Kirsten, I thought the joke went like this...
A carrot and a radish were walking down the road, when Gus in a drug induced stupor plowed the '72 Pinto he'd "borrowed" from Slappy, into the back of the poor carrot. He was rushed to the hospital and rushed to the OR. Hours passed and at last the surgeon emerged. Through his tears, the devasted little radish inquired of his dear friend's condition. The kindly doc looked down at him and said, "Well there's good news and bad news. The bad news is he's going to be a vegetable. The good news is I just saved a bunch of money by switching to Gyco.
SCoates, You win the prize for best creative article on A2K.
Wow! that was the most creative thing yet? That's actually kind of disapointing to know.
You just haven't seen the prize.
