Cheese Whiz? (doesn't that just sound wrong

I dunno, I rather like Cheez Whiz on toast. Although...too much of a good thing gives me gas.
What the hell happened to my thread!? It was an exciting thread; a thread filled with a sense of adventure. We talked of the Antarctic and love tents and exotic card games and beautiful women dancing naked on the ice.
Good Lord. Leave you people alone for a second.
Sigh. I'm afraid we're going to have to kill Bill.
kill Bill.
bill kill bill
oh and I forgot to ask///....
Don't you think Cheez Whiz is weird name for almost anything?
God damn it, Joe! Aren't you listening?
I'm trying to steer this thread away from Cheez Whiz -- back to respectability.
Are you one of them?
(now let's get back to planning Bill's demise)
I'm having trouble concentrating, like I'm trying to decide how we should do it, but the only idea I can come up with is drowning him in a vat of Cheez Whiz and now I see that may not be acceptable to you. So how about a vat of of Cheez and Rotel?
For those of Oz, Anglicans and Walter
Rotel is tomatoes and green chilies in a can. Gore --met food.
dlowan and Caprice told me they'd like to entertain the group in the love tent by wrestling naked in a vat of cheeze wiz. I told them I'd have to check with you Gus. What do you think?
hmmmmm, that cheese in grape wrap sounds lovely. i've used some of that grape wrap on my hair. i think it came out rather nicely. quite purple.
For those of Oz, Anglicans and Walter
Ayes workin for Jesus
Da Lord Jesus?
No Kraft Cheeses.
Joe Nation wrote:I'm having trouble concentrating, like I'm trying to decide how we should do it, but the only idea I can come up with is drowning him in a vat of Cheez Whiz and now I see that may not be acceptable to you. So how about a vat of of Cheez and Rotel?
Perhaps a Bill fondue, so we could jab him with the little forks too?
Love the new look eh!
You're stunning look in auberge hues!
Why kill bill, when torture is more fun? Slowly with cheese...
I think parts of your plan has holes in it.
That's ok, We'll work our way around 'em.
You know that waxy rind on some cheeses? Perhaps Gus would like to see Bill cocooned in some of that, like a Big Cheese mummy.
Gus, they've taken over your thread!!!
I miss My Big Cheese Mummy.
But there's another whole Gus thread where Gus hasn't appeared yet...