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Brini Maxwell
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2004 10:24 pm
doglover wrote:
I know of a woman who is so addicted to a particuliar internet bulletin board, that she neglects her four children; one who is a cancer survivor, one is autistic and the other was sexually molested. These children range in age from 8 to 15. She posts from 7 a.m. till almost midnight seven days a week. These past few months her husband has begun to post too. Her children and her home are suffering neglect terribly. I suppose her husband decided to join the board because he couldn't get her to stop her compulsive posting so he decided to join her.

That's terrible. Someone should report her to child care services for neglect.
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:18 am
doglover wrote:
I know of a woman who is so addicted to a particuliar internet bulletin board, that she neglects her four children; one who is a cancer survivor, one is autistic and the other was sexually molested. These children range in age from 8 to 15. She posts from 7 a.m. till almost midnight seven days a week. These past few months her husband has begun to post too. Her children and her home are suffering neglect terribly. I suppose her husband decided to join the board because he couldn't get her to stop her compulsive posting so he decided to join her.

Yeah, that woman sounds familiar, though it is not clear if the molested boy is the same as autistic boy or cancer boy. But the mother refused to notify authorities of the molestation. And you left out the chastity belt her daughter is required to wear and that even though she is a teenager past puberty, she'll never be taught about responsible sexual behavior because her mother expects and believes she will remain a virgin until marriage. Her husband ditched his first wife and their two kids for this woman, who bore 4 more kids. Mostly because she is lacking in self esteem, common sense, and intelligence. The triple perfect combo for a man who requires he dominate his woman in every fashion.

I am sooo thankful my fella does not suffer from these mysoginistic pathologies.

There are tons of great guys out there, Fallen Angel. Don't ever let yourself settle. The fella you are with does not seem like the right fit for you. A girl your age - eeks - get out and meet people in your own area. Expand your horizens. This guy is half way around the world [or wherever the other country is]. Don't let yourself be defined on what he expects of you. I'm not opposed to age differences, but it seems to me he has preyed upon your naivete, with you never having been in a serious relationship before. Treat it like a bandaid. Rip it off quick, cut your losses, and move on. For real.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:26 am
buffytheslayer wrote:
Yeah, that woman sounds familiar, though it is not clear if the molested boy is the same as autistic boy or cancer boy. But the mother refused to notify authorities of the molestation. And you left out the chastity belt her daughter is required to wear and that even though she is a teenager past puberty, she'll never be taught about responsible sexual behavior because her mother expects and believes she will remain a virgin until marriage.

Chastity belt Shocked Shocked Whew, I missed that story! LOL Where in the heck would you go to buy a chastity belt these days? Love Craft? Shocked
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:29 am
doglover wrote:
LOL Where in the heck would you go to buy a chastity belt these days?

LOL I was being facetious. A metaphorical chastity belt, not literal. Though I suppose some Renaissance shop might have one. Laughing
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:34 am
Buffy, that can be part of religious belief, and there's nothing wrong with it. It's blown out of proportion by those who don't understand it.
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:38 am
ossobuco wrote:
Some marriages are very very claustrophobic and people who venture on line often get for the first time a very widened sense of how many other people think, and gain a sense of themselves in the larger world. Sometimes they are apt to be ready victims to some unscrupulous scum, but other times real friendship and perhaps real love will come of the online connection.
I wouldn't be too quick to call these online connections terrible.

I didn't mean to imply that any amount of time spent on the internet is unhealthy for ones psyche and personal relationships. Within reason, the internet is, like you say a window to the world of ideas and people's views. I think that logging on and the hours spent online can, for some people, become an overpowering and destructive force in their life.

Great relationships can be formed with people you meet online...either in chat rooms or bulletin boards such as this. I have met several people on bb's and chat rooms that I consider friends and confidants.
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:42 am
I agree with dog.

I am forced in front of a computer for long hours by my job, and I use the internet to make the time more productive, but I can still feel it become mind-numbing after so long. I've found this site very educational, but it still feels like a waste of time. It just doesn't feel healthy. Still it's better than sitting here doing nothing.
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:43 am
Ok, then, doggy!
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:45 am
SCoates wrote:
Buffy, that can be part of religious belief, and there's nothing wrong with it. It's blown out of proportion by those who don't understand it.

Do you understand the wearing of chastity belts SCoates? If you do, could you clue me in? If you have a daughter, would you want her to wear one? Do they come in small, medium and large?

Buffy.....it's time for me to go to bed! Drunk Facetious you say? Laughing
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:47 am
I don't think she meant an actual chastity belt. Just like saying you keep your kid on a leash doesn't mean an actual leash.
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Fallen Angel
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 11:13 am
Camille wrote:

ok, I stand corrected that you actually met him and know for sure who he is and where he lives, but what I see up here in this response is a lot of excuses for him. If you want to defend him, then why are you here asking people what to do? Your response sort of says you already decided what to do, to be subserviant to him.

No, I am confused, that is why I posted the question. I felt I had to explain more because you had jumped to all sorts of conclusions thinking my case is the same as something you saw on Dr. Phil.

I have a hard time with the comparison of addiction to smoking and the internet. The internet is a choice that you can walk away from at any time if you choose to. It's called discipline. Nicotine addiction is not quite so easy to break since it is a need for a substance.

Too bad you have a hard time with the comparison. If you think a person can't become addicted to the internet then you are fooling yourself.

I don't know Fallen Angel. From what you've said, you sound very inexperienced and immature in the area of relationships. You can consider what people say, or go ahead and do things your way.

You know, I don't think you bothered to read my first post on this topic, or if you did didn't read it that well. Because I said part of the reason I was so upset is because I have never been in any relationship before this one. So thank you for telling me the obvious!

