Yes, I know that ed. I just don't rate partisan politics when it distorts what has been said or done to such an extent. It puts pressure on the Senators to vote in a manner they don't wish to do, for whatever reason, probably other aspects in the bill which have not been mentioned, and thus undermines democratic processes.
It opens up the possibility also that the bill is a provocation in order to produce a trap and it speaks well of the 22 Senators that they were prepared to be ensnared by it, which they would know they would be, rather than vote for some legislation they do not agree with. They were sent to the Senate by the voters in their states to vote against bills they don't agree with.
Hence, the distortion, insults their constituents and the American public's intelligence.
I do not believe there is any chance that the 22 Senators are not as strongly opposed to violence against women as those who are making a play with the distortion for completely separate reasons which have nothing to do with violence against women. Which is getting too close for comfort to patronising women imo. And to ratcheting up anxiety and fear, which Bernie used to mention, another notch by keeping the subject high up in the consciousness.
As every woman reading the distortion is likely to be strongly opposed to violence against women, the general impression they will get from it is that Republicans are in favour of violence against women.
And that is false. I just thought the record should show that to be the case. The alternative is to impeach all 22 which would be automatic I should think if they have spoken or acted in favour of violence to women.