Guns aren't stupid, People with Guns Are.

Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 01:19 pm

Birmingham police say a two-year-old boy was injured after accidentally shooting himself on Sunday.

Police say the child found the gun in his mom's purse and accidentally shot himself in the side. His injuries were serious, but he is expected to full recover.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 02:34 pm
I've known some hunters in my early life (father, uncle, birds, when California was younger, and some naturalists, of various capacities, in different decades, that I never asked if they carried guns, and one, a more recent person who has walked a lot of the southwest, literally, and drawn native plants for his interest in them. I can't guess if they did since I didn't talk with them about it.

I'm going to email the last mentioned, if I can work up a mellow wording, to see if he carried, and if so, what particular gun. If he carried, I know he wasn't stupid, nor were the earlier people. That guy also lived in Los Angeles in a not hoity places, so he was also placed in the same culture I was - nearby or in gang territory.

My ex was raised in the heart of gang territory and 2 separate 'riots', I do mean the heart of, and moved in with me not many years after the first one. When his parents moved miles away, he took the shotgun or was it a rifle, to our house. I didn't consider asking him to get rid of it, but it was long gone sometime when I wasn't home. That had failed to protect his family in a home invasion: it was the crippled mother getting out the front door and screaming to neighbors. When I first knew him, he was super observant re sense of space and what was going on, and he relaxed later, but remained tuned, not armed but awake.

So I get variations of all that, but I didn't understand the gun culture of the west in general, say, Arizona and Idaho, or the creaming about the sight of a clean well cared for gun, until I moved here and started paying attention to the ethos.

Huh, David is from Arizona.
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 02:53 pm
Some people here know - and I am not keen on being repetitive but it helps explain me - my father was in the plane, the colonel at the head of photography of the effort to film into the center of the Baker bomb at Bikini, head of photo for the bomb tests. He was liberal and very patriotic. Sounds like an oxymoron now.

Anyway, who I am is part of the fallout of personal stuff. I'm liberal or left of that but not by much in world terms, so to me, I'm centrist.

But, I don't like explosive ****, atom or hydrogen bombs, the current drone horribleness, nor the gun licking fanciers who think the first people who made the USA work agree with them.
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 03:04 pm
ossobuco wrote:
So I get variations of all that, but I didn't understand the gun culture of the west in general, say, Arizona and Idaho, or the creaming about the sight of a clean well cared for gun, until I moved here and started paying attention to the ethos.

Huh, David is from Arizona.
Yes, but I remained in New York for the first 7 years of my life,
with no access to functional guns (just knives).

I remember my 3rd birthday party, and time leading up to it.
I remember relaxing in bed, craving & yearning for functional guns
after my eyes had locked onto them strapped onto the hips of police
and of bank guards. At age 8, we went to Arizona, where it was a different world.
Guns were very plentiful thru out my naborhood.
I acquired my first one within a few weeks of arrival.
We went out on the desert and worked out with our guns.
My next door nabor was a captain in the National Guard.
He had the kids over to his fort for target practice
with some interesting guns. My earlier years of craving
and yearning were satisfied with my gun collection (mostly compact revolvers with 2 inch barrels).

Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 03:41 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Some people here know - and I am not keen on being repetitive but it helps explain me - my father was in the plane,
the colonel at the head of photography of the effort to film into the center of the Baker bomb at Bikini,
head of photo for the bomb tests.

He was liberal and very patriotic. Sounds like an oxymoron now.

ossobuco wrote:
Anyway, who I am is part of the fallout of personal stuff.
I'm liberal or left of that but not by much in world terms, so to me, I'm centrist.

But, I don't like explosive ****, atom or hydrogen bombs, the current drone horribleness,
nor the gun licking [???] fanciers who think the first people who made the USA work agree with them.
From their writings, we have proven that thay DID.
A substantial portion of those writings was adopted
and incorporated into the DC v. HELLER 554 U.S. 570
case by the US Supreme Court in 2008.

