What's with all this Kill Bill stuff? Don't you people understand anything about us Wisconsinites? You can't kill us with cheese... please. Being born and raised in the great dairy state, I could easily eat my way out of any cheese trap without even giving up my regularity.
And my, how quickly we turn on our friends.
Joe, don't you remember all the hard campaigning I did on your behalf? Why, without my help you might still be Joe Small-town, not Joe Nation.
And Gus, how about the time you jumped on that empty light fixture like it was a paddle lock or something. I didn't flip on the light switch did I?
And Kirsten, have you really forgotten the time when we were kids and you were balling your eyes out because the big kids wouldn't share their cheddar. Who stepped up?
And finally Ceili, my darling, of course I remember that dominatrix outfit of yours (designed by the same people who manufactured my cheese-head). If that's "torture with cheese", so be it.
Bartender, can I get another round?