@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:Cars are made for transportation, not to kill others.
DIFFERENCE does it make to me
if someone kills me with a car or with a gun or a rock???
POSSIBLE interest shud I have in the
MOTIVE of the manufacturer????
cicerone imposter wrote: Firearm-related deaths totaled 31,672 in 2010.
It is
GOOD that
some of those were killed,
e.g., if someone stabs police with a sharp object,
or tries to run him over with a car, and police defensively shoots bad guy.
Some of them were innocent victims
properly killing criminal predators,
like Zimmy successfully killing the guy who was trying to kill him.
That is a good, happy event!!! The rest of us in Florida are
SAFER for it.
Martin will not beat
MY head on the street, unless he comes up
from the cemetary on Halloween, thanx and honors be unto Zimmy!
cicerone imposter wrote:There is no reason for anyone to own a gun just because it's allowed
in our Constitution. Without guns, 32,672 lives would still be living.
Guns are not needed; cars are required for jobs and transportation.
I found that
NOT to be true, imposter, because it is
fire extinguishers, guns are needed to save lives.
Mine did, when someone shot at me on the road.
Thay fled, quickly, when my
OWN gun came out.
That experience
refutes, discredits and
disproves your allegation.
It demonstrates that your claim is fully
devoid of value.
Guns are needed for self defense.