In fact, Dr. Stephen Halbrook, a historical expert cited with approval
numerous times by the US Supreme Court, attests that his comprehensive search
of the writings surviving the period of the Bill of Rights
shows pervasive support for widespread civilian gun possession,
and O%, ABSOLUTELY NO support for licensure of personal gun possession,
nor of any registration schemes. The Founders saw guns as the Fountains of Life and of personal freedom.


Regardless of how fancy,
I have never licked any of my guns.
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 03:49 pm
I remember my 3rd birthday party, and time leading up to it.

Some of us grew up and no longer want the silly things we wanted at the age of 3.
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 03:52 pm

I remember my 3rd birthday party, and time leading up to it.
parados wrote:
Some of us grew up and no longer want the silly things we wanted at the age of 3.
Guns r not "silly things".
I have saved myself from violent felony by the mere display of mine.
The criminals fled the scene before I cud line up a shot.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 03:54 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
The Founders saw guns as the Fountains of Life and of personal freedom.

Just out of curiosity, what was the most advanced form of "Gun" available at that time?
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 10:53 pm
rosborne979 wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:
The Founders saw guns as the Fountains of Life and of personal freedom.

Just out of curiosity, what was the most advanced form of "Gun" available at that time?
It was probably the Puckle Gun.

Do u argue that the First Amendment protects ONLY
the products of quill pens and of wooden printing presses?? Not A2K,
or 5.1 Surround Sound ?
Justice Scalia took cognizance of that question in the HELLER case of 2008.


NO. Thay were not for shooting Puckles.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 10:59 pm

Fairfax, Va. – Today, four members of the U.S. Senate sent a letter
to President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and the
United Nations with the clear message that the U.N. Arms Trade
Treaty will not be ratified. Earlier this year, the U.N. adopted and
President Obama directed Secretary Kerry to sign this treaty,
which does not exclude civilian arms from its scope and therefore
directly threatens the Second Amendment.

“This letter sends a clear message to President Obama and Secretary
Kerry that the Arms Trade Treaty will not receive the 67 votes
in the U.S. Senate necessary for ratification,” said Chris W. Cox,
executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.

“On behalf of our 5 million members, the NRA would like to thank
those who signed this letter for their principled stand in defending
the Second Amendment freedoms of all law-abiding Americans
against this attempt by the U.N. to undermine American sovereignty.”

Sens. Jon Tester (D-MT), Max Baucus (D-MT), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND),
and Joe Donnelly (D-IN) sent a letter to President Barack Obama
saying, “because of unaddressed concerns that this Treaty’s
obligations could undermine our nation’s sovereignty and the
Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans, we would
oppose the Treaty if it were to come before the U.S. Senate.”

This joins the bipartisan effort of 50 fellow Senators and 181 members
of the U.S. House who sent letters to the President stating their
opposition to the ATT earlier this month.

Note that these 4 Senators were all dissident Democrats,
maybe a little nervous in the service, after having observed
the events of last month in the Senate of Colorado.
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 11:18 pm
Christ, did I bore you all?
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 11:23 pm
I don t know how Christ
felt about it, but I thawt u were interesting.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 07:22 am
A teenage babysitter was arrested Tuesday and charged in the death of a 5-year-old Texas boy who accidentally shot himself with the babysitter's gun while she was napping, authorities said.

Melissa Ann Ringhardt, 19, of Vidor was being held in the Orange County Jail on a felony charge of abandoning or endangering a child, the county sheriff's office said in a statement. She could face a sentence of six months to two years if convicted.

The sheriff's office said Ringhardt, who lives with the boy's family, left her semiautomatic .40-caliber handgun on a coffee table when she went into a bedroom to take a nap Monday afternoon. When she woke up, she couldn't immediately find the boy, identified as John Read, according to the sheriff's office. She eventually discovered him dead in the living room, it said.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 07:28 am

This joins the bipartisan effort of 50 fellow Senators and 181 members
of the U.S. House who sent letters to the President stating their
opposition to the ATT earlier this month.