But I do read and consider what other people say, otherwise I would have not posted here. And I do thank all those who have responded. Smile
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Fallen Angel
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 11:19 am
katya8 wrote:
Fallen Angel........what's with you saying, "I need to be punished".....????

Stop that!
You're just begging to be abused, girl.
Your guy should've laughed.
The fact that he didn't, makes him be a truly dangerous superfreak you don't want to be with, so end it and get out while you still can.


Yes...I'll admit saying that was the wrong thing to say. I was quite upset at the time and honestly didn't expect him to punish me; I expected him to tell me not to be silly like he has before. But it seems I got him very pissed off this time. I suppose there are worse things then being ignored by someone who's mad at you.
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Brini Maxwell
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 11:25 am
buffytheslayer wrote:
There are tons of great guys out there, Fallen Angel. Don't ever let yourself settle. The fella you are with does not seem like the right fit for you. A girl your age - eeks - get out and meet people in your own area. Expand your horizens. This guy is half way around the world [or wherever the other country is]. Don't let yourself be defined on what he expects of you. I'm not opposed to age differences, but it seems to me he has preyed upon your naivete, with you never having been in a serious relationship before. Treat it like a bandaid. Rip it off quick, cut your losses, and move on. For real.

Hi Buffy! I agree with what you've said here but I also remember being at Fallen Angel's age and not really wanting to hear what older people had to say.

Fallen Angel, my only advice is something that has been said here by many people. Don't let yourself be defined by anyone else's expectations.
Here's one of my favorite quotations

The easiest thing to be in the world is you.
The most difficult thing to be
is what other people want you to be.
Don't let them put you in that position.

- Leo Buscaglia
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Fallen Angel
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 11:25 am
Noddy24 wrote:
Fallen Angel--

We're probably all older than you are and we're certainly very generous with our good advice. Mark, read, learn and inwardly digest--then make your choices for your life.

A poem from Dorothy Parker which pretty much sums up the generation gap:

In youth it was a way I had
To do my best to please,
And change with every passing lad
To suit his theories.

But now I know the things I know
And do the thinks I do,
And if you do not like me so,
To hell, my love, with you.

You are young. Gather your rosebuds (but 'ware of thorns).

Smile Good poem.

And yes, this forum did seem like a place for good advice. That's why I posted here. And I thank you all for replying.
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Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:52 pm
Fallen Angel wrote:
You know, I don't think you bothered to read my first post on this topic, or if you did didn't read it that well. Because I said part of the reason I was so upset is because I have never been in any relationship before this one. So thank you for telling me the obvious!

I'm sorry Fallen Angel, must have been a senior moment. Embarrassed

I still think "addiction" is used way too much to describe habits. Yes, you can be abnormally addicted to something, someone or some substance but it's a big jump from a habit to an addiction.

I hope you will listen to some of the older, wiser posters and be yourself, whoever that is, and not let anyone else dictate what you can or cannot do (except of course the obvious things against the law).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 12:54 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:
doglover wrote:
LOL Where in the heck would you go to buy a chastity belt these days?

LOL I was being facetious. A metaphorical chastity belt, not literal. Though I suppose some Renaissance shop might have one. Laughing

Welcome buffy! Good to see you here.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 02:00 pm
Brini Maxwell wrote:
Hi Buffy! I agree with what you've said here but I also remember being at Fallen Angel's age and not really wanting to hear what older people had to say.

I'm still under 30. I'm older than Fallen Angel, but not too far away that I can't still relate to that age. I had a serious boyfriend all four years as an undergrad that I met the summer between high school and college and who was the same age as me. We eventually split up our senior year, but I still look back on that time with him with fondness. Even though we eventually broke up, it was an otherwise healthy relationship for me and I credit it for setting the stage for all future relationships that I've had.

Not that many, but still, right off the bat it taught me that you can be in a relationship with a guy who will treat you with dignity and respect and compassion even though you may occasionally argue and bicker over [whatever]. Us being the same age meant we both went through similar maturation at the same time. The fella that Fallen Angel has described, especially him being so much older than her with her only 18-19 suggests his motives are less than pure and he has serious issues with women - controlling, suspicious, etc.

I'm sorry to put this out there so bluntly, but I have difficulty believing that a guy is 30+ yrs old in a foreign country miles from his girlfriend and is completely faithful himself. A tried and true sign of a cheater is when the cheater accuses the [girl/boy] friend of them being a cheater. Classic sign of projecting.

Fallen Angel, don't mean to talk around you. I can appreciate it being hard to hear tough comments about a guy you care about. I hope you can find the strength to do what is right for you - and not what you think will please him.

btw - where do you get those pictures I see some screen names have? Question
0 Replies
Brini Maxwell
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 02:17 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:
btw - where do you get those pictures I see some screen names have? Question

There are some here on the board, or you can bring your own, as I did. Just add it under your profile. There is a size requirement but if it's too big you'll get a message when you try to upload. Just resize it down and use whatever you want.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2004 11:01 pm
Whew, I figured it out the picture now. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2004 08:05 pm
SCoates wrote:
I agree with dog.

I am forced in front of a computer for long hours by my job, and I use the internet to make the time more productive, but I can still feel it become mind-numbing after so long. I've found this site very educational, but it still feels like a waste of time. It just doesn't feel healthy. Still it's better than sitting here doing nothing.


Same here. All of that.

I definitely think that kind of use of the internet (this kind, I mean) can be a force both for good and for bad. And that it can be addicting, to some extent.

I find myself deciding to spend less time here time and again, and failing, and feeling bad about it. I can search myself to find out why I'm here (and I can think of lots of reasons that have zilch to do with this board itself), but that dont make it OK. Its such a great thing to have or do in measured amount - and something that can so keep you from bettering your real life, for one, if you do it too much.
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