising the income tax is better. The sales tax is regressive, unduly hurting the poor and middle class. We already have a dangerous and extreme plutocracy in this country, which should not be enhanced.
Balancing the budget is not everything. Cutting government costs too much will cost a lot of jobs, which will hurt the economy. We should instead be fixing the nation's infrastructure, and otherwise getting the economy humming. We can then concentrate on balancing budgets through pay-go, much like Clinton did.
It is interesting that the great depression didn't end until after the massive government spending during and after WWII.