Proving that 181 members of the U.S. House don't understand how the government works.

It also proves that 50 Senators can't seem to read and David is right there with them.
The UN Arms Trade treaty is specifically for international trade.
Don't they realize that the US border is already restricted by US law that is much stricter than the UN Trade treaty? I'm guessing they are too stupid to realize that.

The text of the treaty can be found here David
I would love for you to point out the specific part you think will restrict gun sales inside the US. C'mon Dave, prove you aren't a moron. Point to the part of the treaty that scares you.
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 11:45 am
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 01:51 pm
This joins the bipartisan effort of 50 fellow Senators and 181 members
of the U.S. House who sent letters to the President stating their
opposition to the ATT earlier this month.
parados wrote:
Proving that 181 members of the U.S. House don't understand how the government works.
Thay have as much right to express themselves
as u do; thay wish to show their constituents
their hostility to gun control, hoping for reward at the polls.
I dont begrudge them that.

parados wrote:
It also proves that 50 Senators can't seem to read
and David is right there with them.
U r most promiscuous qua your acceptable standards of proof.

parados wrote:
The UN Arms Trade treaty is specifically for international trade.
Don't they realize that the US border is already restricted by US law
that is much stricter than the UN Trade treaty? I'm guessing they are too stupid to realize that.
If it is so innocuous, then Y do u care about it??

parados wrote:
The text of the treaty can be found here David
I would love for you to point out the specific part
you think will restrict gun sales inside the US. C'mon Dave,
prove you aren't a moron. Point to the part of the treaty that scares you.
I am fearless; also victorious (insofar as this is concerned). Go prove your own moronity.
I dont take homework assignments from u. Regardless of your love,
I dont remember the section that is objectionable,
but I remember that the whole thing is headed down the toilet
where it belongs, and therefore, I need not commit that to memory. Just flush.

Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 02:00 pm

Yeah, surely the criminal who stole it
wud have been satisfied to only flip hamburgers
and lead an exemplary life, if he did not have that piece.

The world is full of weapons, including guns.
Personally, I dont think much of the M-16 family of shoulder-weapons.
I dont have one; I don t want one. ( I will admit that thay have very low recoil; like a toy. )

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 06:46 pm
If it is so innocuous, then Y do u care about it??

You are the one that cares about it but you can't tell us where the problem is in the treaty?

I care about reality. You don't seem to. You worry about things that don't exist and then when someone tells you it doesn't exist and gives you the evidence, you play stupid games.
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 08:16 pm
If it is so innocuous, then Y do u care about it??
parados wrote:
You are the one that cares about it
I deem it well under control; as dead as the 3rd Reich and communism.
The left is unsuccessfully beating a dead horse.

parados wrote:
but you can't tell us where the problem is in the treaty?
Its not that I cant; its that I am not motivated
to do the work of digging thru it.
Its dead. I fear not zombies.

parados wrote:
I care about reality. You don't seem to.
You worry about things that don't exist
I have no worries.
It looks good.

parados wrote:
and then when someone tells you it doesn't exist
and gives you the evidence, you play stupid games.
I dont choose to be influenced by your definitions of stupidity.

Winning for liberty is fun, tho.

Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 07:14 am
When people oppose something but have no idea what is in the thing they oppose, I consider them stupid.

The actual text of the treaty is only a few pages. It lists the things a state is supposed to do for import, export and transit through their country. I am just wondering where you can possibly think it applies to purchases in the US. Only a complete idiot would think it does. That says something about those Senators and Congressman that oppose it for some unknown reason. They, like you David, seem to be easily led around by the nose.

One of the stated purposes of the treaty is to prevent arms shipments to terrorists. Can we state that your opposition shows you support selling guns to terrorists?

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